
Publications / Journal Article

An annular Si drift detector mu PIXE system using AXSIA analysis

Doyle, Barney L.; Walsh, David S.; Rossi, Paolo R.; Kotula, Paul G.

Sandia and Rontec have developed an annular, 12-element, 60 mm{sup 2}, Peltier-cooled, translatable, silicon drift detector called the SDD-12. The body of the SDD-12 is only 22.8 mm in total thickness and easily fits between the sample and the upstream wall of the Sandia microbeam chamber. At a working distance of 1 mm, the solid angle is 1.09 sr. The energy resolution is 170 eV at count rates <40 kcps and 200 eV for rates of 1 Mcps. X-ray count rates must be maintained below 50 kcps when protons are allowed to strike the full area of the SDD. Another innovation with this new {mu}PIXE system is that the data are analyzed using Sandia's Automated eXpert Spectral Image Analysis (AXSIA).