Chalcogenide thin films that undergo reversible phase changes show promise for next-generation nanophotonics, metasurfaces, and other emerging technologies. This general class of thin films can be switched rapidly between amorphous and crystalline phases which exhibit contrasted optical and electronic states. Despite the successful development of benchmark Ge2 Sb2 Te5 for some applications, there is a desire to identify new materials with improved performance. The Sandia LDRD team focused on the behavior of sputter-deposited (Ge2 Sb2Te5)xC1-x [0 < 1-x < 0.12] films and investigated the phase stability and key unknowns of several promising quaternary compositions.
This study confirmed increased crystallization temperatures of C-doped Ge2 Sb2 Te5 consistent with enhanced amorphous phase stability. Additional experiments involving high energy, and heavy ion irradiation explored the stability of films subjected to collision-induced disordering. Detailed characterization showed that crystalline films can be amorphized by ion irradiation (metamictization) and quaternary addition affects radiation tolerance. This study provides new insight into chalcogenide phase stability offering design pathways for future applications. The project involved collaborations with students and faculty from Sandia Alliance partner Purdue University and National/Regional partner University of Florida. This work generated multiple publications including one extensive article in the Journal of Applied Physics. PI David Adams was also recently elected Fellow and President of American Vacuum Society: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing.

Sandia researchers linked to work
- David Adams
- Robin Jacobs-Gedrim
- Thomas Beechem III
- Catherine Sobczak
- Khalid Hattar
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Associated Publications
Sandra Stangebye, Changhui Lei, Aubri Kinghorn, ian robertson, Josh Kacher, Khalid Hattar, (2022). Dynamics of the gold–silicon eutectic reaction studied at limited length scales using in situ $\mathrm{TEM}$ and $\mathrm{STEM}$ Journal of Materials Research https://doi.org/10.1557/s43578-022-00761-5 Publication ID: 80348
Thomas Pfeifer, John Tomko, Eric Hoglund, Ethan Scott, Khalid Hattar, Kenny Huynh, Michael Liao, Mark Goorsky, Patrick Hopkins, (2022). Measuring sub-surface spatially varying thermal conductivity of silicon implanted with krypton Journal of Applied Physics https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0094876 Publication ID: 80092
Michael Abere, Matthew Beason, Robert Reeves, M. Rodriguez, Paul Kotula, Catherine Sobczak, Steven Son, Cole Yarrington, David Adams, (2022). The growth and nanothermite reaction of 2Al/3NiO multilayer thin films Journal of Applied Physics https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0096787 Publication ID: 80024
Matchima Buddhanoy, Sadman Sakib, Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Maryla Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Biswajit Ray, (2022). New Total-Ionizing-Dose Resistant Data Storing Technique for NAND Flash Memory IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability https://doi.org/10.1109/tdmr.2022.3189673 Publication ID: 80949
Trevor Clark, Caitlin Taylor, Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, (2022). Sample Preparation and Experimental Design for In Situ Multi-Beam Transmission Electron Microscopy Irradiation Experiments Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE https://doi.org/10.3791/61293 Publication ID: 74481
Christopher Barr, Elton Chen, James Nathaniel, Ping Lu, David Adams, Remi Dingreville, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, Douglas Medlin, (2022). Irradiation-induced grain boundary facet motion: In situ observations and atomic-scale mechanisms Science Advances https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abn0900 Publication ID: 80682
D. Kittell, Michael Abere, C. Yarrington, David Adams, (2022). 3D simulations of spinlike flames in Co/Al multilayers with enhanced conduction losses Combustion and Flame https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111952 Publication ID: 79969
Eric Lang, Kory Burns, Yongqiang Wang, Paul Kotula, Andrew Kustas, Sal Rodriguez, Assel Aitkaliyeva, Khalid Hattar, (2022). Compositional Effects of Additively Manufactured Refractory High‐Entropy Alloys under High‐Energy Helium Irradiation Nanomaterials https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12122014 Publication ID: 80865
E. Getto, M. Johnson, M. Maughan, N. Nathan, J. McMahan, B. Baker, K. Knipling, S. Briggs, Khalid Hattar, M.J. Swenson, (2022). Friction stir welding and self-ion irradiation effects on microstructure and mechanical properties changes within oxide dispersion strengthened steel $\mathrm{MA956}$ Journal of Nuclear Materials https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153795 Publication ID: 80787
Chao Yang, Tristan Olsen, Miu Lau, Kassiopeia Smith, Khalid Hattar, Amrita Sen, Yaqiao Wu, Dewen Hou, Badri Narayanan, Min Long, Janelle Wharry, Hui Xiong, (2022). In situ ion irradiation of amorphous TiO2 nanotubes Journal of Materials Research https://doi.org/10.1557/s43578-022-00516-2 Publication ID: 80513
Matchima Buddhanoy, Preeti Kumari, Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Maryla Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Biswajit Ray, (2022). Total Ionizing Dose Effects on Long-Term Data Retention Characteristics of Commercial 3-D NAND Memories IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2021.3124484 Publication ID: 76548
Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Maryla Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Daniel Fleetwood, Biswajit Ray, (2022). Total Ionizing Dose Effects on Read Noise of MLC 3-D NAND Memories IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2021.3140204 Publication ID: 79948
Preeti Kumari, Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Maryla Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Narayana Bhat, Biswajit Ray, (2022). Analytical Bit-Error Model of NAND Flash Memories for Dosimetry Application IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2021.3125652 Publication ID: 76707
Mehrdad Kiani, Lucia Gan, Rachel Traylor, Rui Yang, Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, Jonathan Fan, X. Wendy Gu, (2022). In Situ TEM tensile testing of bicrystals with tailored misorientation angles Acta Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117505 Publication ID: 76955
Dawn Flicker, James Carney, Mary Cusentino, Khalid Hattar, Michael Steinkamp, LaRico Treadwell, (2022). Assessment of Sandia’s 2021 Pilot Program for Research Traineeships to Broaden and Diversify Fusion Energy Science: Development and Rapid Screening of Refractory Multi-Principal Elemental Composites for Plasma Facing Components https://doi.org/10.2172/1855066 Publication ID: 79970
Luke Daly, Martin Lee, Lydia Hallis, Hope Ishii, John Bradley, Phillip Bland, David Saxey, Denis Fougerouse, William Rickard, Lucy Forman, Nicholas Timms, Fred Jourdan, Steven Reddy, Tobias Salge, Zakaria Quadir, Evangelos Christou, Morgan Cox, Jeffrey Aguiar, Khalid Hattar, Anthony Monterrosa, Lindsay Keller, Roy Christoffersen, Catherine Dukes, Mark Loeffler, Michelle Thompson, (2021). Solar wind contributions to Earth’s oceans Nature Astronomy https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-021-01487-w Publication ID: 79373
Fei Wang, Xueliang Yan, Xin Chen, Nathan Snyder, Michael Nastasi, Khalid Hattar, Bai Cui, (2021). Pulsed electric current joining of oxide-dispersion-strengthened austenitic steels Journal of Materials Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-021-06495-9 Publication ID: 75536
Cody Dennett, Benjamin Dacus, Christopher Barr, Trevor Clark, Hongbin Bei, Yanwen Zhang, Michael Short, Khalid Hattar, (2021). The dynamic evolution of swelling in nickel concentrated solid solution alloys through in situ property monitoring Applied Materials Today https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2021.101187 Publication ID: 75813
Christopher Smyth, John Cain, Eric Lang, Nathan Madden, Khalid Hattar, Xiaodong Yan, Jiangtan Yuan, Matthew Bland, Taisuke Ohta, Vinod Sangwan, Mark Hersam, Stanley Chou, Tzu-Ming Lu, (2021). Heavy Ion Irradiation Effects on MoS2 Memtransistors https://doi.org/10.2172/1899528 Publication ID: 76880
Khalid Hattar, Eric Lang, Shen Dillon, (2021). Irradiation Creep and Fatigue Observed via In-situ Electron Microscopy https://doi.org/10.2172/1899488 Publication ID: 76706
Kory Burns, Khalid Hattar, Assel. Aitkaliyeva, (2021). Direct Determination of the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Low-dimensional MoS2 https://doi.org/10.2172/1900568 Publication ID: 76990
Khalid Hattar, (2021). TailoringHelium InducedBlistering in Tritide Materials https://doi.org/10.2172/1899487 Publication ID: 76520
Joshua Young, Todd Byers, Eric Lang, Satyabrata Singh, Gary Glass, Khalid Hattar, Bibhudutta Rout, (2021). Synthesis of magnesiowüstite nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous silicate matrix via low energy multiple ion implantations Planetary and Space Science https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2021.105319 Publication ID: 79761
Eric Lang, Catilin Taylor, Riley Parrish, Patrick Price, Nathan Madden, Rajan Tandon, Khalid Hattar, (2021). Effects of He on Nanoscale Mechanical Properties of Er https://doi.org/10.2172/1891434 Publication ID: 76165
Khalid Hattar, Khalid Hattar, Eric Lang, A. Devaraj, A. Devaraj, C. Roach , C. Roach , A. Devaraj, C. Roach , (2021). Comparing Neutron and Ion Irradiation by Atom Probe Tomography and In-situ Electron Microscopy [Slides] https://doi.org/10.2172/1888138 Publication ID: 75772
Gowtham Jawaharram, Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, Shen Dillon, (2021). Evidence for a high temperature whisker growth mechanism active in tungsten during in situ nanopillar compression Nanomaterials https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11092429 Publication ID: 75787
Gwendolyn Hummel, Gary Patrizi, Andrew Young, Katlin Schroeder, Alexander Ruyack, Adrian Schiess, Patrick Finnegan, David Adams, Christopher Nordquist, (2021). Germanium Telluride Chalcogenide Switches for RF Applications https://doi.org/10.2172/1821550 Publication ID: 75822
Xiang Zhang, Fei Wang, Xueliang Yan, Xing Li, Khalid Hattar, Bai Cui, (2021). Nanostructured Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys with High Thermal Stability Advanced Engineering Materials https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202100291 Publication ID: 78802
David Adams, (2021). Basic Research of Intrinsic, Tamper Indication Markings and Patterns Defined by Pulsed Laser Irradiation: 2015 Annual Report IACRO 13-5897I (DTRA Project Year End Report) https://doi.org/10.2172/1813666 Publication ID: 78982
Daniel Vizoso, Maria Kosmidou, T. Balk, Khalid Hattar, Chaitanya Deo, Rémi Dingreville, (2021). Size-dependent radiation damage mechanisms in nanowires and nanoporous structures Acta Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117018 Publication ID: 78670
Khalid Hattar, Eric Lang, W.Streit Cunningham, Suveen Mathadhu, Jason Trelewicz , (2021). In-situ Irradiation, Helium Implantation and Heating to Elucidate Mechanisms in Tungsten Alloys [Slides] https://doi.org/10.2172/1877560 Publication ID: 79374
Trevor Clark, Ethan Scott, David Adams, Khalid Hattar, (2021). In-situ TEM irradiation induced amorphization of Ge2Sb2Te5 https://doi.org/10.2172/1889055 Publication ID: 79457
Eric Lang, E. Homer, J. Bair, Michael Marshall, Henry Padilla, Brad Boyce, D. Frazer, P. Hosemann, Khalid Hattar, (2021). In-situ TEM Cryoindentation of Nanocrystalline Copper https://doi.org/10.2172/1888433 Publication ID: 79207
Khalid Hattar, Eric Lang, Caitlin Taylor, Sarah Pratt, T. Nenoff, (2021). Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping with a Liquid-Cell TEM https://doi.org/10.2172/1884058 Publication ID: 79295
U. Surendranathan, Maryla Olszewska-Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, D. Fleetwood, B. Ray, (2021). Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects on Read Noise of MLC 3D NAND Memories https://doi.org/10.2172/1873467 Publication ID: 78896
Preeti Kumari, Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Maryla Olszewska-Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Biswajit Ray, (2021). Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects on Long-term Data Retention Characteristics of Commercial 3D NAND Memories https://doi.org/10.2172/1873468 Publication ID: 78897
David Adams, Neville Moody, C. Yarrington, (2021). Basic Research of Intrinsic, Tamper-Indication Markings and Patterns Defined by Pulsed Laser Irradiation (2015 Update) https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1889605 Publication ID: 78981
David Adams, Michael Abere, Paul Kotula, C. Yarrington, Catherine Sobczak, Christopher Saltonstall, Thomas Beechem, (2021). Investigating Transport Processes in Reactive Multilayer Films https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1883530 Publication ID: 78984
Eric Lang, Kultaransingh Hooghan, Khalid Hattar, Thorsten Richter, Achim Nadzekya, (2021). Deciphering Liquid Metal Embrittlement and Altered FIB Damage Microstructures on Aluminum https://doi.org/10.2172/1875389 Publication ID: 79017
Christopher Bennett, Tianyao Xiao, Thomas Leonard, Mashid Alamdar, Jack Manuel, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Lin Xue, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Edward Bielejec, Jean Incorvia, Matthew Marinella, (2021). Investigation of Total Ionizing Dose on Domain-wall Magnetic Tunnel Junction Logic Devices (Presentation) https://doi.org/10.2172/1874876 Publication ID: 79031
Shen Dillon, Keith Coffman, Robson Grosso, Gowtham Jawaharram, Lin Feng, Yonghui Ma, Elina Navarro dos Santos Mucillo, Khalid Hattar, Christopher Barr, Ricardo Castro, Jia-hu Ouyang, R. Garcia, Fadi Abdeljawad, (2021). Interfacial Transport Mechanisms Characterized using Ultrahigh Temperature in situ TEM Nanomechanical Testing https://doi.org/10.2172/1872514 Publication ID: 78785
David Adams, Christopher Saltonstall, Thomas Beechem, Michael Abere, Catherine Sobczak, C. Yarrington, Paul Kotula, M. Rodriguez, Ronald Goeke, (2021). (INVITED) Investigating a Few Remaining Unknowns of Reactive Multilayers affecting Ignition and Self-Propagating Reactions https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1884116 Publication ID: 79053
Frank DelRio, Morgan Jones, Thomas Beechem, Anthony McDonald, Tomas Babuska, Michael Dugger, Michael Chandross, Nicolas Argibay, John Curry, (2021). Tribochemical formation of diamond-like carbon films on catalytically-active noble alloys https://doi.org/10.2172/1877514 Publication ID: 79075
Ethan Scott, Christopher Perez, Christopher Saltonstall, David Adams, V. Carter Hodges, Mehdi Asheghi, Kenneth Goodson, Patrick Hopkins, Darin Leonhardt, Elbara Ziade, (2021). Simultaneous thickness and thermal conductivity measurements of thinned silicon from 100 nm to 17 μ m Applied Physics Letters https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0050888 Publication ID: 78473
Michael Abere, Cole Yarrington, Paul Kotula, Joel McDonald, David Adams, (2021). Variable Laser Ignition Pathways in Al/Pt Reactive Multilayers across 10 Decades of Pulse Duration Journal of Physical Chemistry C https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c01776 Publication ID: 78387
Tanvi Ajantiwalay, Lauren Nagel, Stuart Maloy, Khalid Hattar, John Mecholsky, Assel Aitkaliyeva, (2021). Investigation of hardening mechanisms and size effects in proton-irradiated HT-9 steels Journal of Nuclear Materials https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.152866 Publication ID: 77312
Amun Jarzembski, Aleem Siddiqui, Michael Goldflam, IssacRuiz IssacRuiz, Thomas Beechem, (2021). A Re-Configurable Infrared MetasurfaceUtilizing Acoustoelectric-Induced Charge Aggregation in Graphene https://doi.org/10.2172/1871152 Publication ID: 78700
Sandra Stangebye, Yin Zhang, Saurabh Gupta, Ehsan Hosseinian, Frank Yu, Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, Olivier Pierron, Ting Zhu, Josh Kacher, (2021). Grain growth of nanocrystalline aluminum under tensile deformation: A combined in situ TEM and atomistic study Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101068 Publication ID: 78230
Preeti Kumari, Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Maryla Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Narayana Bhat, Biswajit Ray, (2021). Radiation-Induced Error Mitigation by Read-Retry Technique for MLC 3-D NAND Flash Memory IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2021.3052909 Publication ID: 75178
T. Xiao, Christopher Bennett, Frederick Mancoff, Jack Manuel, David Hughart, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Edward Bielejec, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Jijun Sun, Sanjeev Aggarwal, Reza Arghavani, Matthew Marinella, (2021). Heavy-Ion-Induced Displacement Damage Effects in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Perpendicular Anisotropy IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2021.3057348 Publication ID: 77543
Christopher Barr, Ta Duong, Daniel Bufford, Abhilash Molkeri, Nathan Heckman, David Adams, Ankit Srivastava, Michael Demkowicz, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, (2021). High-Cycle Fatigue In Situ in the Transmission Electron Microscope https://doi.org/10.2172/1863859 Publication ID: 78128
Khalid Hattar, (2021). Mechanical B ehavior of Irradiated M etals https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1877534 Publication ID: 78156
Amun Jarzembski, Aleem Siddiqui, Michael Goldflam, Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, (2021). A Re-Configurable Infrared Metasurface Utilizing Acoustoelectric-Induced Charge Aggregation in Graphene https://doi.org/10.2172/1864498 Publication ID: 78176
Zachary Piontkowski, Angela Cleri, Christopher Saltonstall, Anthony McDonald, Jon Ihlefeld, Jon-Paul Maria, Thomas Beechem, (2021). Lattice Quality Limits Mobility in Donor Doped CdO https://doi.org/10.2172/1865257 Publication ID: 78222
Amun Jarzembski, Aleem Siddiqui, Michael Goldflam, IssacRuiz IssacRuiz, Thomas Beechem, (2021). A Re-Configurable Infrared MetasurfaceUtilizing Acoustoelectric-Induced Charge Aggregation in Graphene https://doi.org/10.2172/1866054 Publication ID: 78249
Samuel Liu, Matthew Marinella, Jean Incorvia, Christopher Bennett, Tianyao Xiao, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, (2021). Radiation Hard Nonvolatile Memory and Logic Based on Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Magnetic computing device simulations for neural network applications https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1861011 Publication ID: 77847
Zachary Milne, Katherine Jungjohann, Khalid Hattar, (2021). Combined-Extreme In Situ Experiments by Redesign of a Transmission Electron Microscope Pole-Piece Gap https://doi.org/10.2172/1855930 Publication ID: 77650
Daniel Hong, Khalid Hattar, Nan Li, Harshad Paranjape, Jeremy Schaffer, Alejandro Hinojos, Michael Mills, Taiwu Yu, Yunzhi Wang, Peter Anderson, (2021). Pseudoelastic Response of Ion-Implanted Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy: Combining Experimentation and Forward Modeling https://doi.org/10.2172/1854069 Publication ID: 77425
Khalid Hattar, Katherine Jungjohann, (2021). Possibility of an integrated transmission electron microscope: enabling complex in-situ experiments Journal of Materials Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05598-z Publication ID: 75137
Khalid Hattar, (2021). Deconvoluting Mechanism in Complex Environments via In-situ TEM https://doi.org/10.2172/1854440 Publication ID: 77480
Christopher Barr, Stephen Foiles, Malek Alkayyali, Yasir Mahmood, Patrick Price, David Adams, Brad Boyce, Fadi Abdeljawad, Khalid Hattar, (2021). The role of grain boundary character in solute segregation and thermal stability of nanocrystalline Pt-Au Nanoscale https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR07180C Publication ID: 80588
Ethan Scott, Jeffrey Braun, Khalid Hattar, Joshua Sugar, John Gaskins, Mark Goorsky, Sean King, Patrick Hopkins, (2021). Probing thermal conductivity of subsurface, amorphous layers in irradiated diamond Journal of Applied Physics https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0038972 Publication ID: 75061
Ethan Scott, Khalid Hattar, Jeffrey Braun, Joshua Sugar, Sean King, Mark Goorsky, Patrick Hopkins, (2021). Phase-dictated thermal conductivity response in carbon systems exposed to ion irradiation https://doi.org/10.2172/1847031 Publication ID: 77324
Riley Parrish, Daniel Bufford, David Frazer, Caitlin Taylor, Jacob Gutierrez-Kolar, Daniel Buller, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, (2021). Exploring Coupled Extreme Environments via In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Microscopy Today https://doi.org/10.1017/s1551929520001595 Publication ID: 77486
Zahabul Islam, Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, Aman Haque, (2021). Defect annihilation in heavy ion irradiated polycrystalline gold Materials Letters https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128694 Publication ID: 70943
J. Brown, David Adams, C. Scott Alexander, J. Wise, William Reinhart, (2021). Thin film graded density impactors for high rate off-Hugoniot loading: Application to Ta strength 2019 15th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, HVIS 2019 https://doi.org/10.1115/HVIS2019-083 Publication ID: 67952
Caitlin Taylor, Khalid Hattar, (2021). Hydrogen Isotope Effects in Materials https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1843543 Publication ID: 75193
Qianying Guo, Yucong Gu, Christopher Barr, Thomas Koenig, Khalid Hattar, Lin Li, Gregory Thompson, (2020). In situ indentation and high cycle tapping deformation responses in a nanolaminate crystalline/amorphous metal composite Materials Science and Engineering: A https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.140074 Publication ID: 74598
Elliot Fuller, Elliot Fuller, Yiyang Li, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Conrad James, Matthew Marinella, (2020). Floating-gate memory based on ion-insertion electrodes for neuromorphic computing https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1831565 Publication ID: 71756
Suveen Mathaudhu, Heather Salvador, Trevor Clark, Ramos, Sina Shahrezaei, Khalid Hattar, (2020). Gradatim Ferociter : Exploring the Grain Size Stability of Heterogeneous Copper in Thermal Mechanical and Radiation Environments https://doi.org/10.2172/1831018 Publication ID: 71565
Amun Jarzembski, Michael Goldflam, Aleem Siddiqui, Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, (2020). Enhancing Graphene Plasmonic Device Performance via its Dielectric Environment https://doi.org/10.2172/1830054 Publication ID: 71618
Robson Grosso, K. Vikrant, Lin Feng, Eliana Muccillo, Dereck Muche, Gowtham Jawaharram, Christopher Barr, Anthony Monterrosa, Ricardo Castro, R. García, Khalid Hattar, Shen Dillon, (2020). Ultrahigh temperature in situ transmission electron microscopy based bicrystal coble creep in Zirconia II: Interfacial thermodynamics and transport mechanisms Acta Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.08.070 Publication ID: 74723
Khalid Hattar, (2020). Exploring Extreme Environments via In-situ Electron Microscopy https://doi.org/10.2172/1830990 Publication ID: 71673
Ethan Scott, Elbara Ziade, Christopher Saltonstall, Anthony McDonald, M. Rodriguez, Patrick Hopkins, Thomas Beechem, David Adams, (2020). Thermal conductivity of (Ge2Sb2Te5)1–xCx phase change films Journal of Applied Physics https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0023476 Publication ID: 71258
K. Vikrant, Robson Grosso, Lin Feng, Eliana Muccillo, Dereck Muche, Gowtham Jawaharram, Christopher Barr, Anthony Monterrosa, Ricardo Castro, R. García, Khalid Hattar, Shen Dillon, (2020). Ultrahigh temperature in situ transmission electron microscopy based bicrystal coble creep in zirconia I: Nanowire growth and interfacial diffusivity Acta Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.08.069 Publication ID: 74722
Tianyao Xiao, Christopher Bennett, Frederick Mancoff, Jack Manuel, David Hughart, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Edward Bielejec, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Jijun Sun, Sanjeev Aggarwal, Reza Arghavani, Matthew Marinella, (2020). Heavy-ion-induced displacement damage effects in magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotropy https://doi.org/10.2172/1831024 Publication ID: 71473
Cody Dennett, Benjamin Dacus, Trevor Clark, Christopher Barr, Yanwen Zhang, Khalid Hattar, Michael Short, (2020). In situ observation of short- and longtimescale material property evolution under extreme conditions https://doi.org/10.2172/1829241 Publication ID: 71510
James Levy, David Adams, Douglas Nichols, Richard Harrison, Matthew Jordan, Liam Claus, Daniel Dorsey, (2020). Multi-Layered Solid-State Neutron Sensor https://doi.org/10.2172/1830935 Publication ID: 71397
James Levy, David Adams, Douglas Nichols, Richard Harrison, Matthew Jordan, Liam Claus, Daniel Dorsey, (2020). Multi-Layered Solid-State Neutron Sensor https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1824932 Publication ID: 71142
Mehrdad Kiani, Khalid Hattar, X. Gu, (2020). In Situ TEM Study of Radiation Resistance of Metallic Glass-Metal Core-Shell Nanocubes ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c10664 Publication ID: 74611
Tianyao Xiao, Christopher Bennett, Xuan Hu, Benjamin Feinberg, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Sapan Agarwal, John Brunhaver, Joseph Friedman, Jean Incorvia, Matthew Marinella, (2020). Energy-efficient stateful logic with magnetic domain walls https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2568658 Publication ID: 74758
Riley Parrish, Khalid Hattar, (2020). In-situ Characterization of Nanomaterials in Extreme Environments with the I3TEM https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1822624 Publication ID: 70961
Khalid Hattar, Samuel Briggs, Christopher Barr, Nathan Heckman, Trevor Clark, Brad Boyce, (2020). Exploring the Extremes via In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy https://doi.org/10.26226/morressier.5f5f8e69aa777f8ba5bd60d0 Publication ID: 71009
Preeti Kumari, Sijay Huang, Maryla Wasiolek, Khalid Hattar, Biswajit Ray, (2020). Layer-Dependent Bit Error Variation in 3-D NAND Flash under Ionizing Radiation IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2020.3014261 Publication ID: 74605
Amun Jarzembski, Michael Goldflam, Aleem Siddiqui, Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, (2020). Enhancing graphene plasmonic device performance via its dielectric environment Physical Review Applied https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevapplied.14.034044 Publication ID: 71289
Michael Goldflam, Evan Anderson, Torben Fortune, J. Klem, S. Hawkins, Paul Davids, Salvatore Campione, Aaron Pung, Preston Webster, Phillip Weiner, Patrick Finnegan, Joel Wendt, Michael Wood, Chris Haines, Wesley Coon, Jonathon Olesberg, Eric Shaner, Clark Kadlec, Thomas Beechem, Michael Sinclair, Anna Tauke-Pedretti, Jin Kim, David Peters, (2020). Nanoantenna-Enhanced Resonant Detectors for Improved Infrared Detector Performance https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1812999 Publication ID: 74459
Emily Hopkins, Khalid Hattar, Chris Barr, Trevor Clark, Riley Parrish, (2020). In-Situ Annealing of Pt-Au Alloys: Grain Growth with Temperature and Composition Dependence https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1877563 Publication ID: 74249
M. Rodriguez, Stephanie DeJong, David Adams, Ethan Scott, James Griego, N. Valdez, (2020). Employing Principal Component Analysis for XRD Signal Extraction of Germanium Antimony Telluride Thin Films During Crystallization https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1811815 Publication ID: 74291
Paul Specht, David Adams, John Mitchell, J. Brown, Brittany Branch, Stewart Silling, J. Wise, Donald Brown, Todd Palmer, (2020). Response of Wrought and Additively Manufactured 304L Stainless Steel at Mbar Stresses https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1812161 Publication ID: 74340
Khalid Hattar, (2020). Exploring coupled extreme environments via in-situ transmission electron microcopy https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1810695 Publication ID: 74206
Christopher Saltonstall, Zachary McClure, Michael Abere, David Guzman, Samuel Reeve, Alejandro Strachan, Paul Kotula, David Adams, Thomas Beechem, (2020). Complexion dictated thermal resistance with interface density in reactive metal multilayers Physical Review B https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.101.245422 Publication ID: 73846
Amir Ali, Hyun Kim, Khalid Hattar, Samuel Briggs, Dong Jun Park, Jung Hwan Park, Youho Lee, (2020). Ion irradiation effects on Cr-coated zircaloy-4 surface wettability and pool boiling critical heat flux Nuclear Engineering and Design https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110581 Publication ID: 74604
Khalid Hattar, (2020). In situ TEM Failures in Fatigue and Other Extreme Environments https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1805330 Publication ID: 73949
Michael Goldflam, Isaac Ruiz, S. Howell, Anna Tauke-Pedretti, Evan Anderson, J. Wendt, P. Finnegan, S. Hawkins, W. Coon, Torben Fortune, Eric Shaner, Clark Kadlec, Jonathon Olesberg, J. Klem, Preston Webster, Michael Sinclair, Jin Kim, David Peters, Thomas Beechem, (2020). Monolithically fabricated tunable long-wave infrared detectors based on dynamic graphene metasurfaces Applied Physics Letters https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0007780 Publication ID: 73610
Nathan Heckman, Henry Padilla, Joseph Michael, Christopher Barr, Blythe Clark, Khalid Hattar, Brad Boyce, (2020). Rethinking scaling laws in the high-cycle fatigue response of nanostructured and coarse-grained metals International Journal of Fatigue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105472 Publication ID: 71486
Caitlin Taylor, Joshua Sugar, David Robinson, Norman Bartelt, Ryan Sills, Khalid Hattar, (2020). Using In Situ TEM Helium Implantation and Annealing to Study Cavity Nucleation and Growth JOM https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-020-04117-4 Publication ID: 74313
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Christopher Bennett, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, David Hughart, Albert Talin, J.A. Incorvia, (2020). Neuromorphic Computing with Analog Nonvolatile Memory https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1783628 Publication ID: 73366
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Christopher Bennett, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, David Hughart, Elliot Fuller, Alexander Hsia, Albert Talin, (2020). Energy Efficient Neural Network Training with Analog Synapses: Challenges and Opportunities https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1780964 Publication ID: 73368
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Christopher Bennett, Tianyao Xiao, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, David Hughart, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Hugh Barnaby, Jean Incorvia, (2020). Efficient Neural Network Processing with Analog In-Memory Computing https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1780947 Publication ID: 73371
Corbett Battaile, David Adams, N. Moore, Michael Prime, J. Wise, (2020). Simulating the Effects of Microscale Heterogeneities on the Mechanical Response of Tantalum during High-Rate Loading https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1770548 Publication ID: 72987
Jennifer Schuler, Robert Copeland, Khalid Hattar, Timothy Rupert, Samuel Briggs, (2020). Solid-state dewetting instability in thermally-stable nanocrystalline binary alloys Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100618 Publication ID: 74531
Jennifer Schuler, Charlette Grigorian, Christopher Barr, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, Timothy Rupert, (2020). Amorphous intergranular films mitigate radiation damage in nanocrystalline Cu-Zr Acta Materialia https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2019.12.048 Publication ID: 74538
Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Stephen Howell, Kevin Goodman, Anthony McDonald, Paul Thelen, Michael Goldflam, (2020). Depleted Graphene-Insulator-Silicon Junctions for High Energy Detection of Ions and Gamma Rays https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1771267 Publication ID: 73058
Khalid Hattar, (2020). Exploring the Extremes of Mechanical Behavior through In-situ Electron Microscopy https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1769560 Publication ID: 72921
David Adams, Michael Abere, Catherine Sobczak, Paul Kotula, Thomas Beechem, Christopher Saltonstall, Zach McClure, Alejandro Strachan, (2020). Revealing the structure and composition of small interfacial volumes composed within reactive multilayer thin films https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1773596 Publication ID: 73177
Khalid Hattar, (2020). Tailoring the Thermal Mechanical and Acoustic Properties through Ion Beam Modification https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1769561 Publication ID: 72922
Ryan Murphy, Samantha Lawrence, Neville Moody, C. Yarrington, Geneva Rockwell, David Adams, (2020). Basic Research of Intrinsic Tamper-Indication Markings and Patterns Defined by Pulsed Laser Irradiation: FY 14 Update https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1773593 Publication ID: 73178
Riley Parrish, Khalid Hattar, Christopher Barr, Garritt Tucker, Ankit Gupta, (2020). TEM Comparison of Neutron and Ion Beam Damage in Nanocrystalline Gold https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1773662 Publication ID: 73182
Riley Parrish, Khalid Hattar, Christopher Barr, Garritt Tucker, Ankit Gupta, (2020). In-Situ TEM Characterization and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Microstructural Response of Nanocrystalline Gold to Rapid Thermal Annealing https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1773663 Publication ID: 73183
Robson Grosso, Eliana Muccillo, Dereck Muche, Gowtham Jawaharram, Christopher Barr, Anthony Monterrosa, Ricardo Castro, Khalid Hattar, Shen Dillon, (2020). In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy for Ultrahigh Temperature Mechanical Testing of ZrO2 Nano Letters https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04205 Publication ID: 73771
Trevor Clark, Khalid Hattar, Suveen Mathaudhu, Samuel Briggs, Robert Dowding, Jason Trelewciz, (2020). Irradiation induced damage evolution in Tungsten https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1767395 Publication ID: 72729
Christopher Barr, Patrick Price, Nathan Heckman, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, (2020). Exploring Stability of Nanocrystalline Metals with Competing Solute Effects Under High Temperature Irradiation https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1767381 Publication ID: 72733
H. Salvador, Y. Sun, Trevor Clark, Khalid Hattar, S. Shahrezaei, S.N. Mathaudhu, (2020). Radiation tolerance of gradient grain-structured copper processed by surface mechanical attrition treatment https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1767889 Publication ID: 72751
Khalid Hattar, (2020). NSUF at Sandia National Laboratories https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1768148 Publication ID: 72780
Nathan Heckman, Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, David Adams, Timothy Furnish, Brad Boyce, (2020). Watching high-cycle fatigue in nanocrystalline Pt and Pt-Au https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1768173 Publication ID: 72804
Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Christopher Bennett, Tianyao Xiao, Michael Van Heukelom, David Hughart, Elliot Fuller, Yiyang Li, Albert Talin, Matthew Marinella, (2020). Designing and Modelling Analog Neural Network Training Accelerators https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1764800 Publication ID: 72120
Christopher Saltonstall, Zach McClure, Michael Abere, David Guzman, Samuel Reeve, Alejandro Strachan, Paul Kotula, David Adams, Thomas Beechem, (2020). Non-linear Thermal Resistance Trend with Increasing Bilayer Density https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1766932 Publication ID: 72655
Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, Michael Goldflam, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Paul Thelen, Stepehen Howell, Kevin Goodman, (2020). Depleted Graphene-Insulator-Silicon Junctions for High Energy Detection of Ions and Gamma Rays https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1761022 Publication ID: 70725
Cody Dennett, R. Choens, Caitlin Taylor, Nathan Heckman, Mathew Ingraham, David Robinson, Brad Boyce, Michael Short, Khalid Hattar, (2020). Listening to Radiation Damage In Situ: Passive and Active Acoustic Techniques JOM https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-019-03898-7 Publication ID: 65957
D. Kittell, Michael Abere, David Adams, (2019). 3D Simulations of Reaction Front Dynamics in a 1:1 Co/Al Reactive Multilayer System https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1643516 Publication ID: 66640
Ethan Scott, Khalid Hattar, Jeffrey Braun, Christina Rost, John Gaskins, Tingyu Bai, Yekan Wang, Claire Ganski, Mehrdad Fazli, Mark Goorsky, Patrick Hopkins, (2019). Thermal Property Manipulation Of Crytalline Materials through Ion Implantation https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1643456 Publication ID: 66750
Steven Hayden, Claire Chisholm, Rachael Grudt, Jeffery Aguiar, William Mook, Paul Kotula, Tatiana Pilyugina, Daniel Bufford, Khalid Hattar, Timothy Kucharski, Ihsan Taie, Michele Ostraat, Katherine Jungjohann, (2019). Localized corrosion of low-carbon steel at the nanoscale npj Materials Degradation https://doi.org/10.1038/s41529-019-0078-1 Publication ID: 67053
Scott Schmucker, Evan Anderson, Joe Lucero, Ezra Bussmann, Ping Lu, Aaron Katzenmeyer, Ting Luk, Thomas Beechem, L. Tracy, Tzu-Ming Lu, Albert Grine, Daniel Ward, DeAnna Campbell, Phillip Gamache, Mathew Gunter, Shashank Misra, (2019). Characterization and Impact of Atomic Imperfections in Si:P Materials and Devices https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1643545 Publication ID: 66587
Christopher Saltonstall, Thomas Beechem, (2019). NiOx Thermal Boundary Conductance https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1646296 Publication ID: 66365
Christopher Saltonstall, Thomas Beechem, Andrew Allerman, (2019). Thermal Conductivity of AlGaN: Assessing Alloying and Layer Thickness https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1643309 Publication ID: 66366
Michael Abere, Catherine Sobczak, David Adams, (2019). Prediction of spin band widths in Co/Al nanolaminates https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1643625 Publication ID: 66448
Taisuke Ohta, Morgann Berg, Thomas Beechem, Calvin Chan, Kunttal Keyshar, Xiang Zhang, Robert Vajtai, Gautam Gupta, Pulickel Ajayan, Aditya Mohite, (2019). Experimental Determination of the Ionization Energies of MoSe2 WS2 and MoS2 Using Photoemission Electron Microscopy https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1643573 Publication ID: 66548
David Adams, Michael Abere, C. Sobczak, M. Rodriguez, (2019). Stabilizing effects of oxidation on propagating formation reactions occurring in nanometer-scale metal multilayers Thin Solid Films https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2019.05.068 Publication ID: 69319
Benjamin Cowen, Mohamed El-Genk, Khalid Hattar, Samuel Briggs, (2019). Investigations of irradiation effects in crystalline and amorphous SiC Journal of Applied Physics https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5085216 Publication ID: 65689
Paul Specht, John Mitchell, David Adams, J. Brown, Stewart Silling, J. Wise, Todd Palmer , (2019). Shortening the Design and Certification Cycle for Additively Manufactured Materials by Improved Mesoscale Simulations and Validation Experiments: Fiscal Year 2019 Status Report https://doi.org/10.2172/1570554 Publication ID: 65576
Trevor Clark, Caitlin Taylor, David Robinson, Joshua Sugar, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Nanobubbles and Nanocavities in Palladium as a Function of He https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642743 Publication ID: 65473
Subrahmanyam Goriparti, Matthaeus Wolak, Thomas Beechem, Paul Cuillier, Michael Siegal, Katharine Harrison, (2019). Pulsed Laser Deposited Nanoporous Carbon as a Lithium Ion Battery Anode https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642877 Publication ID: 65766
Aaron Katzenmeyer, Michael Goldflam, Thomas Beechem, Amun Jarzembski, Andrew Baczewski, Steve Young, (2019). APAM Photonics Silicon: optics beyond the telecom region https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1700541 Publication ID: 66032
Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, Michael Goldflam, Anthony McDonald, Stephen Howell, Kevin Goodman, Paul Thelen, (2019). High Energy Ion and Gamma Detection using the Graphene-Insulator-Semiconductor Junction https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642720 Publication ID: 65308
Isaac Ruiz, Thomas Beechem, Anthony McDonald, Stephen Howell, Bruce Draper, Paul Thelen, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Michael Goldflam, (2019). Depleted Graphene-Oxide-Semiconductor Junctions for High Energy Radiation Detection https://doi.org/10.1109/DRC46940.2019.9046424 Publication ID: 65309
Isaac Ruiz, Michael Goldflam, Thomas Beechem, Stephen Howell, (2019). The Deeply Depleted Graphene-Insulator-Semiconductor Junction: A Versatile Approach Towards Light Sensing Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2527312 Publication ID: 65310
Khalid Hattar, Christopher Barr, Nathan Heckman, Brad Boyce, Stephen Foiles, Fadi Abdeljawad, (2019). Decoupling Thermal Mechanical and Irradiation Stability Mechanisms in Nanocrystalline Pt Alloys https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642715 Publication ID: 65339
Khalid Hattar, Christopher Barr, Brittany Muntifering, Daniel Bufford, Caitlin Taylor, Stephen Foiles, Fadi Abdeljawad, Samuel Briggs, (2019). Exploring the Interplay Between Grain Boundaries and Radiation Damage https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642611 Publication ID: 65376
David Adams, Michael Abere, Catherine Sobczak, Paul Kotula, M. Rodriguez, (2019). Unstable propagating reactions in sputter-deposited nanolaminates https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641979 Publication ID: 64865
David Adams, Michael Abere, Catherine Sobczak, Robert Reeves, (2019). Propagating Exothermic Reactions in Al/Pt Multilayers of Varied Composition https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641980 Publication ID: 64866
David Adams, Michael Abere, Catherine Sobczak, Robert Reeves, (2019). Propagating Exothermic Reactions in Al/Pt Multilayers of Varied Composition https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641981 Publication ID: 64867
David Adams, Catherine Sobczak, C. Yarrington, Michael Abere, Robert Reeves, (2019). Exothermic Reactions in Al/Pt Multilayers of Varied Stoichiometry https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641982 Publication ID: 64868
Samule Briggs, Anthony Monterrosa, Caitlin Taylor, Graeme Greaves, Jonathan Hinks, Khalid Hattar, (2019). In-situ observations of bubble evolution in Pd during He implantation at cryogenic temperatures in a H2 environment https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642614 Publication ID: 65384
Caitlin Taylor, Khalid Hattar, Yongqiang Wang, Clark Snow, (2019). Crack Propagation in Helium Implanted Erbium Deuteride https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642603 Publication ID: 65130
Trevor Clark, Arun Devaraj, Suveen Mathaudhu, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Effect of Irradiation on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Nanocomposite https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642622 Publication ID: 65397
Trevor Clark, Caitlin Taylor, Khalid Hattar, David Robinson, Joshua Sugar, (2019). Evolution of He nanobubbles and nanocavities in Palladium https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1642044 Publication ID: 64967
Khalid Hattar, Christopher Barr, Anthony Monterrosa, Gowtham Jawaharram, Samuel Briggs, Nathan Heckman, Brad Boyce, Dillon J., (2019). Pushing the Frontiers of Electron Microscopy Stressors https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641805 Publication ID: 64638
Mary Crawford, Anthony Rice, Andrew Allerman, Dan Spataru, Thomas Beechem, Taisuke Ohta, (2019). Hexagonal BN: Recent Advances and Potential for UV Optoelectronics (invited) https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641674 Publication ID: 70528
Caitlin Taylor, Khalid Hattar, Paul Kotula, Dale Zschiesche, Ronald Goeke, Bruce Arey, Bethany Matthews, (2019). Investigation of Helium Behavior in Multilayered Hydride Structures Through In-situ TEM Ion Implantation https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927619008584 Publication ID: 64655
Brian Reed, Anthony Monterrosa, A.A. Moghadam, Ruth Bloom, Sang-Tae Park, Samuel Briggs, Patrick Price, Sarah Tutt, Christopher Barr, Joesph McKeown, Daniel Masiel, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Initiation of Grain Growth Observed Using Ultrafast TEM Deflectors https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641507 Publication ID: 70289
Michael Goldflam, Thomas Beechem, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Paul Thelen, Joshua Shank, Raktim Sarma, Paul Davids, Richard Harrison, Sean Smith, Lorenza Friedrich, Bruce Draper, Stephen Howell, Isaac Ruiz, (2019). Graphene-Based PhotoFET for Optical and Radiation Detection https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641687 Publication ID: 70547
Hojun Lim, Jay Carroll, Douglas Medlin, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Quantitative multiscale microscopy of defects and deformation for application to materials modeling https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1670868 Publication ID: 70585
Samule Briggs, Anthony Monterrossa, Nathan Heckman, Christopher Barr, LaRico Treadwell, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Development of the In-Situ Ion Irradiation SEM at Sandia National Laboratories https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927619008717 Publication ID: 70363
Isaac Ruiz, Michael Goldflam, Thomas Beechem, Raktim Sarma, Howell Stephen, (2019). The Deeply Depleted Graphene-Insulator-Semiconductor Junction: A versatile Approach towards light sensing across the electromagnetic spectrum https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2527312 Publication ID: 70621
Christopher Barr, Dan Qu, William Mook, Bryan Korth, Jamie Kropka, Craig Burkhart, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Application of In-situ TEM Nanoscale Quantitative Mechanical Testing to Elastomers https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927619008353 Publication ID: 70381
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, David Hughart, Isaac Richter, Alexander Hsia, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Ronald Goeke, Steven Plimpton, Conrad James, (2019). Ultra-Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithm Acceleration Enabled by Resistive Memory (ReRAM) Crossbars https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641227 Publication ID: 69896
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, David Hughart, Isaac Richter, Alexander Hsia, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Ronald Goeke, Steven Plimpton, Conrad James, (2019). Ultra-Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithm Acceleration Enabled by Resistive Memory (ReRAM) Crossbars https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641228 Publication ID: 69897
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Alexander Hsia, David Hughart, Isaac Richter, Elliot Fuller, Steven Plimpton, Albert Talin, Conrad James, (2019). Ultra-Efficient Neural Algorithm Accelerator Using Processing With Memory (Poster) https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641229 Publication ID: 69898
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Alexander Hsia, David Hughart, Isaac Richter, Elliot Fuller, Steven Plimpton, Albert Talin, Conrad James, (2019). Ultra-Efficient Neural Algorithm Accelerator Using Processing With Memory https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641230 Publication ID: 69899
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, John Niroula, Ronald Goeke, Alexander Hsia, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Conrad James, (2019). Toward an Analog Neural Accelerator with 10 fJ per Operation using Resistive Synaptic Devices https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641231 Publication ID: 69900
Matthew Marinella, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Alexander Hsia, David Hughart, Conrad James, Sapan Agarwal, Asa Bortz-Johnson, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Hugh Barnaby, (2019). Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithm Training with Analog Memory Arrays https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641233 Publication ID: 69902
Matthew Marinella, Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, David Hughart, Christopher Bennett, Alexander Hsia, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Hugh Barnaby, (2019). Efficient Neuromorphic Computing in SWaP-Constrained Environments https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641234 Publication ID: 69903
Matthew Marinella, Christopher Bennett, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Alexander Hsia, David Hughart, Conrad James, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Edward Bielejec, Sapan Agarwal, Elliot Fuller, Albert Talin, Jennifer Taggart, Hugh Barnaby, (2019). Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithm Training with Analog Memory Arrays https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641235 Publication ID: 69904
William Rice, James Levy, David Adams, Douglas Nichols, Richard Harrison, Matthew Jordan, Adam Jones, Liam Claus, Sara Jensen, Daniel Dorsey, Robert Koudelka, (2019). Multi-Layered Solid State Neutron Sensor https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641435 Publication ID: 70185
Zach McClure, Chris Saltonstall, Michael Abere, David Guzman, Alejandro Strachan, S Reeve, Thomas Beechem, (2019). Non-linear thermal resistance trend with increasing bilayer density in reactive metal multilayers https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1807087 Publication ID: 69822
Trevor Clark, Khalid Hattar, Suveen Mathaudhu, (2019). Helium Radiation Damage in Hot Deformed Tungsten https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1641063 Publication ID: 69583
Nathan Heckman, Stephen Foiles, Christopher O’Brien, Michael Chandross, Christopher Barr, Nicolas Argibay, Khalid Hattar, Ping Lu, David Adams, Brad Boyce, (2019). Deformation Mechanisms in Nanocrystalline Pt-Au: Competition of Grain Boundary Embrittlement and Compositional Crack Arrest https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1640661 Publication ID: 69022
Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Christopher Bennett, Alexander Hsia, Shane Adee, David Hughart, Elliot Fuller, Yiyang Li, Albert Talin, Matthew Marinella, (2019). Designing and Modelling Analog Neural Network Training Accelerators https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1640878 Publication ID: 69291
Christopher Bennett, Diana Garland, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Sapan Agarwal, Matthew Marinella, (2019). Wafer-Scale TaOx Device Variability and Implications for Neuromorphic Computing Applications IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings https://doi.org/10.1109/IRPS.2019.8720596 Publication ID: 66566
Cody Dennett, Khalid Hattar, (2019). In situ ion irradiation transient grating spectroscopy (I3TGS) https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1648784 Publication ID: 68400
Paul Specht, Stewart Silling, John Mitchell, Corbett Battaile, J. Brown, J. Wise, David Adams, Donald Brown, Todd Palmer, Joseph Michael, Michael Saavedra, (2019). Shortening the Design and Certification Cycle for Additively Manufactured Materials by Improved Mesoscale Simulations and Validation Experiments https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1645212 Publication ID: 68419
Isaac Ruiz, Stephen Howell, Michael Goldflam, Thomas Beechem, Joel Wendt, (2019). Graphene Integration: Film Synthesis and Device Fabrication https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639973 Publication ID: 68451
Lorenza Friedrich, Isaac Ruiz, Steven Howell, Joshua Shank, Raktim Sarma, Thomas Beechem, Bruce Draper, Michael Goldflam, (2019). Graphene-Oxide-Semiconductor Junctions for Photodetection https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1640220 Publication ID: 68851
Jennifer Schuler, Christopher Barr, Nathan Heckman, Robert Copeland, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, Timothy Rupert, (2019). In Situ High-Cycle Fatigue Reveals Importance of Grain Boundary Structure in Nanocrystalline Cu-Zr JOM https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-019-03361-7 Publication ID: 74545
Christopher Bennett, Diana Garland, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Sapan Agarwal, Matthew Marinella, (2019). Wafer-scale TaOx device variability and implications for neuromorphic computing applications https://doi.org/10.1109/IRPS.2019.8720596 Publication ID: 67849
John Curry, Tomas Babuska, Timothy Furnish, Ping Lu, David Adams, Andrew Kustas, Brendan Nation, Michael Dugger, Michael Chandross, Blythe Clark, Brad Boyce, Christopher Schuh, Nicolas Argibay, (2019). Achieving Ultra-low Wear with Stable Nanocrystalline Alloys https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639707 Publication ID: 68156
Nicolas Argibay, Tomas Babuska, John Curry, Michael Dugger, Ping Lu, David Adams, Brendan Nation, Barney Doyle, Minh Pham, Adam Pimentel, Curtis Mowry, Adam Hinkle, Michael Chandross, (2019). In-Situ Tribochemical Formation of Self-Lubricating DLC Films https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639708 Publication ID: 68157
Nicholas Nathan, Elizabeth Getto, B. Tobie, Samuel Briggs, Khalid Hattar, Bradley Baker, Keith Knipling, (2019). Effect of Friction Stir Welding on Microstructure Evolutionof Self-Ion Irradiated MA956 https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639691 Publication ID: 67947
Taisuke Ohta, Morgann Berg, Thomas Beechem, Calvin Chan, K Keyshar, I Bilgin, F Liu, H Yamaguchi, X Zhang, R Vajtai, G Gupta, S Kar, P Ajayan, A Mohite, (2019). Electronic band alignment of few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides on SiO2 https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639692 Publication ID: 67949
Michael Abere, Garth Egan, David Adams, (2019). Analytical modelling of propagation velocity in electron transparent nanolaminates https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639853 Publication ID: 68224
Khalid Hattar, Paul Clem, (2019). Sandia National Laboratories Informaiton Session https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1644866 Publication ID: 67986
Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Christopher Bennett, Alexander Hsia, Shane Adee, David Hughart, Elliot Fuller, Yiyang Li, Albert Talin, Matthew Marinella, (2019). Designing and modeling analog neural network training accelerators 2019 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application, VLSI-TSA 2019 https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1640877 Publication ID: 69290
Khalid Hattar, (2019). Exploring Extreme Environments with Adequate Temporal Resolution https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639877 Publication ID: 68291
Khalid Hattar, (2019). The Response of Metals to Extreme Enviroments https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1644554 Publication ID: 67586
Caitlin Taylor, Khalid Hattar, Brittany Muntifering, Samuel Briggs, Joshua Sugar, Katia Gibson, David Robinson, Warren York, Noelle Catarineu, (2019). Advanced In-situ Electron Microscopy Characterization of H and He Evolution in Materials https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639299 Publication ID: 67342
Jennifer Shuler, Christopher Barr, Nathan Heckman, Robert Copeland, Brad Boyce, Khalid Hattar, Timothy Rupert, (2019). Irradiation and Fatigue of Nanocrystalline Cu-Zr with Amorphous Intergranular Films https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639305 Publication ID: 67354
Elizabeth Getto, B. Tobie, Samuel Briggs, Khalid Hattar, Brad Baker, Keith Knipling, Janelle Wharry, (2019). Effect of Friction Stir Welding on Microstructure Evolution of Self-Ion Irradiated MA956 https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639347 Publication ID: 67387
Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Exploring Grain Boundary-Defect Interactions in Pt and Pt-Au using In-situ TEM High Cycle Fatigue https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639376 Publication ID: 67435
Khalid Hattar, (2019). The In situ Irradiaiton TEM (I3TEM) https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1644609 Publication ID: 67707
Christopher Barr, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Quantitative In-situ TEM Nanomechanical Testing of Model and Nuclear Relevant Engineering Alloys https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639578 Publication ID: 67775
Khalid Hattar, (2019). Sandia Capabilities for Nuclear Reactor Environments Testing https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639452 Publication ID: 67554
Paul Specht, David Adams, Stewart Silling, John Mitchell, Corbett Battaile, J. Brown, J. Wise, Donald Brown, Todd Palmer, Joseph Michael, Michael Saavedra, (2019). Shortening the Design and Certification Cycle for Additively Manufactured Materials by Improved Mesoscale Simulations and Validation Experiments https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1598928 Publication ID: 65567
A. Monterrosa, Jeffrey Aguiar, Bryan Reed, Daniel Masiel, Seongtae Kwon, Matthew Gong, Tolga Tasdizen, Corywell. Benjamin, Katherine Jungjohann, Khalid Hattar, Erik Luther, Howard Hartman, (2019). In-situ Ion Irradiation and Recrystallization in Highly Structured Materials https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1602124 Publication ID: 67110
Cody Dennett, Daniel Buller, Khalid Hattar, Michael Short, (2019). Real-time thermomechanical property monitoring during ion beam irradiation using in situ transient grating spectroscopy Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.10.025 Publication ID: 59779
A. Monterrosa, Samuel Briggs, Nathan Heckman, Brad Boyce, LaRico Treadwell, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Development of the In-Situ Ion Irradiation SEM at Sandia National Laboratories https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1639218 Publication ID: 66953
Mary Crawford, Anthony Rice, Andrew Allerman, Thomas Beechem, Taisuke Ohta, Douglas Medlin, Dan Spataru, Jeffrey Figiel, Paul Sharps, (2019). Growth of hBN by High-Temperature Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1599274 Publication ID: 65961
A. Monterrosa, Bryan Reed, A Moghadam, Ruth Bloom, Sangtae Park, Samuel Briggs, Patrick Price, Christopher Barr, Joeseph McKeown, Daniel Masiel, Khalid Hattar, (2019). Initiation of Grain Growth Observed using Electrostatic-Subframing https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1601098 Publication ID: 66986
Sapan Agarwal, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Christopher Bennett, Alexander Hsia, Michael Van Heukelom, David Hughart, Elliot Fuller, Yiyang Li, Albert Talin, Matthew Marinella, (2019). Designing and Modeling Analog Neural Network Training Accelerators https://doi.org/10.1109/VLSI-TSA.2019.8804680 Publication ID: 67279
Nathan Madden, Khalid Hattar, Timothy Boyle, Samuel Briggs, Jessica Krogstad, (2019). Room Temperature sintering of YSZ and Ceria nanoparticles via Ion Irradiation https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1597571 Publication ID: 64574
Christopher Saltonstall, Thomas Beechem, Jatin Amatya, Jerrold Floro, Pamela Norris, Patrick Hopkins, (2019). Uncertainty in linewidth quantification of overlapping Raman bands Review of Scientific Instruments https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5064804 Publication ID: 66367
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June 22, 2023