
Publications / SAND Report

2018 Bryan Mound Baseline Casing Analysis

Moriarty, Dylan

This report analyzes data from multi-arm caliper (MAC) surveys taken at the Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve site to determine baseline statistics for the original innermost cemented casing or the subsequent installed liner. Along with analyzing the internal diame- ters from the MAC surveys, this analysis looks to approximate casing weight, an important metric for determining the strength of well sections. Casing weight is calculated for each section, survey, and well. Results from the analysis show most wells reflect the dimensions in the original as-built drawings. There are, however, a few exceptions. Some well sections have calculated wall thicknesses outside API tolerance. In addition, some well section depths differ from the as-built drawings. All results are discussed on a well-by-well basis. Where applicable, information from this report should be used to update as-built drawings and aid in creating more accurate well models for future studies.