
Publications / Journal Article

All-optical tuning of symmetry protected quasi bound states in the continuum

Karl, Nicholas J.; Vabishchevich, Polina V.; Liu, Sheng; Sinclair, Michael B.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Peake, Gregory M.; Brener, Igal B.

We demonstrate all-optical switching of high quality factor quasibound states in the continuum resonances in broken symmetry GaAs metasurfaces. By slightly breaking the symmetry of the GaAs nanoresonators, we enable leakage of symmetry protected bound states in the continuum (BICs) to free space that results in sharp spectral resonances with high quality factors of ∼500. We tune the resulting quasi-BIC resonances with ultrafast optical pumping at 800 nm and observe a 10 nm spectral blue shift of the resonance with pump fluences of less than 100 μJ cm-2. The spectral shift is achieved in an ultrafast time scale (<2.5 ps) and is caused by a shift in the refractive index mediated by the injection of free carriers into the GaAs resonators. An absolute reflectance change of 0.31 is measured with 150 μJ cm-2. Our results demonstrate a proof-of-concept that these broken symmetry metasurfaces can be modulated or switched at ultrafast switching speeds with higher contrast at low optical fluences (<100 μJ cm-2) than conventional Mie-metasurfaces.