
Publications / Book

A Simulation-Oblivious Data Transport Model for Flexible In Transit Visualization

Usher, Will; Park, Hyungman; Lee, Myoungkyu N.; Navrátil, Paul; Fussell, Donald; Pascucci, Valerio

In transit visualization offers a desirable approach to performing in situ visualization by decoupling the simulation and visualization components. This decoupling requires that the data be transferred from the simulation to the visualization, which is typically done using some form of aggregation and redistribution. As the data distribution is adjusted to match the visualization’s parallelism during redistribution, the data transport layer must have knowledge of the input data structures to partition or merge them. In this chapter, we will discuss an alternative approach suitable for quickly integrating in transit visualization into simulations without incurring significant overhead or aggregation cost. Our approach adopts an abstract view of the input simulation data and works only on regions of space owned by the simulation ranks, which are sent to visualization clients on demand.