
Publications / Journal Article

A neutron recoil-spectrometer for measuring yield and determining liner areal densities at the Z facility

Lahmann, B.; Gatu Johnson, M.; Hahn, K.D.; Frenje, J.A.; Ampleford, David A.; Jones, Brent M.; Mangan, M.A.; Maurer, A.; Ruiz, C.L.; Séguin, F.H.; Petrasso, R.D.

A proof-of-principle CR-39 based neutron-recoil-spectrometer was built and fielded on the Z facility. Data from this experiment match indium activation yields within a factor of 2 using simplified instrument response function models. The data also demonstrate the need for neutron shielding in order to infer liner areal densities. A new shielded design has been developed. The spectrometer is expected to achieve signal-to-background greater than 2 for the down-scattered neutron signal and greater than 30 for the primary signal.