
Publications / Conference

An analysis of iterated local search for job-shop scheduling

Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

Iterated local search, or ILS, is among the most straightforward meta-heuristics for local search. ILS employs both small-step and large-step move operators. Search proceeds via iterative modifications to a single solution, in distinct alternating phases. In the first phase, local neighborhood search (typically greedy descent) is used in conjunction with the small-step operator to transform solutions into local optima. In the second phase, the large-step operator is applied to generate perturbations to the local optima obtained in the first phase. Ideally, when local neighborhood search is applied to the resulting solution, search will terminate at a different local optimum, i.e., the large-step perturbations should be sufficiently large to enable escape from the attractor basins of local optima. ILS has proven capable of delivering excellent performance on numerous N P-Hard optimization problems. [LMS03]. However, despite its implicity, very little is known about why ILS can be so effective, and under what conditions. The goal of this paper is to advance the state-of-the-art in the analysis of meta-heuristics, by providing answers to this research question. They focus on characterizing both the relationship between the structure of the underlying search space and ILS performance, and the dynamic behavior of ILS. The analysis proceeds in the context of the job-shop scheduling problem (JSP) [Tai94]. They begin by demonstrating that the attractor basins of local optima in the JSP are surprisingly weak, and can be escaped with high probaiblity by accepting a short random sequence of less-fit neighbors. this result is used to develop a new ILS algorithms for the JSP, I-JAR, whose performance is competitive with tabu search on difficult benchmark instances. They conclude by developing a very accurate behavioral model of I-JAR, which yields significant insights into the dynamics of search. The analysis is based on a set of 100 random 10 x 10 problem instances, in addition to some widely used benchmark instances. Both I-JAR and the tabu search algorithm they consider are based on the N1 move operator introduced by van Laarhoven et al. [vLAL92]. The N1 operator induces a connected search space, such that it is always possible to move from an arbitrary solution to an optimal solution; this property is integral to the development of a behavioral model of I-JAR. However, much of the analysis generalizes to other move operators, including that of Nowicki and Smutnick [NS96]. Finally the models are based on the distance between two solutions, which they take as the well-known disjunctive graph distance [MBK99].