
Publications / Other Report

An Updated Analysis of Clad Degradation

Brady, Patrick V.; Hanson, Brady D.

This report provides an analysis of the clad barrier function associated with the direct disposal of dual purpose canisters (DPCs) under hypothetical conditions in a shale repository and in an alluvial repository, including the effect of a postulated criticality event inside a disposed DPC. Should a postulated criticality event occur in a hypothetical shale repository, cladding will primarily degrade by general corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking, hydride cracking, creep failure, pitting and crevice corrosion, rod pressurization, and clad unzipping are calculated to have little impact on cladding persistence. At the higher temperature expected during a postulated criticality event in a saturated shale repository, general corrosion of cladding would be rapid - on the order of 0.034 microns/yr. A few hundred years after onset of a postulated criticality event in a shale repository complete general corrosion of fuel assembly grid spacer walls and guide tubes will likely result in settling of fuel rods upon each other. This rod consolidation should displace the water moderator and possibly terminate a postulated criticality. The primary potential degradation pathway for cladding in a hypothetical alluvial repository is localized corrosion by fluoride, which cannot occur in a shale repository. Fluoride-enhanced corrosion of cladding would be accelerated under the slightly higher (< 100°C) temperatures associated with a postulated criticality event. The impact of criticality in both cases (shale and alluvial) would be to increase the amount of failed cladding. But it would require very specialized transport pathways.