
Publications / Conference

An efficient, robust, domain-decomposition algorithm for particle Monte Carlo

Brunner, Thomas A.; Brantley, Patrick S.

A previously described algorithm [T.A. Brunner, T.J. Urbatsch, T.M. Evans, N.A. Gentile, Comparison of four parallel algorithms for domain decomposed implicit Monte Carlo, Journal of Computational Physics 212 (2) (2006) 527-539] for doing domain decomposed particle Monte Carlo calculations in the context of thermal radiation transport has been improved. It has been extended to support cases where the number of particles in a time step are unknown at the beginning of the time step. This situation arises when various physical processes, such as neutron transport, can generate additional particles during the time step, or when particle splitting is used for variance reduction. Additionally, several race conditions that existed in the previous algorithm and could cause code hangs have been fixed. This new algorithm is believed to be robust against all race conditions. The parallel scalability of the new algorithm remains excellent. © 2009 Elsevier Inc.