
Publications / SAND Report

A bound on electromagnetic penetration through a slot aperture with backing cavity

Warne, Larry K.; Jorgenson, Roy E.; Williams, Jeffery T.; Basilio, Lorena I.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Campione, Salvatore; Chen, Kenneth C.; Langston, William L.

This report examines bounds on the penetrant power through ports of entry into a conductive cavity. We first replace the cavity by a load and consider the maximum power transfer properties of an antenna or an aperture. We consider how limitations on the load quality factor place limits on received power. For general frequency ranges we model the backing region by means of a uniformly distributed matched load along a slot aperture and adjust its value for maximum power transfer. This result is derived in closed form using a transmission line model for the aperture. This result illustrates the reduction in received power for low frequencies with finitely conducting wall materials. At high frequencies it approaches the receiving cross section of a linear array having the slot length dimension. Next we examine a slot aperture in a conducting rectangular enclosure and determine how the cavity wall losses and resulting quality factor limit the penetrant power. Detailed simulations and experimental measurements are compared with each other and with the bounding results to assess the accuracy of the bounds. These comparisons also indicate limitations on the accuracy of the models due to perturbing influences in construction, such as bolted joints.