
Publications / SAND Report

Analysis of 100 SGIP Interconnection Studies

Sena, Santiago S.; Quiroz, Jimmy E.; Broderick, Robert J.

The purpose of the report is to describe the findings from the analysis of 100 Small Generation Interconnection Procedure (SGIP) studies and describe the methodology used to develop the database. The database was used to identify the most likely impacts and mitigation costs associated with PV system interconnections. A total of 100 SGIP reports performed by 3 utilities and one regional transmission operator (RTO) were analyzed. Each record within the database represents an itemized SGIP report and includes information about the generation facility, interconnection topology, electrical power system characteristics, identified adverse system impacts, mitigation options, and costs associated with interconnection the generation facility. The analysis identified several key findings: * 44% of generation facilities that entered the SGIP study process had no adverse impact on the electrical power system. * Interconnection topologies were strongly correlated to the presence/absence of adverse system impacts. * Protection impacts were the most common adverse system impact. * 50% of SGIP studies identified total connection costs of less than $689,431. * 50% of SGIP studies identified total connection costs per MW of less than $133,833