Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from an Inland ISFSI Site (''Site B'')
Knight, Andrew W.; Bryan, Charles R.
In October of 2020, dust samples were collected from the surface of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) dry storage canisters during an inspection at an inland Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, the second inland site at which surface deposits have been sampled. The purpose of the sampling was to assess the composition and abundance of the soluble salts present on the canister surface, information which provides a metric for potential corrosion risks. The samples were delivered to Sandia National laboratories for analysis. At Sandia, the soluble salts were leached from the dust and quantified by ion chromatography. In addition, subsamples of the dust were taken for scanning electron microscopy to determine the texture and mineralogy of the dust and salts. The results of those analyses are presented in this report.