Engineering Science

The Engineering Science research area at Sandia leads engineering transitions in advanced, highly critical systems by integrating theory development, experimental discovery and diagnostics, modeling, and computational approaches to refine our understanding of complex behavior in engineered systems. 

Why Our Work Matters 

Revolutionizing the fundamental understanding of complex engineered systems can lead to enhancements that will bolster our national security stance for decades to come. 

Our Unique Value 

We do leading-edge work on physical phenomena at the continuum and near-continuum scale, and our engineering expertise in national security systems is second to none. We have foundational knowledge across multiple disciplines, including solid mechanics, fluid mechanics of reacting and nonreacting systems, structural dynamics, thermal and combustion sciences, aerodynamics, shock physics and energetics, and electromagnetic sciences. Sandia has corporate expertise in materials sciences, nanosciences, and microsciences, and we have large-scale, complex test capabilities, including high-performance computing and world-class modeling, simulation, and visualization capabilities.

Recent Highlights

Accurately capturing solidification of fluids and the development of residual stress is critical for fully predictive simulations for numerous applications in geoscience, nuclear safety, manufacturing, energy production, and bioscience. Researchers on this LDRD project...

Computer aided design (CAD) to simulation workflows for nuclear deterrence (ND) have shown dramatic performance improvements with ML. This work targets some of the most inefficient, tedious, and error-prone bottlenecks using new ML-based methods....

Predicting explosive performance at length scales near the minimum needed for a detonation to propagate is often a challenge—surrounding materials, non-ideal interfaces, sample geometry, and local microstructure variations can all significantly impact explosive output....

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Engineering Science Related Research Facilities

The Advanced Power Electronic Conversion Systems (APEX) Laboratory supports the development of advanced power conversion topologies and intelligent control strategies. Research in the APEX laboratory focuses on robust and fault-tolerant...

The ACF is a unique capability for simulating drop and high-velocity impact testing combining a breadth of instrumentation.

The BATLab is an internationally recognized leader in energy storage system safety research.

The Blast Tube facility provides tests using different blast tube configurations with varying lengths and diameters to perform tests with energetic and hazardous materials.

Lurance Canyon Burn Site (LCBS) provides controlled fire environments to perform fundamental studies, simulate transportation and handling accidents for nuclear safety studies, and evaluate and certify hazardous materials shipping containers.

The Superfuge capability provides the most realistic flight environments beyond the typical launch, reentry, and flight inertial loads by combining vibration, spin, thermal, and shock.

CSRI brings university faculty and students to Sandia for focused collaborative research on Department of Energy computer and computational science problems.

Researchers at the CONET Laboratory conduct research, development, and testing on networked and distributed systems.

The Design, Evaluation and Test Technology Facility focuses on simulating a wide range of environments for component and system testing.

ESTP, in conjunction with the Energy Storage Analysis Laboratory (ESAL), provides long-term testing and validation for electrical energy storage systems. The goal of the ESTP is to develop advanced energy...

The ESEF focuses on advanced diagnostics and fundamental experiments. Researchers seek to improve understanding of phenomena in areas of fluid flow, heat transfer, and aerodynamics.

The ECF provides unique capabilities allowing staff to design, test, and prototype a wide variety of energetic components in support of Sandia's ND mission.

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Related Intellectual Property

Current Engineering Science Openings

Current Engineering Science Openings

Albuquerque, NM 5
Livermore, CA 0
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