
Publications / SAND Report

Auto Indexer for Percussive Hammers Final Report

Su, Jiann-Cherng S.; Wright, Elton K.

Geothermal energy has been underutilized in the U.S., primarily due to the high cost of drilling in the harsh environments encountered during the development of geothermal resources. Drilling depths can approach 5,000 m with temperatures reaching 170 C. In situ geothermal fluids are up to ten times more saline than seawater and highly corrosive, and hard rock formations often exceed 240 MPa compressive strength. This combination of extreme conditions pushes the limits of most conventional drilling equipment. Furthermore, enhanced geothermal systems are expected to reach depths of 10,000 m and temperatures more than 300 °C. To address these drilling challenges, Sandia developed a proof-of-concept tool called the auto indexer under an annual operating plan task funded by the Geothermal Technologies Program (GTP) of the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office. The auto indexer is a relatively simple, elastomer-free motor that was shown previously to be compatible with pneumatic hammers in bench-top testing. Pneumatic hammers can improve penetration rates and potentially reduce drilling costs when deployed in appropriate conditions. The current effort, also funded by DOE GTP, increased the technology readiness level of the auto indexer, producing a scaled prototype for drilling larger diameter boreholes using pneumatic hammers. The results presented herein include design details, modeling and simulation results, and testing results, as well as background on percussive hammers and downhole rotation.