
Results 226–241 of 241

Understanding molecular-scale effects on fracture can inform resource extraction and help maintain the nation’s infrastructure 

News Article, June 8, 2023 • Three images show liquid nanoindentation setup, the indentation site, and water inside the crack tip in a molecular dynamics simulation. Subcritical fracture controls deformation and permeability of rocks and degradation of manmade materials. To further understand the chemical mechanisms controlling subcritical fracture, this three-year project created nanomechanical and continuum-scale mechanics...

Understanding the effects of radiation on reconfigurable phase change materials

News Article, June 22, 2023 • David Adams was elected Fellow and President of American Vacuum Society: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing in 2023. Chalcogenide thin films that undergo reversible phase changes show promise for next-generation nanophotonics, metasurfaces, and other emerging technologies. This general class of thin films can be switched rapidly between...
David Adams was elected Fellow and President of American Vacuum Society: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing in 2023.

Unique Mobility

Page • We specialize in developing advanced mobility technologies to support a broad range of tasks and missions. With expertise in mechanical design and fabrication, video and vision processing, communications systems, embedded computing, control, and navigation, we develop advanced mobility systems that are able to overcome a variety of obstacles and terrains,...

Urban Hopper

Page • As part of an ongoing Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project, Sandia National Laboratories has developed a small, shoebox-sized, GPS guided, unmanned ground vehicle that can jump over and onto obstacles more than 6 meters high. With an estimated range of 2 kilometers, the robot can drive using motor-driven...

Using machine learning to create rapid stronglink mechanisms

News Article, April 10, 2023 • Computer aided design (CAD) to simulation workflows for nuclear deterrence (ND) have shown dramatic performance improvements with ML. This work targets some of the most inefficient, tedious, and error-prone bottlenecks using new ML-based methods. Common mechanisms such as fasteners and springs can now be quickly identified and reduced to simulation-ready...
A CAD model

Using nonlocal interface problem allows for 7x speedup in large-scale simulations

News Article, May 9, 2023 • Multimaterial problems exist in mission applications such as mechanics and subsurface transport. To capture effects arising from long-range forces at the microscale and mesoscale that aren’t accounted for by classical partial differential equations, the MAThematical foundations for Nonlocal Interface Problems (MATNIP) project team developed a mathematically rigorous interface theory employing...
Analytic solutions u 2D 0,0 for s = 0.4 and u 2D 1,1 for s = 0.6. The behaviour (3.17) close to the boundary is apparent.

Using the power of “super-small” to solve large-scale scientific problems

News Article, October 13, 2022 • Sandia builds a testbed for powerful quantum computing hardware and scientific applications. Try this thought experiment: imagine a small measurable quantity of something—perhaps a grain of sand or a point of light—then cut it in half, again and again. When you reach the smallest quantity, such as a photon of...

Utqiagvik Arctic Research Facility

Facility • The Utqiagvik facility supports instrumentation built specifically for the Arctic to obtain continuous measurements of clouds, aerosols, precipitation, energy, and other meteorological variables.
The Utqiagvik Artic Facility located in Barrow, Alaska.

Visual Targeting

Page • Industrial robots take hours to program but perform quickly, tirelessly, and precisely without human intervention once programmed. Mobile robots are teleoperated, can attempt tasks immediately, but are imprecise, ungainly, and keep a human operator effectively tethered to the system at all times. As mobile robots become more complex with more...


Page • Land Sea Air Imagine a mission where you have to covertly fly into an area, traverse through water, across land, and overcome obstacles along the way. That might seem impossible with a single unmanned vehicle. How could one vehicle overcome so many terrains and obstacles? That would take a team...

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)

Facility • WIPP is a deep geologic repository for permanent disposal of a specific type of waste that is the byproduct of the Nation's Nuclear Defense Program.
Researcher observing rock material at the WIPP site.

Water Impact Facility

Facility • The Water Impact Facility provides a controlled environment for high-velocity water impact testing, gravity-assisted drop testing, and underwater testing.
The Water Impact Facility at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Weigh & Leak Check System (WALS)

Page • The Nuclear Weapons Complex stores radioactive nuclear materials known as "pits". At the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas, several stockpile inspection, evaluation, and maintenance programs require the handling and measurement of pits from a wide variety of weapons systems. These measurements are performed to ensure stockpile integrity. Historically, pit-handling operations...

Wide-bandgap semiconductors benefit from development of single-photo sources in gallium nitride 

News Article, June 8, 2023 • Single-photon sources based on atom-like features in solid-state materials offer the prospect for integrated, on-demand solid-state platforms and are being intensively explored for numerous mission-related quantum information technologies. Gallium nitride (GaN) is a very hard, mechanically stable wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor that permits devices to operate at much higher voltages, frequencies,...
A graphic showing a model of an atom over a wide-bandgap semiconductor

Z Pulsed Power Facility

Facility • Z is the world’s largest and highest-current pulsed power machine and one of three flagship facilities in the U.S. Inertial Confinement Fusion Program.
Z Pulsed Power Machine
Results 226–241 of 241