
Publications / Journal Article

Advances in Clayff Molecular Simulation of Layered and Nanoporous Materials and Their Aqueous Interfaces

Cygan, Randall T.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Kalinichev, Andrey G.

As a general-purpose force field for molecular simulations of layered materials and their fluid interfaces, Clayff continues to see broad usage in atomistic computational modeling for numerous geoscience and materials science applications due to its (1) success in predicting properties of bulk nanoporous materials and their interfaces, (2) transferability to a range of layered and nanoporous materials, and (3) simple functional form which facilitates incorporation into a variety of simulation codes. Here, we review applications of Clayff to model bulk phases and interfaces not included in the original parameter set and recent modifications for modeling surface terminations such as hydroxylated nanoparticle edges. We conclude with a discussion of expectations for future developments.