
Publications / Journal Article

3-D finite element analysis of induction logging in a dipping formation

Everett, Mark E.; Badea, Eugene A.; Shen, Liang C.; Merchant, Gulamabbas A.; Weiss, Chester J.

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) by a magnetic dipole located above a dipping interface is of relevance to the petroleum well-logging industry. The problem is fully three-dimensional (3-D) when formulated as above, but reduces to an analytically tractable one-dimensional (1-D) problem when cast as a small tilted coil above a horizontal interface. The two problems are related by a simple coordinate rotation. An examination of the induced eddy currents and the electric charge accumulation at the interface help to explain the inductive and polarization effects commonly observed in induction logs from dipping geological formations. The equivalence between the 1-D and 3-D formulations of the problem enables the validation of a previously published finite element solver for 3-D controlled-source EMI.