Accelerating multiscale materials modeling with machine learning

A cube with balls represents atoms configured on a grid.

Multiscale materials modeling fundamental insight into microscopic mechanisms that determine materials properties in nuclear stockpile applications that leverage radiation harden semiconductors, advanced manufacturing, shock compression, and energetic materials. This LDRD team including three postdoctoral researchers developed a new ML surrogate model for density functional theory using deep neural networks to accurately predict total energies of 100,000 atom systems when trained on only 256 atoms.

When compared with direct numerical simulation of 2048 aluminum atoms, the error provides in electron density of the new surrogate model is under 1%, but computation is three orders of magnitude faster. Promising methodologies such as optimal experimental design techniques and novel Graph Neural Networks were explored in training smaller data sets and will be researched further in the future to continue accelerating first-principal data generation and increase the fidelity and robustness of predictive atomistic materials simulations. An ML model designed for aluminum has already been successfully leveraged in Sandia’s Electronics Parts Program milestone.

CAD model (left) with multiple fasteners (right), rapidly reduced to simulation-ready state using new ML methods.

Sandia researchers linked to work

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Associated Publications

Asmeret Naugle, Daniel Krofcheck, Christina Warrender, Kiran Lakkaraju, Laura Swiler, Stephen Verzi, Ben Emery, Jaimie Murdock, Michael Bernard, Vicente Romero, (2023). What can simulation test beds teach us about social science? Results of the ground truth program Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Publication ID: 80604

Asmeret Naugle, Stephen Verzi, Kiran Lakkaraju, Laura Swiler, Christina Warrender, Michael Bernard, Vicente Romero, (2023). Feedback density and causal complexity of simulation model structure Journal of Simulation Publication ID: 75723

Lenz Fiedler, Normand Modine, Steve Schmerler, Dayton Vogel, Gabriel Popoola, Aidan Thompson, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Attila Cangi, (2022). Predicting the Electronic Structure of Matter on Ultra-Large Scales Publication ID: 80390

Alina Kononov, Cheng-Wei Lee, Tatiane Pereira dos Santos, Brian Robinson, Yifan Yao, Yi Yao, Xavier Andrade, Andrew Baczewski, Emil Constantinescu, Alfredo Correa, Yosuke Kanai, Normand Modine, Andre Schleife, (2022). Electron dynamics in extended systems within real-time time-dependent density-functional theory MRS communications Publication ID: 80304

Brian Kelley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2022). Unified Language Frontend for Physic-Informed AI/ML Publication ID: 80261

Paul Mariner, Bert Debusschere, David Fukuyama, Jacob Harvey, Tara LaForce, Rosemary Leone, Frank Perry, Laura Swiler, ANNA TACONI, (2022). GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2022 Publication ID: 80378

Dusty Brooks, Laura Swiler, Emily Stein, Paul Mariner, Eduardo Basurto, Teresa Portone, Aubrey Eckert, Rosemary Leone, (2022). Sensitivity analysis of generic deep geologic repository with focus on spatial heterogeneity induced by stochastic fracture network generation Advances in Water Resources Publication ID: 80187

Normand Modine, John Stephens, Laura Swiler, Aidan Thompson, Dayton Vogel, Attila Cangi, Lenz Feilder, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2022). Accelerating Multiscale Materials Modeling with Machine Learning Publication ID: 80251

Laura Swiler, Eduardo Basurto, Dusty Brooks, Aubrey Eckert, Rosemary Leone, Paul Mariner, Teresa Portone, Mariah Smith, (2022). Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Methods and Applications in the GDSA Framework (FY2022) Publication ID: 80086

Asmeret Naugle, Laura Swiler, Kiran Lakkaraju, Stephen Verzi, Christina Warrender, Vicente Romero, (2022). Graph-Based Similarity Metrics for Comparing Simulation Model Causal Structures Publication ID: 80095

James Goff, Charles Sievers, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2022). Permutation-adapted complete and independent basis for atomic cluster expansion descriptors Publication ID: 80036

Jeremy Myers, Daniel Dunlavy, (2022). A Hybrid Method for Tensor Decompositions that Leverages Stochastic and Deterministic Optimization Publication ID: 80700

Asmeret Naugle, Adam Russell, Kiran Lakkaraju, Laura Swiler, Stephen Verzi, Vicente Romero, (2022). The Ground Truth Program: Simulations as Test Beds for Social Science Research Methods. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Publication ID: 80622

Christian Trott, Damien Lebrun-Grandie, Daniel Arndt, Jan Ciesko, Vinh Dang, Nathan Ellingwood, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Evan Harvey, Daisy Hollman, Dan Ibanez, Nevin Liber, Jonathan Madsen, Jeff Miles, David Poliakoff, Amy Powell, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Mikael Simberg, Dan Sunderland, Bruno Turcksin, Jeremiah Wilke, (2022). Kokkos 3: Programming Model Extensions for the Exascale Era IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Publication ID: 79057

Gordon Moon, Hyoukjun Kwon, Geonhwa Jeong, Prasanth Chatarasi, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2022). Evaluating Spatial Accelerator Architectures with Tiled Matrix-Matrix Multiplication IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Publication ID: 79857

Lenz Fiedler, Nils Hoffmann, Parvez Mohammed, Gabriel Popoola, Tamar Yovell, Vladyslav Oles, Austin Ellis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Attila Cangi, (2022). Finding Electronic Structure Machine Learning Surrogates without Training Publication ID: 80361

Aidan Thompson, H. Aktulga, Richard Berger, Dan Bolintineanu, W. Brown, Paul Crozier, Pieter in ‘t Veld, Axel Kohlmeyer, Stan Moore, Trung Nguyen, Ray Shan, Mark Stevens, Julien Tranchida, Christian Trott, Steven Plimpton, (2022). LAMMPS – a flexible simulation tool for particle-based materials modeling at the atomic, meso, and continuum scales Computer Physics Communications Publication ID: 80783

Abdurrahman Yasar, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Jonathan Berry, Umit Catalyurek, (2022). A Block-Based Triangle Counting Algorithm on Heterogeneous Environments IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Publication ID: 79132

Oscar Lopez, Richard Lehoucq, Daniel Dunlavy, (2022). Zero-Truncated Poisson Tensor Decomposition for Sparse Count Data Publication ID: 79989

Alexander Heinlein, Mauro Perego, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2022). FROSch PRECONDITIONERS FOR LAND ICE SIMULATIONS OF GREENLAND AND ANTARCTICA SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 79975

Laura Swiler, (2021). Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Sensitivity Analysis (SA) in GDSA Publication ID: 77036

Yury Lysogorskiy, Cas Oord, Anton Bochkarev, Sarath Menon, Matteo Rinaldi, Thomas Hammerschmidt, Matous Mrovec, Aidan Thompson, Gábor Csányi, Christoph Ortner, Ralf Drautz, (2021). Performant implementation of the atomic cluster expansion (PACE) and application to copper and silicon npj Computational Materials Publication ID: 76410

Svetoslav Nikolov, Mitchell Wood, Attila Cangi, Jean Maillet, Mihai Marinica, Aidan Thompson, Michael Desjarlais, Julien Tranchida, (2021). Data-driven magneto-elastic predictions with scalable classical spin-lattice dynamics npj Computational Materials Publication ID: 78587

Daniel Dunlavy, Peter Chew, (2021). Document Retrieval and Ranking using Similarity Graph Mean Hitting Times Publication ID: 77129

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Luc Berger-Vergiat, Erik Boman, Ichitaro Yamazaki, (2021). Sake December 2021 ECP ST Project Review Publication ID: 77055

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Can Scientific Software Development Use the Outsourcing Model Successfully? Publication ID: 77136

Laura Swiler, (2021). Verification and Validation for Cyber Emulation Publication ID: 76651

Brian Adams, William Bohnhoff, Keith Dalbey, Mohamed Ebeida, John Eddy, Michael Eldred, Russell Hooper, Patricia Hough, Kenneth Hu, John Jakeman, Mohammad Khalil, Kathryn Maupin, Jason Monschke, Elliott Ridgway, Ahmad Rushdi, Daniel Seidl, John Stephens, Laura Swiler, Anh Tran, Justin Winokur, (2021). Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis (V.6.16 User’s Manual) Publication ID: 80729

Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Development of SNASP Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials for Materials in Extreme Environments Publication ID: 76870

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Portability in Trilinos Publication ID: 76522

Clayton Hughes, Rizwan Ashraf, Roberto Gioiosa, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, William Hart, Carl Laird, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). ARIAA Update — SST Publication ID: 76739

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Can Scientific Software Development Use the Outsourcing Model Successfully Publication ID: 76879

Jennifer Loe, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Mixed Precision in Trilinos Publication ID: 76971

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Alexander Heinlein, Heidi Thornquist, Ichitaro Yamazaki, (2021). Trilinos User Group MeetingSolvers Update Publication ID: 76972

Alexander Heinlein, Mauro Perego, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Ichitaro Yamazaki, (2021). FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica Publication ID: 76982

Aidan Thompson, (2021). FusMatML End-of-Year Review Summary Publication ID: 76411

Brian Kelley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Parallel, Portable Algorithms for Distance-2 Maximal Independent Set and Graph Coarsening Publication ID: 76347

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Enabling Science Simulations with Scalable Computational Frameworks for Scientific Computing Publication ID: 76394

David Littlewood, Mitchell Wood, David Montes de Oca Zapiain, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Nathaniel Trask, (2021). Sandia / IBM Discussion on Machine Learning for Materials Applications [Slides] Publication ID: 76348

Stan Moore, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations [Slides] Publication ID: 75672

Paul Mariner, Timothy Berg, Bert Debusschere, Aubrey Eckert, Jacob Harvey, Tara LaForce, Rosemary Leone, Melissa Mills, Michael Nole, Heeho Park, Perry, Daniel Seidl, Laura Swiler, Kyung Chang, (2021). GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2021 Publication ID: 76168

Laura Swiler, Dirk-Alexander Becker, Dusty Brooks, Joan Govaerts, Lasse Koskinen, Elmar Plischke, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig, Elena Saveleva, Sabine Spiessl, Emily Stein, Valentina Svitelman, (2021). Sensitivity Analysis Comparisons on Geologic Case Studies: An International Collaboration Publication ID: 75545

Ali Pinar, Thomas Tarman, Laura Swiler, Jared Gearhart, Derek Hart, Eric Vugrin, Gerardo Cruz, Bryan Arguello, Gianluca Geraci, Bert Debusschere, Seth Hanson, Alexander Outkin, Jamie Thorpe, William Hart, Meghan Sahakian, Kasimir Gabert, Casey Glatter, Emma Johnson, She?ifa Punla-Green, (2021). Science & Engineering of Cyber Security by Uncertainty Quantification and Rigorous Experimentation (SECURE) HANDBOOK Publication ID: 75697

Laura Swiler, Dusty Brooks, (2021). Joint Sensitivity Analysis (JOSA) Exercise Meeting Sept. 21, 2021 Publication ID: 75754

Laura Swiler, (2021). White paper on Verification and Validation for Cyber Emulation Models Publication ID: 75981

Benjamin Wagman, Laura Swiler, Kamaljit Chowdhary, Benjamin Hillman, (2021). The Fingerprints of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection in E3SM Publication ID: 75727

Ali Pinar, Thomas Tarman, Laura Swiler, Jared Gearhart, Derek Hart, Eric Vugrin, Gerardo Cruz, Bryan Arguello, Gianluca Geraci, Bert Debusschere, Seth Hanson, Alexander Outkin, Jamie Thorpe, William Hart, Meghan Sahakian, Kasimir Gabert, Casey Glatter, Emma Johnson, She?ifa Punla-Green, (2021). Science and Engineering of Cybersecurity by Uncertainty quantification and Rigorous Experimentation (SECURE) (Final Report) Publication ID: 75817

Michael Stickland, Justin Li, Laura Swiler, Thomas Tarman, (2021). Foundations of Rigorous Cyber Experimentation Publication ID: 76007

Mary Cusentino, N. Bobbitt, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Development of SNAP Interatomic Potentials for Studying Mixed Materials Effects at the Tungsten Divertor Publication ID: 75965

Stephen Olivier, Nathan Ellingwood, Jonathan Berry, Daniel Dunlavy, (2021). Performance Portability of an SpMV Kernel Across Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications Publication ID: 75703

Sean Geronimo Anderson, Keita Teranishi, Daniel Dunlavy, Jee Choi, (2021). Performance-Portable Sparse Tensor Decomposition Kernels on Emerging Parallel Architectures Publication ID: 75757

Jeremy Myers, Daniel Dunlavy, (2021). Using Computation Effectively for Scalable Poisson Tensor Factorization: Comparing Methods Beyond Computational Efficiency Publication ID: 75760

Geonhwa Jeong, Gokcen Kestor, Prasanth Chatarsi, Angshuman Parashar, Po-An Tsai, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Roberto Gioiosa, Tushar Krishna, (2021). Union: A Unified HW-SW Co-Design Ecosystem in MLIR for Evaluating Tensor Operations on Spatial Accelerators Publication ID: 75669

Raveesh Garg, Eric Qin, Francisco Martinez, Robert Guirado, Akshay Jain, Sergi Abadal, Jose Abellan, Manuel Acacio, Eduard Alarcon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2021). Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators Publication ID: 75867

Seher Acer, Erik Boman, Christian Glusa, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Sphynx: A parallel multi-GPU graph partitioner for distributed-memory systems Parallel Computing Publication ID: 77409

Ahmad Abdelfattah, Hartwig Anzt, Alan Ayala, Erik Boman, Erin Carson, Sebastien Cayrols, Terry Cojean, Jack Dongarra, Rob Falgout, Mark Gates, Thomas Gr\”{u}tzmacher, Nicholas Higham, Scott Kruger, Sherry Li, Neil Lindquist, Yang Liu, Jennifer Loe, Pratik Nayak, Daniel Osei-Kuffuor, Sri Pranesh, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tobias Ribizel, Bryce Smith, Kasia Swirydowicz, Stephen Thomas, Stanimire Tomov, Yaohung M. Tsai, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Urike Yang, (2021). Advances in Mixed Precision Algorithms: 2021 Edition Publication ID: 75285

Laura Swiler, Eduardo Basurto, Dusty Brooks, Aubrey Eckert, Rosemary Leone, Paul Mariner, Teresa Portone, Mariah Smith, Emily Stein, (2021). Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Methods and Applications in the GDSA Framework (FY2021) Publication ID: 79851

Thomas Tarman, Trevor Rollins, Laura Swiler, Gerardo Cruz, Eric Vugrin, Hao Huang, Abhijeet Sahu, Patrick Wlazlo, Ana Goulart, Kate Davis, (2021). Comparing reproduced cyber experimentation studies across different emulation testbeds ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Publication ID: 78420

Laura Swiler, Dusty Brooks, Emily Stein, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig, Elmar Plischke, Dirk-Alexander Becker, Sabine Spiessl, Lasse Koskinen, Joan Govaerts, Valentina Svitelman, Elena Saveleva., (2021). Metamodelling sensitivity approaches versus regression and graphical methods on the basis of Geologic Cases: An International Collaboration Publication ID: 75431

Thomas Tarman, Laura Swiler, Eric Vugrin, Trevor Rollins, Gerardo Cruz, Hao Huang, Abhijeet Sahu, Patrick Wlazlo, Ana Goulart, Kate Davis, (2021). Comparing reproduced cyber experimentation studies across different emulation testbeds Publication ID: 79697

Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Development of SNAP Potentials for Fusion Reactor Materials Publication ID: 79641

Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, Mary Cusentino, David Montes de Oca Zapiain, Ivan Oleynik, (2021). Interatomic Potentials for Materials Science and Beyond; Advances in Machine Learned Spectral Neighborhood Analysis Potentials Publication ID: 79748

Anthony Rice, Mary Crawford, Andrew Armstrong, Andrew Allerman, Normand Modine, (2021). Defect Spectroscopy and Reduced Compensation of UV Illuminated MOCVD n-type GaN Publication ID: 79658

Sean Geronimo Anderson, Keita Teranishi, Daniel Dunlavy, Jee Choi, (2021). Performance-Portable Sparse Tensor Decomposition Kernels on Emerging Parallel Architectures Publication ID: 75426

Seher Acer, Erik Boman, Christian Glusa, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Sphynx: a parallel multi-GPU graph partitioner Publication ID: 79650

J. Ellis, L. Fiedler, G. Popoola, Normand Modine, John Stephens, Aidan Thompson, A. Cangi, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Accelerating finite-temperature Kohn-Sham density functional theory with deep neural networks Physical Review B Publication ID: 79009

Gordon Moon, Hyoukjun Kwon, Geonhwa Jeong, Prasanth Chatarsi, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2021). Evaluating Spatial Accelerator Architectures with Tiled Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Publication ID: 78992

Thomas Tarman, Laura Swiler, Gerardo Cruz, Eric Vugrin, Trevor Rollins, Hao Huang, Abhijeet Sahu, Patrick Wlazlo, Ana Goulart, Kate Davis, (2021). Comparing reproduced cyber experimentation studies across different emulation testbeds Publication ID: 79240

Gianluca Geraci, Laura Swiler, Bert Debusschere, (2021). Multifidelity UQ sampling for Stochastic Simulations Publication ID: 79490

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Properties of GMRES with Iterative Refinement on GPUs Publication ID: 79139

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Luc Berger-Vergiat, Vinh Dang, Nathan Ellingwood, Evan Harvey, Brian Kelley, Christian Trott, (2021). Kokkos Kernels 3.4 Publication ID: 79353

Kyle Lennon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Learning Transferable DFT Neural Network Surrogates Publication ID: 79432

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Experimental Evaluation of Multiprecision Strategies for GMRES on GPUs 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2021 – In conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2021 Publication ID: 77887

Sharlotte Kramer, Dan Bolintineanu, Kevin Long, Craig Hamel, A. Frankel, Reese Jones, Laura Swiler, Kyle Johnson, (2021). Mechanics of Materials Utilizing Machine Learning: Examples at Sandia National Laboratories Publication ID: 78396

Michael Stickland, Justin Li, Thomas Tarman, Laura Swiler, (2021). Uncertainty quantification in cyber experimentation Publication ID: 78424

Laura Swiler, (2021). Sensitivity Analysis for the Latest Crystalline Reference Case Publication ID: 78432

Laura Swiler, Dusty Brooks, (2021). GP and PCE surrogate models for estimation of sensitivity indices Publication ID: 78433

Julien Tranchida, Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2021). First-principles and classical computational study of W/ZrC interfaces Publication ID: 78336

Eric Qin, Geonhwa Jeong, William Won, Sheng Kao, Hyoukjun Kwon, Sudarshan Srinivasan, Dipankar Das, Gordon Moon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2021). Extending sparse tensor accelerators to support multiple compression formats Proceedings – 2021 IEEE 35th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2021 Publication ID: 75805

Lenz Fiedler, Austin Ellis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Attila Cangi, (2021). An Introduction to the Materials Learning Algorithms Package (MALA) Publication ID: 78371

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Experimental Evaluation of Multiprecision Strategies for GMRES on GPUs Publication ID: 78515

Mahantesh Halappanavar, Seher Acer, Erik Boman, Aydin Buluc, Saliya Ekanayate, SM Feerdous, Nitin Gawande, Sayan Ghosh, Arif Khan, Marco Minotoli, alex pothen, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Oguz Selvitopi, Nathan Tallent, Antonio Tumeo, (2021). Exagraph: Combinatorial Methods for Enabling Exascale Science Publication ID: 78618

Laura Swiler, (2021). Statistical Methods used in the Born Qualified LDRD Project Publication ID: 78088

Mary Cusentino, M. Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Beryllium-driven structural evolution at the divertor surface Nuclear Fusion Publication ID: 77317

Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Chun-Shang Wong, Robert Kolasinski, Brian Wirth, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hydrogen and Nitrogen on Tungsten Surfaces Publication ID: 78291

Chun-Shang Wong, Robert Kolasinski, Josh Whaley, Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Brian Wirth, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Nitrogen effects on hydrogen adsorption at tungsten surfaces Publication ID: 78328

David Poliakoff, Amy Powell, Cory Madsen, Elliott Ridgway, D. LeBrun-Grandie, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, C.R. Trott, (2021). Kokkos Tools and Performance Tracking Publication ID: 77974

Michael Sprague, Shreyas Ananthan, Roba Binyahib, Michael Brazell, Marc de Frahan, Ryan King, Paul Mullowney, Jon Rood, Ashesh Sharma, Stephen Thomas, Ganesh Vijayakumar, Paul Crozier, Luc Berger-Vergiat, Lawrence Cheung, David Dement, N. Develder, David Glaze, Jonathan Hu, Robert Knaus, Dong Lee, Neil Matula, Tolulope Okusanya, James Overfelt, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Philip Sakievich, Timothy Smith, Johnathan Vo, Alan Williams, Ichitaro Yamazaki, William Turner, Andrey Prokopenko, Robert Wilson, Moser, Jeremy Melvin, Sitaraman, (2021). ExaWind: Exascale Predictive Wind Plant Flow Physics Modeling Publication ID: 78075

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Luc Berger-Vergiat, Erik Boman, Ichitaro Yamazaki, (2021). Sake: Solvers and Kernels for Exascale Publication ID: 78099

Luc Berger-Vergiat, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Vinh Dang, Nathan Ellingwood, Brian Kelley, Evan Harvey, Jeremiah Wilke, Seher Acer, (2021). Kokkos Kernels: FY20 update Publication ID: 78100

Erik Boman, Karen Devine, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Seher Acer, Ian Bogle, George Slota, Kamesh Madduri, Michael Gilbert, (2021). ExaGraph: Partitioning and Coloring Publication ID: 78195

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Luc Berger-Vergiat, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Erik Boman, (2021). Sake: Solvers and Kernels for Exascale Publication ID: 78203

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Luc Berger-Vergiat, Seher Acer, Vinh Dang, Nathan Ellingwood, Evan Harvey, Brian Kelley, Jeremiah Wilke, (2021). Kokkos Kernels: FY20 update Publication ID: 78204

Simon Hammond, Matthew Curry, Kevin Davis, Vinh Dang, Oksana Guba, Robert Hoekstra, James Laros, Kevin Pedretti, David Poliakoff, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Christian Trott, Andrew Younge, (2021). Fugaku and A64FX Update – April 2021 Publication ID: 78205

Stan Moore, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations [Slides] Publication ID: 77802

Nathan Porter, Kathryn Maupin, Laura Swiler, Vincent Mousseau, (2021). Validation Metrics for Fixed Effects and Mixed-Effects Calibration Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 74591

Laura Swiler, (2021). Epistemic Uncertainty: Computation and Usage Publication ID: 77617

Anh Tran, Julien Tranchida, Timothy Wildey, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Multi-fidelity ML/UQ and Bayesian Optimization for Materials Design: Application to Ternary Random Alloys Publication ID: 77392

Steven Plimpton, Aidan Thompson, Mitch Wood, (2021). LAMMPS as a tool in materials modeling workflows Publication ID: 77396

Mitchell Wood, Charles Sievers, Aidan Thompson, Nicholas Lubbers, Perez Danny, (2021). Building a Better Database to Learn From; Application to Interatomic Potentials Publication ID: 77408

J. Ellis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Normand Modine, Aidan Thompson, John Stephens, Attila Cangi, (2021). Accelerating Multiscale Materials Modeling with Machine Learning Publication ID: 77423

Aidan Thompson, (2021). Generalization of SNAP to Arbitrary Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials in LAMMPS Publication ID: 77680

Yury Lysogorskiy, Matteo Rinaldi, Sarath Menon, Cas van der Oord, Thomas Hammerschmidt, Matous Mrovec, Aidan Thompson, Gabor Csanyi, Christoph Ortner, Ralf Drautz, (2021). Performant implementation of the atomic cluster expansion Publication ID: 77681

Daniel Dunlavy, Daniel Dunlavy, (2021). Questa High Performance Data Analytics Publication ID: 77618

James Fox, Beatriz Gonzalez, Rampi Ramprasad, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Le Song, (2021). Concentric Spherical GNN for 3D Representation Learning Publication ID: 77431

Brian Kelley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Graph Coarsening Techniques for GPUs and Manycore CPUs Publication ID: 77434

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Multiprecision Krylov Solvers in Kokkos and Belos Publication ID: 77452

Gordon Moon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Mixed-Precision Schemes for Linear Algebra Kernels on GPUs Publication ID: 77471

Hartwig Anzt, Jennifer Loe, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). xSDK Focus Effort Developing Multiprecision Numerics Publication ID: 77691

Raveesh Garg, Eric Qin, Francisco Martinez, Robert Guirado, Akshay Jain, Sergi Abadal, Jose Abellan, Manuel Acacio, Eduard Alarcon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2021). A Taxonomy for Classification and Comparison of Dataflows for GNN Accelerators Publication ID: 77576

James Fox, Bo Zhao, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Rampi Ramprasad, Le Song, (2021). Concentric Spherical GNN for 3D Representation Learning Publication ID: 77664

Cannada Lewis, Clayton Hughes, Simon Hammond, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). Using MLIR Framework for Codesign of ML Architectures Algorithms and Simulation Tools Publication ID: 75211

Laura Swiler, (2021). Epistemic Uncertainty: Computation and Usage Publication ID: 76636

Laura Swiler, Mamikon Gulian, A. Frankel, Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, (2021). Constrained Gaussian Processes: A Survey Publication ID: 77280

Teresa Portone, Laura Swiler, Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, (2021). Application of Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification Methods to a Subsurface Transport Model Publication ID: 77339

Bert Debusschere, Gianluca Geraci, John Jakeman, Cosmin Safta, Laura Swiler, (2021). Polynomial Chaos Expansions for Discrete Random Variables in Cyber Security Emulytics Experiments Publication ID: 77383

Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2021). Development of Machine Learned SNAP Potentials for Studying Radiation Damage in Materials Publication ID: 77316

Roberto Gioiosa, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2021). ARIAA: Center for co-design of ARtificial Intelligence focused Architectures and Algorithms Publication ID: 77225

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, Simon Hammond, (2021). Vision for Co-designing a Unified-Memory Centric Heterogeneous Node Architecture Publication ID: 77226

Brian Zinser, Samuel Blake, Robert Pfeiffer, Andy Huang, John Himbele, Brian Freno, Vinh Dang, Joseph Kotulski, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, William Johnson, Salvatore Campione, William Langston, (2021). Gemma: An Electromagnetic Code for Heterogeneous Computer Architectures Publication ID: 77268

Laura Swiler, (2021). Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Overview Publication ID: 75026

Laura Swiler, Sarah Newman, Andrea Staid, Emily Barrett, (2021). Dakota-NAERM Integration Publication ID: 75059

Laura Swiler, (2021). Uncertainty Analysis of a Medical Resource Demand Model Publication ID: 75093

Gianluca Geraci, Jonathan Crussell, Laura Swiler, Bert Debusschere, (2021). Exploration of multifidelity UQ sampling strategies for computer network applications International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 76015

George Laity, Allen Robinson, Michael Cuneo, Mary Alam, Kristian Beckwith, Nichelle Bennett, Matthew Bettencourt, Stephen Bond, Kyle Cochrane, Louise Criscenti, Eric Cyr, Karen De Zetter, Richard Drake, Evstati Evstatiev, Andrew Fierro, Thomas Gardiner, Forrest Glines, Ronald Goeke, Nathaniel Hamlin, Russell Hooper, Jason Koski, James Lane, Steven Larson, Kevin Leung, Duncan McGregor, Philip Miller, Sean Miller, Susan Ossareh, Edward Phillips, Sean Simpson, David Sirajuddin, Thomas Smith, Matthew Swan, Aidan Thompson, Julien Tranchida, Asa Bortz-Johnson, Dale Welch, Alex Russell, Eric Watson, David Rose, Ryan McBride, (2021). Towards Predictive Plasma Science and Engineering through Revolutionary Multi-Scale Algorithms and Models (Final Report) Publication ID: 75144

Stephen Olivier, Nathan Ellingwood, Jonathan Berry, Daniel Dunlavy, (2021). Performance Portability of an SpMV Kernel Across Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2021 Publication ID: 75415

Jeremy Myers, Daniel Dunlavy, (2021). Using Computation Effectively for Scalable Poisson Tensor Factorization: Comparing Methods beyond Computational Efficiency 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2021 Publication ID: 75420

Vinh Dang, Joseph Kotulski, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). ADELUS: A Performance-Portable Dense LU Solver for Distributed-Memory Hardware-Accelerated Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Publication ID: 71441

Vinh Dang, Joseph Kotulski, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). ADELUS: A Performance-Portable Dense LU Solver for Distributed-Memory Hardware-Accelerated Systems Publication ID: 75074

Alexander Heinlein, Mauro Perego, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica Publication ID: 75145

Geonhwa Jeong, Gokcen Kestor, Prasanth Chatarasi, Angshuman Parashar, Po Tsai, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Roberto Gioiosa, Tushar Krishna, (2021). Union: A Unified HW-SW Co-Design Ecosystem in MLIR for Evaluating Tensor Operations on Spatial Accelerators Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques – Conference Proceedings, PACT Publication ID: 75221

Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2020). Machine Learned SNAP Potentials for Materials Modeling Publication ID: 72253

Mary Cusentino, M. Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2020). Suppression of helium bubble nucleation in beryllium exposed tungsten surfaces Nuclear Fusion Publication ID: 74702

Wenlong Yu, Jamie Elias, Kuan Chen, Ryan Baumbach, T. Nenoff, Normand Modine, W. Pan, Erik Henriksen, (2020). Electronic transport properties of a lithium-decorated ZrTe5 thin film Scientific Reports Publication ID: 70603

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Towards simulations on the Exascale hardware and beyond Publication ID: 72128

Jennifer Loe, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Erik Boman, Hartwig Anzt, (2020). ECP Multiprecision Project Review Slides Publication ID: 72171

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). ECP Review : CLOVER Kokkos Kernels Publication ID: 72208

Alexander Heinlein, Mauro Perego, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica Publication ID: 72213

Christian Glusa, Erik Boman, Edmond Chow, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Daniel Szyld, (2020). Scalable asynchronous domain decomposition solvers SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 74483

J. Lane, Aidan Thompson, I. Srivastava, Gary Grest, Tommy Ao, B. Stoltzfus, K. Austin, H. Fan, D. Morgan, Marcus Knudson, (2020). Scale and rate in CdS pressure-induced phase transition AIP Conference Proceedings Publication ID: 64804

Kathryn Maupin, Laura Swiler, (2020). Model Discrepancy Calibration and Propagation Across Experimental Settings Publication ID: 71936

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Erik Boman, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Multiprecision Krylov Solvers in Trilinos Publication ID: 71611

Ian Bogle, Erik Boman, Karen Devine, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, George Slota, (2020). Distributed Memory Graph Coloring Algorithms for Multiple GPUs Proceedings of IA3 2020: 10th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms, Held in conjunction with SC 2020: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis Publication ID: 71218

Luca Bertagna, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, James Foucar, Jeff Larkin, Andrew Bradley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Andrew Salinger, (2020). A performance-portable nonhydrostatic atmospheric dycore for the energy exascale earth system model running at cloud-resolving resolutions International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC Publication ID: 71253

Vinh Dang, Joseph Kotulski, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). ADELUS: A Performance-Portable Dense LU Solver for Distributed-Memory Hardware-Accelerated Systems Publication ID: 71778

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). AMD Meeting ? Trilinos / Kokkos Kernels requirements Publication ID: 71783

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Panel:. AI4S Workshop on Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning for Scientific Applications Publication ID: 71788

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Erik Boman, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Multiprecision GMRES in Trilinos packages Belos and Kokkos Publication ID: 71889

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). FASTMath one slide package summary Publication ID: 71922

Jennifer Loe, Christian Glusa, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Mixed-Precision GMRES in Trilinos Publication ID: 71988

Benjamin Emery, Andrea Staid, Laura Swiler, (2020). Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Generator Failures under Extreme Temperature Scenarios in Power Systems Publication ID: 71307

Ian Bogle, Erik Boman, Karen Devine, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, George Slota, (2020). Distributed Graph Coloring on Multiple GPUs Publication ID: 71214

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Intersection of Machine Learning and Scientific Simulations: Architectures and Applications perspectives Publication ID: 71287

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Panel:. How to broaden compiler/architecture research participants by utilizing modern infrastructures Publication ID: 71440

Keita Teranishi, Daniel Dunlavy, Jeremy Myers, Richard Barrett, (2020). SparTen: Leveraging Kokkos for On-node Parallelism in a Second-Order Method for Fitting Canonical Polyadic Tensor Models to Poisson Data 2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2020 Publication ID: 70939

Jeremy Myers, Daniel Dunlavy, Keita Teranishi, David Hollman, (2020). Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the SparTen High Performance Sparse Tensor Decomposition Software 2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2020 Publication ID: 74785

Stan Moore, Aidan Thompson, (2020). Solidification Kinetics Publication ID: 70962

James Stewart, Normand Modine, Remi Dingreville, (2020). Re-examining the silicon self-interstitial charge states and defect levels: A density functional theory and bounds analysis study AIP Advances Publication ID: 74461

Ian Bogle, Erik Boman, Karen Devine, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, George Slota, (2020). Distributed Memory Graph Coloring Algorithms for Multiple GPUs Publication ID: 74843

Gordon Moon, J. Ellis, Aravind Sukumaran-Rajam, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, P. Sadayappan, (2020). ALO-NMF: Accelerated Locality-Optimized Non-negative Matrix Factorization Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Publication ID: 74051

Anh Tran, Timothy Wildey, Julien Tranchida, Aidan Thompson, (2020). Multi-fidelity machine-learning with uncertainty quantification and Bayesian optimization for materials design: Application to ternary random alloys Journal of Chemical Physics Publication ID: 73589

Ichitaro Yamazaki, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Nathan Ellingwood, (2020). Performance Portable Supernode-based Sparse Triangular Solver for Manycore Architectures ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Publication ID: 74474

Anh Tran, John Mitchell, Laura Swiler, Tim Wildey, (2020). An active learning high-throughput microstructure calibration framework for solving inverse structure–process problems in materials informatics Acta Materialia Publication ID: 73364

Mamikon Gulian, Laura Swiler, A. Frankel, Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, (2020). A Survey of Constrained Gaussian Process Regression: Approaches and Implementation Challenges Publication ID: 74592

Ichitaro Yamazaki, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Nathan Ellingwood, (2020). Performance Portable Supernode-based Sparse Triangular Solver for Manycore Architecture Publication ID: 74572

Luca Bertagna, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, James Foucar, Jeff Larkin, Andrew Bradley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Andrew Salinger, (2020). A performance-portable nonhydrostatic atmospheric dycore for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model running at cloud-resolving resolutions Publication ID: 74689

Sean DeRosa, Patrick Finley, Melissa Finley, Walter Beyeler, Daniel Krofcheck, Christopher Frazier, Laura Swiler, Teresa Portone, Erin Acquesta, Paula Austin, Drew Levin, Robert Taylor, Katherine Tremba, Monear Makvandi, Ann Hammer, Chad Davis, (2020). COVID-19 Medical Resource Demands Publication ID: 74013

Mamikon Gulian, Laura Swiler, A. Frankel, John Jakeman, Cosmin Safta, (2020). A Survey of Constrained Gaussian Process Regression: Approaches and Implementation Challenges Publication ID: 74359

Aidan Thompson, (2020). Machine-Learning Potentials: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Linear Cluster Expansions Publication ID: 74284

Daniel Dunlavy, (2020). Tensor Decompositions for Analyzing Multi-Way Data Publication ID: 74146

Scott Heidbrink, Daniel Dunlavy, Kathryn Rodhouse, (2020). Multimodal Deep Learning for Flaw Detection in Software Programs Publication ID: 74247

Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Recent experiences withMachine Learning Perspectives fromAlgorithms Architectures and Applications Publication ID: 74354

J. Ellis, (2020). Accelerating Multiscale Materials Modeling with Machine Learning Publication ID: 74105

Laura Swiler, Teresa Portone, (2020). Uncertainty Analysis of a COVID-19 Medical Resource Model Publication ID: 73743


Jeremy Myers, Daniel Dunlavy, Keita Teranishi, David Hollman, (2020). Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the SparTen High Performance Sparse Tensor Decomposition Software Publication ID: 73836

Keita Teranishi, Daniel Dunlavy, Jeremy Myers, Richard Barrett, (2020). SparTen: Leveraging Kokkos for On-node Parallelism in a Second-Order Method for Fitting Canonical Polyadic Tensor Models to Poisson Data Publication ID: 73837


J. Ellis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Accelerating Multiscale Materials Modeling with Machine Learning Publication ID: 73650

J. Ellis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Scalable Inference for Sparse Deep Neural Networks using Kokkos Kernels Publication ID: 73651

Ichitaro Yamazaki, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Nathan Ellingwood, (2020). Supernode-based Sparse Triangular Solver using Kokkos Publication ID: 73856

Nathan Ellingwood, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). Practices and Challenges of Software Development for a Performance Portable Ecosystem Publication ID: 73951

Gordon Moon, J. Ellis, Aravind Sukumaran-Rajam, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, P. Sadayappan, (2020). ALO-NMF: Accelerated Locality-Optimized Non-negative Matrix Factorization Publication ID: 73763

Gordon Moon, J. Ellis, Aravind Sukumaran-Rajam, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, P. Sadayappan, (2020). ALO-NMF: Accelerated Locality-Optimized Non-negative Matrix Factorization Publication ID: 73822

Walter Beyeler, Christopher Frazier, Laura Swiler, Teresa Portone, Daniel Krofcheck, (2020). Treatment Model Design and Use Publication ID: 73474

Laura Swiler, Teresa Portone, Walter Beyeler, (2020). Uncertainty analysis of Resource Demand Model for Covid-19 Publication ID: 73459

Seher Acer, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). SPHYNX: Spectral partitioning for HYbrid and aXelerator-enabled systems Proceedings – 2020 IEEE 34th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2020 Publication ID: 73087

Gordon Moon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, Hyoukjun Kwon, Prasanth Chatarasi, Eric Qin, (2020). Utilizing Spatial Accelerators for Machine Learning and Linear Algebra Kernels Publication ID: 73425

Eric Qin, Geonhwa Jeong, William Won, Sheng-Chun Kao, Hyoukjun Kwon, Sudarshan Srinivasan, Dipankar Das, Gordon Moon, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Tushar Krishna, (2020). MINT: Microarchitecture for Efficient and Interchangeable CompressioN Formats on Tensor Algebra Publication ID: 73435

Seher Acer, Erik Boman, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). SPHYNX: Spectral Partitioning for HYbrid aNd aXelerator-based systems Publication ID: 73470

Joseph Kotulski, Vinh Dang, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2020). ADELUS: A Performance-Portable Dense LU Solver for Distributed-Memory Hardware-Accelerated Systems Publication ID: 73584

Aidan Thompson, Mitchell Wood, Attila Cangi, Michael Desjarlais, Julien Tranchida, (2020). Improving the accuracy of spin-lattice simulations with machine-learning interatomic potentials Publication ID: 73267

Jim Ang, Christine Sweeney, Michael Wolf, J. Ellis, Sayan Ghosh, Ai Kagawa, Yunzhi Huang, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Vinay Ramakrishnaiah, Malachi Schram, Shinjae Yoo, (2020). ECP Report: Update on Proxy Applications and Vendor Interactions Publication ID: 73225

Kathryn Maupin, Laura Swiler, (2020). Calibration Propagation and Validation of Model Discrepancy Across Experimental Settings Publication ID: 72925

Mitchell Wood, Mary Cusentino, Aidan Thompson, (2020). Scale-Bridging From DFT to MD with Machine Learning Publication ID: 72603

Mary Cusentino, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, (2020). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mixed Materials in Tungsten Publication ID: 72638

Judith Brown, D. Kittell, Mitchell Wood, Aidan Thompson, Dan Bolintineanu, (2020). Multiscale modeling to study effects of microstructure in shocked hexanitrostilbene Publication ID: 72758

Mitchell Wood, Steven Plimpton, Aidan Thompson, Danny Perez, Anders Niklasson, (2020). A Path to the Exascale for Atomistic Simulations with Improved Accuracy Length and Time Scales Publication ID: 72854

Aidan Thompson, (2020). Predictive Atomistic Simulations of Materials using SNAP Data-Driven Potentials Publication ID: 72866

Keita Teranishi, David Hollman, Jeremy Myers, Daniel Dunlavy, (2020). Performance and Parallelization of CP-Alternate Poisson Regression Sparse Tensor Decomposition Publication ID: 72606

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