Accessing Atomic-scale Phosphorus Dopant Distribution in Precise Silicon Devices by Advanced STEM Imaging and Spectroscopy
The structural and chemical characterization at the atomic-scale plays a critical role in understanding the structure-property relationship in precise electrical devices such as those produced by atomic-precision advanced manufacturing (APAM). APAM, utilizing hydrogen lithography in a scanning tunneling microscope, offers a potential pathway to ultra-efficient transistors, and has been developed to produce phosphorus (P)-based donor devices integrated into bare Si substrates. Structural characterization of the buried, Si with P dopant (Si:P) delta-layer in the devices by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), however, is a challenge due to similar atomic number and low concentration of the P dopants. In this paper, we describe several efforts of utilizing advanced STEM imagining and spectroscopic techniques to quantify the Si:P deltalayers. STEM imaging combining low-angle and high-angle annular dark-field (LAADF, HAADF) detectors as well as atomic-scale elemental mapping using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) are used to reveal the P and defect distribution across the delta-layer processed under various thermal conditions.