
Publications / Journal Article

A scalable generative graph model with community structure

Kolda, Tamara G.; Pinar, Ali; Plantenga, Todd P.; Comandur, Seshadhri C.

Network data is ubiquitous and growing, yet we lack realistic generative network models that can be calibrated to match real-world data. The recently proposed block two-level Erd?os- Rényi (BTER) model can be tuned to capture two fundamental properties: degree distribution and clustering coefficients. The latter is particularly important for reproducing graphs with community structure, such as social networks. In this paper, we compare BTER to other scalable models and show that it gives a better fit to real data. We provide a scalable implementation that requires only O(dmax) storage, where dmax is the maximum number of neighbors for a single node. The generator is trivially parallelizable, and we show results for a Hadoop MapReduce implementation for modeling a real-worldWeb graph with over 4.6 billion edges. We propose that the BTER model can be used as a graph generator for benchmarking purposes and provide idealized degree distributions and clustering coefficient profiles that can be tuned for user specifications.