
Publications / Conference

Ballistic to diffuse crossover in long quantum wires

Seamons, J.A.; Bielejec, E.; Lilly, M.P.; Reno, J.L.; Du, R.R.

We report a study on the uniformity of long quantum wires in the crossover from ballistic to diffuse transport with lengths ranging from 1 μm to 20 μm. For the 1 μm wire we measure 15 plateaus quantized at integer values of 2e2/h. With increasing length we observe plateaus at conductance values suppressed below the quantized values. With nonlinear fitting to the magnetoresistances we obtain an effective width for the quantum wires. As we find no systematic variation of the effective width as a function of sublevel index for the various length wires, we conclude that we have uniform long single quantum wires up to 20 μm. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.