Physical Science

Sandia researchers operate an electron microscope to study atomic-scale radiation effects on metal. A container that exposes material samples to nuclear fusion. Krupa Ramasesha, a Sandia researcher, in front of a laser

Sandia’s research in physical science creates innovative, science-based, solutions to our nation’s most challenging problems. Our work for the DOE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) includes materials science and engineering, chemical sciences, geosciences, and biosciences, in addition to our work in the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. Our BES-supported fundamental science enables atomic and molecular level characterization of complex chemical transformations in the gas phase and at interfaces; investigates how structure controls materials properties and light-matter interactions; and discovers mechanisms for chemistry and transport in geological systems. Sandia’s expertise in understanding physical science is also leveraged in certain projects in Advanced Scientific Computing Research, which is under DOE’s Office of Science. Sandia’s work for DOE’s Office of Fusion Energy Sciences includes foundational studies of plasma-materials interactions, fusion blanket materials, and low temperature plasmas important to microelectronics fabrication and biomedical applications. 

Why Our Work Matters 

Sandia’s research in these areas works together to:   

  • Emphasize discovery, design, and understanding of new materials and new chemical, biochemical, and geological processes 
  • Provide fundamental understanding of chemical transformations and energy flow in systems relevant to DOE missions in energy, environment, and national security 
  • Develop a molecular-level understanding of chemistry within nanoscale confined interfacial systems relevant to geosciences and utilize it to interpret meso-scale and continuum-scale phenomena  
  • Lay the foundations for new energy technologies 

Our Unique Value 

Our programs bring together multidisciplinary teams of researchers to conduct advanced experimental and theoretical studies that lead to scientific discoveries that impact complex problems facing DOE missions in energy, environment, and national security. 

Recent Highlights

Atmospheric corrosion is a critical materials degradation problem, yet the ability to predict its kinetics remains...

Gallium nitride (GaN) is a very hard, mechanically stable wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor that permits devices to...

Subcritical fracture controls deformation and permeability of rocks and degradation of manmade materials. To further understand...

Physical Science Related Research Facilities

The CRF responds to the nation’s evolving energy challenges with ever increasing expertise and capacity aimed at improving our nation’s ability to use and control combustion processes.

The FACT site provides the equipment and seismically quiet surroundings required for testing infrasound and seismic sensors, instrumentation, and monitoring systems.

The IBL enables scientists to study and modify materials systems using ion and electron accelerators.

The PRF offers collaborators access to cutting edge diagnostic and computational capabilities and the expertise that is needed to set up and execute experiments and analyze data generated during the...

Sandia and the University of Alaska Fairbanks have teamed up to advance the concept of a permanent, comprehensive multi-agency USHARC in the Prudhoe Bay area.

Related Intellectual Property

Featured Licensing Opportunities

Energy • A machine learning model for estimating the optimal angle of photovoltaics on single axis trackers for improved energy production in cloudy conditions Single axis trackers are commonly used in large...

Energy • A novel algae flow-way system capable of converting wastewater pollutants into net-carbon negative biofuels Waterway pollution has been aggravated by the leaking of chemical products into man-made water irrigation systems,...

Energy • Degrade plastic waste materials to valuable chemicals, food sources and renewable energy related products using a catalytic oxidative process Transforming plastic waste to value-added components such as fuels, chemicals, or...

Energy • Long-lasting lithium primary batteries with a wide operational temperature range and increased safety. There is an ever-growing need to produce safer batteries that have longer run times and better temperature...

Energy • An alternative to high-pressure hydrogen compression that can isolate thousands of new metal hydride compositions for hydrogen storage applications Hydrogen compression is one of the key components of a hydrogen-based...

Sensors & Detectors • Monitor and safeguard high-value assets such as enclosures, materials, and storage containers using time-reversed acoustic waves Tamper-indicating technologies are used to verify the integrity of monitored items or high valueassets....

Energy • A solid-state ceramic disc membrane that increases the lifespan of aqueous-based system batteries by eliminating cross-over species and increasing conductivity Redox flow batteries (RFB) are an increasingly promising solution for...

Energy • Offshore Wind Energy Simulator (OWENS) is a software toolset for the analysis, design, and certification of offshore, land-based, or marine hydrokinetic vertical-axis wind turbine systems. The OWENs toolset has the...

Energy • A smaller, lighter, and less expensive solution for safer release of lighter-than-air flammable gases. Gaseous or liquid hydrogen tank releases, or releases of other lighter-than-air flammable gases, are typically routed...

Energy • A greener and more renewable pathway for ammonia production Ammonia (NH3) is an energy-dense chemical and vital component of fertilizer and other chemical commodities. NH3 is currently synthesized via the...

Energy • Generate high performance biofuels by optimizing how fuels are blended. The past century of fuel research was performed under the assumption that the Research Octane Number (RON) of a blended...

Energy • A new method converts coal waste into a domestic source of rare earth elements with significantly improved environment, health, and safety outcomes over existing methods Current methods of mining and...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia’s intrusion detection system uses inductive power transfer to reliably sense whether a barrier has been opened, closed, or breached relative to a stationary surface. Over the last forty years,...

Energy • Elastomers are polymeric materials with elastic properties used in gaskets, seals, tubing, and other products that provide critical sealing functions in diverse settings Elastomers are polymeric materials with elastic properties...

Energy • A simple and more efficient method for separating rare earth elements using mesoporous materials that eliminates hazardous solvents and complex, multi-step processes Rare earth elements (REEs) possess unique optical and...

Energy • This nonlinear hourglass buoy design optimizes power absorption in multi-resonant conditions and eliminates reactive power at the buoy level for more efficient wave energy converters (WECs) Ocean waves have the...

Sensors & Detectors • A scalable, modular architecture and wide-angle array for non-mechanical beamsteering — the basis of chip-scale integrated LIDAR Integrated photonic LIDAR is a highly complex and challenging integrated photonic technology with...

Sensors & Detectors • A mechanically robust, horizontally polarized dual-band GPS antenna with improved performance in cluttered signal environments Antennas are ubiquitous in devices and systems used by consumers, industry, and government. Often, these...

Sensors & Detectors • A miniaturized gyroscope with improved sensitivity and performance for navigation applications requiring low-cost and reduced power devices Gyroscopes are important for applications in navigation, guidance, and control. Ideally, gyroscopes are...

Energy • An integrated, high-efficiency conversion process for producing high purity biocrude oils, alcohols, and biofuels from wet algal biomass with minimal waste Algae represent a promising biomass crop for supplying renewable...

Sensors & Detectors • To support next generation computing, communication, and sensing needs, Sandia researchers have successfully developed a silicon photonics platform that leverages the semiconductor and nanotechnology capabilities of Sandia’s Microsystems and Engineering...

Energy • A rapid, flexible, and low-cost method of producing thermal battery components using thick film advanced manufacturing techniques to achieve greater uniformity and consistency Thermal batteries, also known as molten salt...

Energy • A low-inductance DC power bus for high frequency, high temperature operation in electric drive systems and next-generation power electronics A new generation of power electronic conversion systems are being enabled...

Energy • A higher power, solid-state thin film battery for breakthrough conductance and performance for on-package power in mass market electric vehicles (EVs) and electronic devices Enhancing battery safety and durability, reducing...

Sensors & Detectors • Gaining timely and efficient access to target biomolecules through cellular lysis is a critical step in bioscience research and development. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories developed a miniature acoustic lysis...

Sensors & Detectors • Many research applications have a critical need for flow and electrical-current diagnostics within fluids; however, current flow visualization techniques require optical access which is often infeasible in high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP)...

Sensors & Detectors • All objects with temperatures above 0 K emit electromagnetic waves or radiation. In theory, the temperature of an object can be calculated by measuring the intensity of this emitted radiation....

Energy • Networks and systems that monitor our grid and other critical infrastructure environments use predictable communications and static configurations that make them vulnerable to attack. Sandia researchers have developed a technology...

Energy • A fundamentally new type of rotary electrical contact that addresses short operating lifetime due to sliding-contact wear and electrical arcing associated with contact bounce Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories developed...

Energy • Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed a coating architecture to replace conventional fluid lubricants with a multi-layer solid lubricant for use in drilling components deployed in extreme conditions. Down-the-hole...

Energy • Reduces soot and other EPA regulated emissions in direct-injection engines Sandia National Laboratories has developed ducted fuel injection technology for the reduction of soot and other EPA regulated emissions in...

Energy • The ability to track underground fluid flows in oil and geothermal wells is critical to allow operators to extract energy as efficiently as possible. This information will allow operators to...

Energy • Sandia National Laboratories has developed a robust centralizer that actively centers casing in deviated, directional or horizontally drilled well bores. Traditional centralizers, most commonly based on a bow spring design,...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia National Laboratories developed an organic glass scintillator that will improve safety and security at our nation’s ports and borders. Current radiation monitors typically utilize plastic scintillators, which are unable...

Energy • There are many examples of surface modifications that reduce resistance to flow and improve performance. For instance, a dimpled golf ball can travel twice as far as a smooth ball...

Energy • Increases in bioethanol production throughout the US has led to an increase in the process co-product—distillers grains with solubles (DGS). DGS can be used to feed livestock, however, product inconsistency...

Energy • Sandia's Microgrid Design Toolkit (MDT) is a decision support software toolkit that aids designers in creating optimal microgrids. Microgrids are localized energy grids that provide flexibility through their ability to...

Energy • Inter-area oscillations may develop on power grids with large generation and load complexes separated by long transmission lines. Poorly damped inter-area oscillations can have devastating effects, such as extensive blackouts...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia has expanded upon research into microstructured semiconductor neutron detectors and created a silicon-based device with greater sensitivity than the current state-of-the-art with adaptability for detection of general particles/radiation. Sandia’s...

Sensors & Detectors • High Energy Density (HED) physics and inertial confinement fusion experiments rely on successively monitored images for data collection High Energy Density (HED) physics and inertial confinement fusion experiments rely on...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia has developed a miniature, zero-power radio receiver that can be easily integrated in a wide range of devices to provide continuous wireless connectivity. The underlying principle behind the Zero-Power...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia’s mini-PDID makes it possible to diagnose illnesses by identifying volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with certain diseases and infections on a patient’s breath or in the headspace of biological...

Energy • With growing numbers of solar energy systems being proposed and installed throughout the United States, the potential impact of glint and glare from photovoltaic modules, concentrating solar collectors, receivers, and...

Energy • A novel solid-state lighting (SSL) architecture that addresses several longstanding technical challenges in SSL luminaires RCSSL improves upon the groundbreaking thermal management performance of the R&D 100 Editors’ Choice award-winning...

Energy • When designing or analyzing electrical systems, it is important to understand the relationship between input and output. Power conversion occurs in a “black box” and transfer functions can be used...

Energy • Pure molecular oxygen is important to many industrial processes such as oxy-fuel combustion, steel production, on-board oxygen generation in military aircraft and medical oxygen concentrators. Industrial-scale oxygen separation is conventionally...

Energy • Solar-thermochemical reactors used for fuel production exist in many forms, each of which offers a unique trade-off between efficient fuel production, thermal efficiency, and scalability. Sandia has developed a solar-thermochemical...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia National Laboratories has developed a class of hybrid liquid or gel scintillators for the efficient detection of neutron radiation from nuclear threat materials. Scintillators have proven very useful in...

Sensors & Detectors • Highly sensitive, cryogen-free Atomic Magnetometer magnetic field sensor substantially reduces costs of acquiring and operating magnetoencephalography (MEG) systems The Atomic Magnetometer MEG system uses a novel sensor design that allows...

Sensors & Detectors • Existing small radiation detectors do not produce an immediate real-time warning of radiation doses because the detectors need to be sent to a lab for readout, which can require days...

Sensors & Detectors • The Sandia wave reflector is a magnetic conductor for wireless transmissions near 433 MHz. The device reflects perpendicular electromagnetic waves in-phase and suppresses surface waves resulting in improved gain performance...

Sensors & Detectors • Sensors to identify and assess the pervasive and expensive problem of corrosion in applications ranging from construction to microelectronics. Sandia’s micro sensors are designed and fabricated in the style of...

Sensors & Detectors • Summary Numerous commercial and military applications require knowing the absolute age and/or temperature history of a device or system starting from the time it is assembled or commissioned. Ideally this...

Energy • This technology provides a fully integrated and self-containing alternating current (AC) photovoltaic (PV) Building Block device and method that allows photovoltaic applications to become true plug-and-play devices. The Building Block...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia National Laboratories has developed imaging systems for the detection, quantification and monitoring of gaseous leaks. Using the backscatter absorption gas imaging (BAGI) technique, these devices can remotely produce real-time...

Sensors & Detectors • Correlation spectrometers measure trace amounts of a chemical in the presence of many other chemicals by comparing the light transmission of a sample to a known reference.Sandia National Laboratories has...

Energy • Sandia National Laboratories has developed a sliding feed tube pressure control valve for reciprocating hammer drills that is more efficient and produces more drilling power.In the current valveless designs, the...

Energy • Revolutionary micro-solar technology utilizes glitter-sized photovoltaic cells to change how we generate and use solar power. The significantly reduced size and 100 times less silicon used, allows for increased versatility...

Sensors & Detectors • Summary Inexhaustible, miniature electrical power supplies offer the means to power battery-free microelectronic systems, or at a minimum provide a recharging capability to reduce battery size and extend their lifetimes....

Energy • Sandia National Laboratories has created solutions to startup flow issues in supercritical conversion systems. The Supercritical Brayton Cycle is a power conversion system that is undergoing extensive testing and advancements...

Energy • Increased recycling of power plant cooling water calls for low-cost means of preventing the formation of calcium carbonate and silicate scale.Hardness (Ca and Mg) and silica are two of the...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia National Laboratories has developed a continuously monitoring fluid interface optical sensor.The method of determining the liquid level through a single immersed optical wave guide allows for a simple and...

Sensors & Detectors • A direct detector that is a depletion mode field-effect transistor built from heterostructures and consisting of electrical contacts and a grating-gate There has been much interest expressed in terahertz technology...

Energy • Versatile polymer membrane separator technologies with improved long-term stability, performance in high temperatures, and suitability for acidic and alkaline environments Fuel cells are hailed as clean, quiet, and efficient technologies...

Energy • The solar and photovoltaic industry has grown steadily over the last several years.In order to maintain these growth rates, the processes and methods need to be continuously improved.Sandia National Laboratories...

Sensors & Detectors • Many microfluidics systems use electrokinetic (EK) pumping of fluid. These applications generally require high voltage at a low current. Sandia has developed two custom power supply designs with miniaturization, modularity,...

Energy • Sandia researchers have developed a radically new architecture for air-cooled heat exchangers In conventional “fan-plus-finned-heat-sink” air-cooled heat exchangers, the primary physical limitation to performance (i.e. achieving low thermal resistance) is...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia has developed an improved quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS). The improvement lies in the substitution of the conventional hot flament electron source with a cold cathode field emitter array (FEA),...

Energy • Sandia has developed an energy monitoring device that measures energy from liquid flow systems (e.g., solar systems) using a simple technique that senses when the system is running and then...

Sensors & Detectors • Many applications require detection of both very small and very large signals. High gain detector amplifiers provide low noise but are easily swamped by large signals. Logarithmic amplifiers provide a...

Energy • Sandia’s advanced activated carbon is used for the adsorption of noble gases (argon, krypton, and xenon) for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. This solution is simple, reliable, and affordable....

Energy • Sandia has developed a cheap, efficient, and accurate method of measuring the irradiance from solar reflections using a digital camera. Measurements of reflected solar irradiance is of great importance to...

Energy • This technology is an automated system in which the reflection of a mirror, typically for solar applications, is characterized by the slope and slope errors. The system uses a video...

Energy • The first phase of this project is capture and encapsulation which is achieved by using nanoporous alumina to confine gaseous iodine, for example, from fission or waste processing. The captured...

Energy • This innovative technology uses a water treatment coagulant, or reagent, to facilitate the process of water purification. By inserting a single gallium atom in the center of an aluminum oxide...

Energy • Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) relies on thermodynamic processes to convert concentrated light into useful forms of energy. Accurate sun tracking enables higher concentration ratios and improved efficiency through higher temperature...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia has developed a micro-fabricated device for identifying different organisms by their unique chemical “fingerprint” based on fatty acid (lipid) content. Applications can include food composition testing (testing the purity...

Energy • Sandia researchers have developed a technology that could potentially turn agricultural waste, weeds, and other plant products that are typically discarded or destroyed into fuel. The idea is to create...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia National Laboratories has created a method and apparatus for measuring the position of an object. It relies on the attenuation of fluorescence light carried inside a fluorescent optical fiber...

Energy • NanoCoralTM produces platinum nanomaterials which can significantly reduce costs and improve the efficiency and durability of hydrogen fuel cells and other renewable energy technologies. NanoCoralTM is an innovative nanotechnology for...

Sensors & Detectors • Sandia National Laboratories has developed a side-emitting fiber optic position sensor and method of determining an unknown position of an object by using the sensor.Non-electrical position sensors like the one...

Energy • The Theoretical Overlay Photographic Heliostat Alignment Technique (TOPHAT) is a unique method which helps to accurately and effectively concentrate solar energy onto a receiver. By utilizing a camera/target fixture placed...

Energy • This technology is a new technique for parabolic trough mirror alignment based on the use of an innovative Theoretical Overlay Photographic (TOP) approach. It is a variation of current methods...

Energy • With the increasing demand for new energy distribution methods including increased efficiency and alternative sources, Intelligent Grid technologies are on the cutting edge of demand. The significance is taking the...

Patents & Applications
Patent Title Patent Number Grant Date
Systems and methods for single-axis tracking via sky imaging and machine leanring comprising a neural network to determine an angular position of a photovoltaic power system Pending 11/21/2023
Systems and methods for single-axis tracking via sky imaging and machine leanring comprising a neural network to determine an angular position of a photovoltaic power system Pending 11/21/2023
Systems and Methods for Shielding Falling Particles within a Solar Thermal Falling Particle Receiver 11,555,634 01/17/2023
Systems and Methods for Shielding Falling Particles within a Solar Thermal Falling Particle Receiver 11,555,634 01/17/2023
Radial Particle-Based Terrestrial Thermocline for High Temperature Thermal Storage 11,549,761 01/10/2023
Radial Particle-Based Terrestrial Thermocline for High Temperature Thermal Storage 11,549,761 01/10/2023
Wave Energy Converter Buoy with Variable Geometry 11,536,243 12/27/2022
Wave Energy Converter Buoy with Variable Geometry 11,536,243 12/27/2022
Alkyl Dialkoxyalkanoates as Bioderived, High Cetane Diesel Fuels 11,492,565 11/08/2022
Alkyl Dialkoxyalkanoates as Bioderived, High Cetane Diesel Fuels 11,492,565 11/08/2022
High Luminescence Plastic Scintillators 11,479,717 10/25/2022
High Luminescence Plastic Scintillators 11,479,717 10/25/2022
Photovoltaic Array for a Power-by-Light System 11,476,376 10/18/2022
Photovoltaic Array for a Power-by-Light System 11,476,376 10/18/2022
Systems and Methods for Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Attacks on Power Systems Comprising Distributed Energy Resources 11,388,178 07/12/2022
Systems and Methods for Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Attacks on Power Systems Comprising Distributed Energy Resources 11,388,178 07/12/2022
Falling particle solar receivers 11,326,810 05/10/2022
Falling particle solar receivers 11,326,810 05/10/2022
System and method thermopile energy harvesting for subsurface well bore sensors 11,319,779 05/03/2022
System and method thermopile energy harvesting for subsurface well bore sensors 11,319,779 05/03/2022
Energy Storage Systems for Electrical Microgrids with Pulsed Power Loads 11,316,363 04/26/2022
Energy Storage Systems for Electrical Microgrids with Pulsed Power Loads 11,316,363 04/26/2022
Radiation detector using a graphene amplifier layer 11,287,536 03/29/2022
Radiation detector using a graphene amplifier layer 11,287,536 03/29/2022
Directional infrasound sensing 11,287,506 03/29/2022
Probe for Operando In Situ Electrochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 11,215,686 01/04/2022
Probe for Operando In Situ Electrochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 11,215,686 01/04/2022
Probe for Operando In Situ Electrochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 11,215,686 01/04/2022
Probe for Operando In Situ Electrochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 11,215,686 01/04/2022
Systems and methods that use harmonic drives for converting reciprocating axial motion to continuous rotary motion, helical drives for converting reciprocating rotary motion to reciprocating axial motion and combinations thereof for converting reciprocating rotary motion to continuous rotary motion 11,143,275 10/12/2021
Microneedle-based electrical impedance sensor to monitor plant water status in real time 11,060,989 07/13/2021
System, algorithm, and method using short pulse interrogation with neutrons to detect and identify matter 11,061,164 07/13/2021
Microneedle-based electrical impedance sensor to monitor plant water status in real time 11,060,989 07/13/2021
System, algorithm, and method using short pulse interrogation with neutrons to detect and identify matter 11,061,164 07/13/2021
System, algorithm, and method using short pulse interrogation with neutrons to detect and identify matter 11,061,164 07/13/2021
Methods, systems, and devices to optimize a fluid harvester 11,047,360 06/29/2021
Systems and methods for controlling electrical grid resources 11,050,262 06/29/2021
Methods, systems, and devices to optimize a fluid harvester 11,047,360 06/29/2021
Systems and methods for controlling electrical grid resources 11,050,262 06/29/2021
Belt structures for rotary electrical contact device 11,031,744 06/08/2021
Belt structures for rotary electrical contact device 11,031,744 06/08/2021
Methods and Computer Program Products for Locating and Characterizing Clutter in Large Spaces 11,010,513 05/18/2021
Methods and Computer Program Products for Locating and Characterizing Clutter in Large Spaces 11,010,513 05/18/2021
Dual frequency transceiver device 10,984,300 04/20/2021
Dual frequency transceiver device 10,984,300 04/20/2021
Systems and methods using collaborative controls to maintain unintentional islanding standards 10,985,568 04/20/2021
Systems and methods using collaborative controls to maintain unintentional islanding standards 10,985,568 04/20/2021
System and method for consolidating used nuclear fuel 10,978,212 04/13/2021
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) detection and assessment via temporal intensity aliasing 10,977,772 04/13/2021
System and method for consolidating used nuclear fuel 10,978,212 04/13/2021
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) detection and assessment via temporal intensity aliasing 10,977,772 04/13/2021
Belt structures for rotary electrical contact device 10,971,876 04/06/2021
Remote vibration sensing through opaque media using permanent magnets 10,969,269 04/06/2021
Belt structures for rotary electrical contact device 10,971,876 04/06/2021
Method to synthesize nanoparticle supercrystals 10,947,116 03/16/2021
Method to synthesize nanoparticle supercrystals 10,947,116 03/16/2021
Solar thermal receivers with multi-scale light trapping geometry and features 10,935,281 03/02/2021
Solar thermal receivers with multi-scale light trapping geometry and features 10,935,281 03/02/2021
Muon detectors, systems and methods 10,921,468 02/16/2021
Muon detectors, systems and methods 10,921,468 02/16/2021
Multi-stage falling particle receivers 10,914,493 02/09/2021
Multi-stage falling particle receivers 10,914,493 02/09/2021
Method of fabricating photosensitive devices with reduced process-temperature budget 10,910,508 02/02/2021
SURFACE BLOCKING AGENTS 10,894,913 01/19/2021
SURFACE BLOCKING AGENTS 10,894,913 01/19/2021
Passive high-power-density grid interface device 10,886,841 01/05/2021
Heating and cooling devices, systems and related method 10,876,773 12/29/2020
Apparatus, methods and system for temperature gradient aging with in-situ electrical monitoring 10,876,987 12/29/2020
Passive millimeter wave radiometer system for calibration of infrared cameras 10,876,898 12/29/2020
Passive millimeter wave radiometer system for calibration of infrared cameras 10,876,898 12/29/2020
Radical-ion battery and operation thereof 10,879,552 12/29/2020
Radical-ion battery and operation thereof 10,879,552 12/29/2020
Organosilicon-based electrolytes for long-life lithium primary batteries 10,862,163 12/08/2020
Organosilicon-based electrolytes for long-life lithium primary batteries 10,862,163 12/08/2020
Nonlinear controller for nonlinear wave energy converters 10,823,134 11/03/2020
Nonlinear controller for nonlinear wave energy converters 10,823,134 11/03/2020
Ducted fuel injection 10,801,395 10/13/2020
Ducted fuel injection 10,801,395 10/13/2020
Control valve arrangement of a fuel injector 10,801,456 10/13/2020
Air bearing heat exchanger methods 10,801,787 10/13/2020
Redox-active oxide materials for thermal energy storage 10,800,665 10/13/2020
Air bearing heat exchanger methods 10,801,787 10/13/2020
Redox-active oxide materials for thermal energy storage 10,800,665 10/13/2020
Nanoporous carbon as an anode material for Li-ion batteries 10,784,511 09/22/2020
Nanoporous carbon as an anode material for Li-ion batteries 10,784,511 09/22/2020
Simulating current flow through a well casing and an induced fracture 10,767,465 09/08/2020
Simulating current flow through a well casing and an induced fracture 10,767,465 09/08/2020
Modular low cost trackerless spectral sensor 10,760,972 09/01/2020
Modular low cost trackerless spectral sensor 10,760,972 09/01/2020
Hydrothermal aging-resistant plastic scintillator formulations 10,732,304 08/04/2020
Hydrothermal aging-resistant plastic scintillator formulations 10,732,304 08/04/2020
Cast thermal battery electrodes and separators using a salt binder 10,727,474 07/28/2020
Cast thermal battery electrodes and separators using a salt binder 10,727,474 07/28/2020
In-situ active impedance characterization of scanned array antennas 10,720,703 07/21/2020
In-situ active impedance characterization of scanned array antennas 10,720,703 07/21/2020
Apparatus, system and method for highlighting activity-induced change in multi-pass synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,698,104 06/30/2020
Apparatus, system and method for highlighting activity-induced change in multi-pass synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,698,104 06/30/2020
Nonlinear power flow control for networked AC/DC microgrids 10,666,054 05/26/2020
Nonlinear power flow control for networked AC/DC microgrids 10,666,054 05/26/2020
Systems, methods and computer program products for constructing complex geometries using layered and linked hexahedral element meshes 10,657,301 05/19/2020
Systems, methods and computer program products for constructing complex geometries using layered and linked hexahedral element meshes 10,657,301 05/19/2020
LITHIUM BATTERY CATHODE 10,651,461 05/12/2020
LITHIUM BATTERY CATHODE 10,651,461 05/12/2020
Battery cell with safety layer 10,637,011 04/28/2020
System and method for measuring fluid properties using magnetic field techniques via magnetic tracer 10,627,269 04/21/2020
Cryogenic heating system 10,627,050 04/21/2020
Cryogenic heating system 10,627,050 04/21/2020
Compact radiation detector 10,620,326 04/14/2020
Compact radiation detector 10,620,326 04/14/2020
Ultra-wideband mutual coupling compensation of active electronically scanned arrays in multi-channel radar systems 10,615,495 04/07/2020
Ultra-wideband mutual coupling compensation of active electronically scanned arrays in multi-channel radar systems 10,615,495 04/07/2020
Battery cell with safety layer 10,608,236 03/31/2020
Co-notch and independent windowing to mitigate interference in SAR-based imagery 10,591,582 03/17/2020
Co-notch and independent windowing to mitigate interference in SAR-based imagery 10,591,582 03/17/2020
Aqueous Na-ion redox flow battery with ceramic NaSICON membrane 10,586,997 03/10/2020
Aqueous Na-ion redox flow battery with ceramic NaSICON membrane 10,586,997 03/10/2020
System and method for cooling using a heat exchanger having a membrane 10,584,926 03/10/2020
System and method for cooling using a heat exchanger having a membrane 10,584,926 03/10/2020
Communication enabled fast-acting imbalance reserve 10,574,056 02/25/2020
Communication enabled fast-acting imbalance reserve 10,574,056 02/25/2020
Cooling systems and methods for thermoelectric power generation 10,563,923 02/18/2020
Cooling systems and methods for thermoelectric power generation 10,563,923 02/18/2020
Low pressure drop advanced swirl technology gas filter 10,537,839 01/21/2020
Electrically conductive proppant and methods for detecting, locating and characterizing the electrically conductive proppant 10,538,695 01/21/2020
Low pressure drop advanced swirl technology gas filter 10,537,839 01/21/2020
Low pressure drop advanced swirl technology gas filter 10,537,839 01/21/2020
Apparatus, system and method for highlighting anomalous change in multi-pass synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,535,127 01/14/2020
Apparatus, system and method for highlighting anomalous change in multi-pass synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,535,127 01/14/2020
Mixed compound organic glass scintillators 10,508,233 12/17/2019
Mixed compound organic glass scintillators 10,508,233 12/17/2019
Falling particle solar receivers 10,508,834 12/17/2019
Falling particle solar receivers 10,508,834 12/17/2019
High current density, low contact resistance wide bandgap contacts 10,505,031 12/10/2019
High current density, low contact resistance wide bandgap contacts 10,505,031 12/10/2019
Magnetic field falling particle solar receiver systems and methods 10,502,459 12/10/2019
Magnetic field falling particle solar receiver systems and methods 10,502,459 12/10/2019
Metal-organic framework electrodes for sodium ion batteries 10,497,971 12/03/2019
Spectral replacement to mitigate interference for multi-pass synthetic aperture radar 10,495,750 12/03/2019
Spectral replacement to mitigate interference for multi-pass synthetic aperture radar 10,495,750 12/03/2019
Metal-organic framework electrodes for sodium ion batteries 10,497,971 12/03/2019
Multi-resonant feedback control of multiple degree-of-freedom wave energy converters 10,488,828 11/26/2019
Multi-resonant feedback control of multiple degree-of-freedom wave energy converters 10,488,828 11/26/2019
Low-power MEMS wakeup system 10,481,672 11/19/2019
Low-power MEMS wakeup system 10,481,672 11/19/2019
Waveform warping for general frequency-modulated radar waveforms 10,473,755 11/12/2019
High sensitivity single-axis MEMS accelerometer with bilateral flexures 10,473,687 11/12/2019
Waveform warping for general frequency-modulated radar waveforms 10,473,755 11/12/2019
High sensitivity single-axis MEMS accelerometer with bilateral flexures 10,473,687 11/12/2019
Vehicle track detection in synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,467,474 11/05/2019
Vehicle track detection in synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,467,474 11/05/2019
Optomechanical gyroscope utilizing the Sagnac effect 10,458,795 10/29/2019
Optomechanical gyroscope utilizing the Sagnac effect 10,458,795 10/29/2019
Muon detectors, systems and methods 10,451,745 10/22/2019
Muon detectors, systems and methods 10,451,745 10/22/2019
Heating and cooling devices, systems and related method 10,429,105 10/01/2019
Air bearing heat exchanger 10,422,590 09/24/2019
Multi-resonant feedback control of a single degree-of-freedom wave energy converter 10,423,126 09/24/2019
Air bearing heat exchanger 10,422,590 09/24/2019
Multi-resonant feedback control of a single degree-of-freedom wave energy converter 10,423,126 09/24/2019
LITHIUM BATTERY CATHODE 10,411,251 09/10/2019
Monolithic flexure mount 10,409,030 09/10/2019
Monolithic flexure mount 10,409,030 09/10/2019
LITHIUM BATTERY CATHODE 10,411,251 09/10/2019
Wind turbine blades, wind turbines, and wind farms having increased power output 10,400,743 09/03/2019
Wind turbine blades, wind turbines, and wind farms having increased power output 10,400,743 09/03/2019
Fluid driven drilling motor 10,385,616 08/20/2019
Fluid driven drilling motor 10,385,616 08/20/2019
Controller for a customized electric power storage device in a collective microgrid 10,374,430 08/06/2019
Controller for a customized electric power storage device in a collective microgrid 10,374,430 08/06/2019
Neutron multiplicity detector control circuitry and firmware 10,353,088 07/16/2019
Neutron multiplicity detector control circuitry and firmware 10,353,088 07/16/2019
Solar receivers and methods for capturing solar energy 10,348,241 07/09/2019
Reduced-bias multi-resolution coherent change detection 10,345,440 07/09/2019
Pseudo-spectral method to control three-degree-of-freedom wave energy converters 10,344,736 07/09/2019
Pseudo-spectral method to control three-degree-of-freedom wave energy converters 10,344,736 07/09/2019
Reduced-bias multi-resolution coherent change detection 10,345,440 07/09/2019
Solar receivers and methods for capturing solar energy 10,348,241 07/09/2019
Spectral notch interference mitigation for stretch processing synthetic aperture radar 10,330,786 06/25/2019
Spectral notch interference mitigation for stretch processing synthetic aperture radar 10,330,786 06/25/2019
Subharmonic power line carrier based island detection systems and methods 10,326,279 06/18/2019
Subharmonic power line carrier based island detection systems and methods 10,326,279 06/18/2019
Metal-organic framework electrodes for sodium ion batteries 10,320,028 06/11/2019
Frequency shifted, vacuum pressure sensor 10,317,300 06/11/2019
Metal-organic framework electrodes for sodium ion batteries 10,320,028 06/11/2019
Nonaqueous redox flow battery electrolyte comprising an ionic liquid with a metal cation coordinated to redox-active ligands 10,305,133 05/28/2019
Automatic peak interval, relative volatility, and relative amplitude detection in high-volume temporal data 10,303,841 05/28/2019
High performance ultra-thin solar cell structures 10,304,977 05/28/2019
Automatic peak interval, relative volatility, and relative amplitude detection in high-volume temporal data 10,303,841 05/28/2019
Nonaqueous redox flow battery electrolyte comprising an ionic liquid with a metal cation coordinated to redox-active ligands 10,305,133 05/28/2019
Hyperdimensional visualization tool 10,297,054 05/21/2019
Systems, methods and computer program products for electric grid control 10,298,016 05/21/2019
Systems, methods and computer program products for electric grid control 10,298,016 05/21/2019
Hyperdimensional visualization tool 10,297,054 05/21/2019
Dual-band GPS antenna with horizontal polarization 10,290,950 05/14/2019
Extended cavity laser absorption spectroscopy 10,288,482 05/14/2019
Rotation flexure with temperature controlled modal frequency 10,288,121 05/14/2019
Rotation flexure with temperature controlled modal frequency 10,288,121 05/14/2019
Apodization of spurs in radar receivers using multi-channel processing 10,288,729 05/14/2019
Dual-band GPS antenna with horizontal polarization 10,290,950 05/14/2019
Apodization of spurs in radar receivers using multi-channel processing 10,288,729 05/14/2019
Extended cavity laser absorption spectroscopy 10,288,482 05/14/2019
Doppler-assisted sensor fusion 10,267,895 04/23/2019
Emulator apparatus for microgrid testing and design 10,270,251 04/23/2019
Emulator apparatus for microgrid testing and design 10,270,251 04/23/2019
Doppler-assisted sensor fusion 10,267,895 04/23/2019
Arc plasma-generating systems and methods thereof 10,261,120 04/16/2019
Arc plasma-generating systems and methods thereof 10,261,120 04/16/2019
Full-field surface roughness 10,254,112 04/09/2019
Small mover target detection in synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,254,399 04/09/2019
Full-field surface roughness 10,254,112 04/09/2019
Small mover target detection in synthetic aperture radar imagery 10,254,399 04/09/2019
Moldable photovoltaic solar cell module 10,243,095 03/26/2019
Moldable photovoltaic solar cell module 10,243,095 03/26/2019
Communication device and method of making the same 10,235,614 03/19/2019
Communication device and method of making the same 10,235,614 03/19/2019
Emulator for rotary energy sources 10,228,665 03/12/2019
Emulator for rotary energy sources 10,228,665 03/12/2019
In-situ active impedance characterization of scanned array antennas 10,218,068 02/26/2019
In-situ active impedance characterization of scanned array antennas 10,218,068 02/26/2019
Additive-mixing fuel-injection system for internal combustion engines 10,202,929 02/12/2019
Additive-mixing fuel-injection system for internal combustion engines 10,202,929 02/12/2019
Optimal control of wave energy converters 10,197,040 02/05/2019
Optimal control of wave energy converters 10,197,040 02/05/2019
Cooling systems and methods for thermoelectric power generation 10,184,726 01/22/2019
Electrochemical cell having a vanadium phosphorous alloy electrode 10,186,740 01/22/2019
Electrochemical cell having a vanadium phosphorous alloy electrode 10,186,740 01/22/2019
Cooling systems and methods for thermoelectric power generation 10,184,726 01/22/2019
Analysis and categorization of eye tracking data describing scanpaths 10,181,078 01/15/2019
Robust power detector for wideband signals among many single tone signals 10,171,189 01/01/2019
Robust power detector for wideband signals among many single tone signals 10,171,189 01/01/2019
Microsampler and method of making the same 10,161,835 12/25/2018
Sensor system that uses embedded optical fibers 10,161,924 12/25/2018
Ducted fuel injection 10,161,626 12/25/2018
Microsampler and method of making the same 10,161,835 12/25/2018
Ducted fuel injection 10,161,626 12/25/2018
Sensor system that uses embedded optical fibers 10,161,924 12/25/2018
Sealed micro gas chromatography columns and methods thereof 10,151,732 12/11/2018
Sealed micro gas chromatography columns and methods thereof 10,151,732 12/11/2018
Defect screening method for electronic circuits and circuit components using power spectrum anaylysis 10,145,894 12/04/2018
Defect screening method for electronic circuits and circuit components using power spectrum anaylysis 10,145,894 12/04/2018
Ducted fuel injection with ignition assist 10,138,855 11/27/2018
Ducted fuel injection with ignition assist 10,138,855 11/27/2018
Axial flow heat exchanger devices and methods for heat transfer using axial flow devices 10,132,574 11/20/2018
Axial flow heat exchanger devices and methods for heat transfer using axial flow devices 10,132,574 11/20/2018
Multi-aperture optical system for high-resolution imaging 10,120,195 11/06/2018
Multi-aperture optical system for high-resolution imaging 10,120,195 11/06/2018
Thermal energy storage and power generation systems and methods 10,107,268 10/23/2018
Thermal energy storage and power generation systems and methods 10,107,268 10/23/2018
Scanning method for screening of electronic devices 10,094,874 10/09/2018
Scanning method for screening of electronic devices 10,094,874 10/09/2018
Method to provide meta-stable operation of a DC microgrid comprising a pulsed load 10,090,764 10/02/2018
Method to provide meta-stable operation of a DC microgrid comprising a pulsed load 10,090,764 10/02/2018
Method for enhancing hydrocarbon recovery from tight formations 10,066,471 09/04/2018
Antenna array with low Rx and Tx sidelobe levels 10,062,972 08/28/2018
Antenna array with low Rx and Tx sidelobe levels 10,062,972 08/28/2018
Heating and cooling devices, systems and related method 10,041,701 08/07/2018
Moldable photovoltaic solar cell module 10,038,113 07/31/2018
Thermal swing reactor including a multi-flight auger 10,035,121 07/31/2018
Thermal swing reactor including a multi-flight auger 10,035,121 07/31/2018
Moldable photovoltaic solar cell module 10,038,113 07/31/2018
Heat transfer assemblies, systems, and methods for conditioning a medium 10,036,581 07/31/2018
Vehicle track identification in synthetic aperture radar images 10,032,077 07/24/2018
Optomechanical force sensors, cantilevers, and systems thereof 10,031,158 07/24/2018
Vehicle track identification in synthetic aperture radar images 10,032,077 07/24/2018
Optomechanical force sensors, cantilevers, and systems thereof 10,031,158 07/24/2018
Monolithically integrated infrared transceiver 10,020,634 07/10/2018
Artifact reduction within a SAR image 10,018,718 07/10/2018
Artifact reduction within a SAR image 10,018,718 07/10/2018
Monolithically integrated infrared transceiver 10,020,634 07/10/2018
Methods for operating solar-thermochemical processes 10,001,298 06/19/2018
Methods for operating solar-thermochemical processes 10,001,298 06/19/2018
Identifying an arc-fault type in photovoltaic arrays 9,995,796 06/12/2018
Atomic magnetometer with multiple spatial channels 9,995,800 06/12/2018
Identifying an arc-fault type in photovoltaic arrays 9,995,796 06/12/2018
Compact radiation detector 9,993,894 06/12/2018
High-temperature, adhesive-based microvalves and uses thereof 9,995,411 06/12/2018
Compact radiation detector 9,993,894 06/12/2018
Identifying an arc-fault type in photovoltaic arrays 9,995,796 06/12/2018
Atomic magnetometer with multiple spatial channels 9,995,800 06/12/2018
Porous metals from sintering of nanoparticles 9,981,313 05/29/2018
Biological detector and method 9,958,516 05/01/2018
Representation of activity in images using geospatial temporal graphs 9,959,647 05/01/2018
Representation of activity in images using geospatial temporal graphs 9,959,647 05/01/2018
Prognostics and health management of photovoltaic systems 9,939,485 04/10/2018
Prognostics and health management of photovoltaic systems 9,939,485 04/10/2018
Prognostics and health management of photovoltaic systems 9,939,485 04/10/2018
Systems and methods for locating and imaging proppant in an induced fracture 9,927,549 03/27/2018
Searches over graphs representing geospatial-temporal remote sensing data 9,911,039 03/06/2018
Robust power detector for wideband signals among many single tone signals 9,912,420 03/06/2018
Ducted fuel injection 9,909,549 03/06/2018
Ducted fuel injection 9,909,549 03/06/2018
Searches over graphs representing geospatial-temporal remote sensing data 9,911,039 03/06/2018
Catalyzed, high energy density, metal-air battery 9,911,981 03/06/2018
Robust power detector for wideband signals among many single tone signals 9,912,420 03/06/2018
Reflective photovoltaics 9,911,871 03/06/2018
Detection of arcing location on photovoltaic systems using filters 9,897,642 02/20/2018
Detection of arcing location on photovoltaic systems using filters 9,897,642 02/20/2018
Detection of arcing location on photovoltaic systems using filters 9,897,642 02/20/2018
Image registration via optimization over disjoint image regions 9,886,645 02/06/2018
Image registration via optimization over disjoint image regions 9,886,645 02/06/2018
Thermochemically active iron titanium oxide materials 9,868,636 01/16/2018
Thermochemically active iron titanium oxide materials 9,868,636 01/16/2018
Cascaded recompression closed brayton cycle system 9,856,754 01/02/2018
Cascaded recompression closed brayton cycle system 9,856,754 01/02/2018
Polyarene mediators for mediated redox flow battery 9,859,583 01/02/2018
Amplification of biological targets via on-chip culture for biosensing 9,857,370 01/02/2018
Amplification of biological targets via on-chip culture for biosensing 9,857,370 01/02/2018
Polyarene mediators for mediated redox flow battery 9,859,583 01/02/2018
Computing an operating parameter of a unified power flow controller 9,851,737 12/26/2017
Computing an operating parameter of a unified power flow controller 9,851,737 12/26/2017
Electrochemical ion separation in molten salts 9,847,149 12/19/2017
High-efficiency organic glass scintillators 9,845,334 12/19/2017
Radar velocity determination using direction of arrival measurements 9,846,229 12/19/2017
Radar velocity determination using direction of arrival measurements 9,846,229 12/19/2017
High-efficiency organic glass scintillators 9,845,334 12/19/2017
Electrochemical ion separation in molten salts 9,847,149 12/19/2017
Single volume fission energy neutron detector 9,835,741 12/05/2017
Single volume fission energy neutron detector 9,835,741 12/05/2017
Photovoltaic power generation system with photovoltaic cells as bypass diodes 9,831,369 11/28/2017
Apodization of spurs in radar receivers using multi-channel processing 9,823,346 11/21/2017
Apodization of spurs in radar receivers using multi-channel processing 9,823,346 11/21/2017
Cascading pressure reactor and method for solar-thermochemical reactions 9,815,042 11/14/2017
Cascading pressure reactor and method for solar-thermochemical reactions 9,815,042 11/14/2017
Joint synthetic aperture radar plus ground moving target indicator from single-channel radar using compressive sensing 9,791,563 10/17/2017
Joint synthetic aperture radar plus ground moving target indicator from single-channel radar using compressive sensing 9,791,563 10/17/2017
Time-dependent phase error correction using digital waveform synthesis 9,784,818 10/10/2017
Time-dependent phase error correction using digital waveform synthesis 9,784,818 10/10/2017
Rotation flexure with temperature controlled modal frequency 9,759,263 09/12/2017
Rotation flexure with temperature controlled modal frequency 9,759,263 09/12/2017
Apparatus for assembly of microelectronic devices 9,763,370 09/12/2017
Microsystem enabled photovoltaic modules and systems 9,761,748 09/12/2017
Adiabatic/diabatic polarization beam splitter 9,759,862 09/12/2017
Resistive field structures for semiconductor devices and uses therof 9,761,675 09/12/2017
Resistive field structures for semiconductor devices and uses therof 9,761,675 09/12/2017
Fast process flow, on-wafer interconnection and singulation for MEPV 9,748,415 08/29/2017
Enhancing power cycle efficiency for a supercritical Brayton cycle power system using tunable supercritical gas mixtures 9,745,899 08/29/2017
Enhancing power cycle efficiency for a supercritical Brayton cycle power system using tunable supercritical gas mixtures 9,745,899 08/29/2017
Neutron detection apparatus and method 9,733,367 08/15/2017
Neutron detection apparatus and method 9,733,367 08/15/2017
Resonant surface acoustic wave chemical detector 9,726,646 08/08/2017
Resonant surface acoustic wave chemical detector 9,726,646 08/08/2017
Geospatial-temporal semantic graph representations of trajectories from remote sensing and geolocation data 9,727,976 08/08/2017
Geospatial-temporal semantic graph representations of trajectories from remote sensing and geolocation data 9,727,976 08/08/2017
Financial methods for waterflooding injectate design 9,727,928 08/08/2017
Support system, excavation arrangement, and process of supporting an object 9,719,349 08/01/2017
Computation of glint, glare, and solar irradiance distribution 9,722,534 08/01/2017
Combined radar and telemetry system 9,720,080 08/01/2017
Filter arrays 9,720,102 08/01/2017
Support system, excavation arrangement, and process of supporting an object 9,719,349 08/01/2017
Customized electric power storage device for inclusion in a microgrid 9,721,312 08/01/2017
Combined radar and telemetry system 9,720,080 08/01/2017
Customized electric power storage device for inclusion in a microgrid 9,721,312 08/01/2017
Computation of glint, glare, and solar irradiance distribution 9,722,534 08/01/2017
Filter arrays 9,720,102 08/01/2017
Reconfigurable electronics using conducting metal-organic frameworks 9,711,743 07/18/2017
Electrochemical cell structure including an ionomeric barrier 9,685,684 06/20/2017
Electrochemical cell structure including an ionomeric barrier 9,685,684 06/20/2017
Catheterized plasma X-ray source 9,681,846 06/20/2017
Catheterized plasma X-ray source 9,681,846 06/20/2017
High-temperature brushless DC motor controller 9,654,035 05/16/2017
Phase difference of arrival geolocation 9,651,648 05/16/2017
Phase difference of arrival geolocation 9,651,648 05/16/2017
High-temperature brushless DC motor controller 9,654,035 05/16/2017
Shaping the spectrum of random-phase radar waveforms 9,645,228 05/09/2017
Waveform frequency notching 9,645,227 05/09/2017
Segmented scintillation antineutrino detector 9,645,258 05/09/2017
Shaping the spectrum of random-phase radar waveforms 9,645,228 05/09/2017
Segmented scintillation antineutrino detector 9,645,258 05/09/2017
Waveform frequency notching 9,645,227 05/09/2017
Cascaded recompression closed Brayton cycle system 9,624,793 04/18/2017
Cascaded recompression closed Brayton cycle system 9,624,793 04/18/2017
Omnidirectional antenna having constant phase 9,614,273 04/04/2017
Omnidirectional antenna having constant phase 9,614,273 04/04/2017
Microstructured silicon radiation detector 9,595,628 03/14/2017
Microstructured silicon radiation detector 9,595,628 03/14/2017
Thermal swing reactor including a multi-flight auger 9,586,190 03/07/2017
Thermal swing reactor including a multi-flight auger 9,586,190 03/07/2017
Method for controlling start-up and steady state performance of a closed split flow recompression brayton cycle 9,562,471 02/07/2017
Method for controlling start-up and steady state performance of a closed split flow recompression brayton cycle 9,562,471 02/07/2017
Fast process flow, on-wafer interconnection and singulation for MEPV 9,559,219 01/31/2017
Hybrid metal oxide cycle water splitting 9,556,528 01/31/2017
Hybrid metal oxide cycle water splitting 9,556,528 01/31/2017
Polyoxometalate active charge-transfer material for mediated redox flow battery 9,548,509 01/17/2017
Polyoxometalate active charge-transfer material for mediated redox flow battery 9,548,509 01/17/2017
Dynamically reconfigurable photovoltaic system 9,531,322 12/27/2016
Waterflooding injectate design systems and methods 9,518,449 12/13/2016
Transparent contacts for stacked compound photovoltaic cells 9,508,881 11/29/2016
High durability solar absorptive coating and methods for making same 9,499,699 11/22/2016
High durability solar absorptive coating and methods for making same 9,499,699 11/22/2016
Guided-wave photodiode using through-absorber quantum-well-intermixing and methods thereof 9,477,040 10/25/2016
Method of achieving ultra-wideband true-time-delay beam steering for active electronically scanned arrays 9,479,232 10/25/2016
Method of achieving ultra-wideband true-time-delay beam steering for active electronically scanned arrays 9,479,232 10/25/2016
Magnetic method for stimulating transport in fluids 9,470,458 10/18/2016
Magnetic method for stimulating transport in fluids 9,470,458 10/18/2016
Magnetic method for stimulating transport in fluids 9,470,458 10/18/2016
High-yield entangled single photon source 9,465,274 10/11/2016
High-yield entangled single photon source 9,465,274 10/11/2016
Zero-power receiver 9,460,321 10/04/2016
Zero-power receiver 9,460,321 10/04/2016
Self-assembling segmented coiled tubing 9,453,376 09/27/2016
Self-assembling segmented coiled tubing 9,453,376 09/27/2016
Apatite sequestration of technetium 9,443,627 09/13/2016
Rectenna that converts infrared radiation to electrical energy 9,437,629 09/06/2016
Rectenna that converts infrared radiation to electrical energy 9,437,629 09/06/2016
Subaperture clutter filter with CFAR signal detection 9,429,644 08/30/2016
Subaperture clutter filter with CFAR signal detection 9,429,644 08/30/2016
Miniaturized photoacoustic spectrometer 9,410,931 08/09/2016
Miniaturized photoacoustic spectrometer 9,410,931 08/09/2016
Reduction of radar cross-section of a wind turbine 9,404,371 08/02/2016
Reduction of radar cross-section of a wind turbine 9,404,371 08/02/2016
Preheating of fluid in a supercritical Brayton cycle power generation system at cold startup 9,388,817 07/12/2016
Preheating of fluid in a supercritical Brayton cycle power generation system at cold startup 9,388,817 07/12/2016
Solar tracking system 9,391,557 07/12/2016
Apparatus comprising magnetically actuated valves and uses thereof 9,389,231 07/12/2016
Dynamically reconfigurable photovoltaic system 9,356,173 05/31/2016
Devices and methods to detect and quantify trace gases 9,329,154 05/03/2016
Devices and methods to detect and quantify trace gases 9,329,154 05/03/2016
Self-shielding flex-circuit drift tube, drift tube assembly and method of making 9,324,550 04/26/2016
Self-shielding flex-circuit drift tube, drift tube assembly and method of making 9,324,550 04/26/2016
Self-shielding flex-circuit drift tube, drift tube assembly and method of making 9,324,550 04/26/2016
Navigator alignment using radar scan 9,304,198 04/05/2016
Navigator alignment using radar scan 9,304,198 04/05/2016
Two-path Plasmonic Interferometer with Integrated Detector 9,297,638 03/29/2016
Two-path Plasmonic Interferometer with Integrated Detector 9,297,638 03/29/2016
PC board mount corrosion sensitive sensor 9,291,543 03/22/2016
Asphaltene based photovoltaic devices 9,293,266 03/22/2016
PC board mount corrosion sensitive sensor 9,291,543 03/22/2016
Photovoltaic solar concentrator 9,287,430 03/15/2016
Polyoxometalate flow battery 9,287,578 03/15/2016
Polyoxometalate flow battery 9,287,578 03/15/2016
Hybrid metal oxide cycle water splitting 9,279,188 03/08/2016
Hybrid metal oxide cycle water splitting 9,279,188 03/08/2016
3D target array for pulsed multi-sourced radiography 9,269,524 02/23/2016
Aeroelastically coupled blades for vertical axis wind turbines 9,267,490 02/23/2016
Aeroelastically coupled blades for vertical axis wind turbines 9,267,490 02/23/2016
3D target array for pulsed multi-sourced radiography 9,269,524 02/23/2016
Customized electric power storage device for inclusion in a collective microgrid 9,263,894 02/16/2016
Customized electric power storage device for inclusion in a collective microgrid 9,263,894 02/16/2016
Axial flow heat exchanger devices and methods for heat transfer using axial flow devices 9,261,100 02/16/2016
Axial flow heat exchanger devices and methods for heat transfer using axial flow devices 9,261,100 02/16/2016
Systems and methods for locating and imaging proppant in an induced fracture 9,250,351 02/02/2016
Gimbaled multispectral imaging system and method 9,244,264 01/26/2016
Terrain detection and classification using single polarization SAR 9,239,384 01/19/2016
Terrain detection and classification using single polarization SAR 9,239,384 01/19/2016
In situ calibration of a light source in a sensor device 9,222,810 12/29/2015
Method for the electro-addressable functionalization of electrode arrays 9,212,430 12/15/2015
Method for the electro-addressable functionalization of electrode arrays 9,212,430 12/15/2015
Athermal channeled spectropolarimeter 9,207,123 12/08/2015
Athermal channeled spectropolarimeter 9,207,123 12/08/2015
Heat exchanger device and method for heat removal or transfer 9,207,023 12/08/2015
Heat exchanger device and method for heat removal or transfer 9,207,023 12/08/2015
Trace detection of analytes using portable raman systems 9,194,805 11/24/2015
Biological detector and method 9,194,921 11/24/2015
Trace detection of analytes using portable raman systems 9,194,805 11/24/2015
Power spectrum analysis for defect screening in integrated circuit devices 9,188,622 11/17/2015
Imaging doppler lidar for wind turbine wake profiling 9,188,677 11/17/2015
Solar photovoltaic reflective trough collection structure 9,190,546 11/17/2015
Photovoltaic cell with light trapping for enhanced efficiency 9,190,542 11/17/2015
Power spectrum analysis for defect screening in integrated circuit devices 9,188,622 11/17/2015
Imaging doppler lidar for wind turbine wake profiling 9,188,677 11/17/2015
Passive absolute age and temperature history sensor 9,182,436 11/10/2015
Passive absolute age and temperature history sensor 9,182,436 11/10/2015
Compact ion chamber based neutron detector 9,170,340 10/27/2015
Compact ion chamber based neutron detector 9,170,340 10/27/2015
Interband cascade (IC) photovoltaic (PV) architecture for PV devices 9,166,084 10/20/2015
Interband cascade (IC) photovoltaic (PV) architecture for PV devices 9,166,084 10/20/2015
Multifunctional thin film surface 9,157,161 10/13/2015
Multifunctional thin film surface 9,157,161 10/13/2015
Pre-processing SAR image stream to facilitate compression for transport on bandwidth-limited-link 9,146,312 09/29/2015
Pre-processing SAR image stream to facilitate compression for transport on bandwidth-limited-link 9,146,312 09/29/2015
Computing architecture for autonomous microgrids 9,148,019 09/29/2015
Computing architecture for autonomous microgrids 9,148,019 09/29/2015
Controller for a wave energy converter 9,140,231 09/22/2015
Controller for a wave energy converter 9,140,231 09/22/2015
Optimized microsystems-enabled photovoltaics 9,141,413 09/22/2015
Microinverters for employment in connection with photovoltaic modules 9,143,053 09/22/2015
Photovoltaic solar concentrator 9,126,392 09/08/2015
Photovoltaic solar cell 9,130,092 09/08/2015
Photovoltaic solar concentrator 9,126,392 09/08/2015
Synthesis of electroactive ionic liquids for flow battery applications 9,123,943 09/01/2015
Synthesis of electroactive ionic liquids for flow battery applications 9,123,943 09/01/2015
Multiple-mode radiation detector 9,116,249 08/25/2015
Multiple-mode radiation detector 9,116,249 08/25/2015
Method for fabricating pixelated silicon device cells 9,112,100 08/18/2015
Computation of glint, glare, and solar irradiance distribution 9,103,719 08/11/2015
Computation of glint, glare, and solar irradiance distribution 9,103,719 08/11/2015
Sparse sampling and reconstruction for electron and scanning probe microscope imaging 9,093,249 07/28/2015
Sparse sampling and reconstruction for electron and scanning probe microscope imaging 9,093,249 07/28/2015
Photovoltaic power generation system free of bypass diodes 9,093,586 07/28/2015
Optical based tactile shear and normal load sensor 9,052,775 06/09/2015
Optical based tactile shear and normal load sensor 9,052,775 06/09/2015
Hybrid scintillators for neutron discrimination 9,029,807 05/12/2015
Microsystem enabled photovoltaic modules and systems 9,029,681 05/12/2015
Hybrid scintillators for neutron discrimination 9,029,807 05/12/2015
Separating semiconductor devices from substrate by etching graded composition release layer disposed between semiconductor devices and substrate including forming protuberances that reduce stiction 9,029,239 05/12/2015
Remote sensing using MIMO systems 9,019,148 04/28/2015
Multicolor photonic crystal laser array 9,020,005 04/28/2015
Remote sensing using MIMO systems 9,019,148 04/28/2015
Synthetic aperture radar images with composite azimuth resolution 8,994,577 03/31/2015
Synthetic aperture radar images with composite azimuth resolution 8,994,577 03/31/2015
Heat exchanger device and method for heat removal or transfer 8,988,881 03/24/2015
Heat exchanger device and method for heat removal or transfer 8,988,881 03/24/2015
Photon detector configured to employ the Gunn effect and method of use 8,981,312 03/17/2015
Photon detector configured to employ the Gunn effect and method of use 8,981,312 03/17/2015
Plasma driven neutron/gamma generator 8,971,473 03/03/2015
Plasma driven neutron/gamma generator 8,971,473 03/03/2015
Processes for multi-layer devices utilizing layer transfer 8,946,052 02/03/2015
High data-rate atom interferometers through high recapture efficiency 8,941,053 01/27/2015
High data-rate atom interferometers through high recapture efficiency 8,941,053 01/27/2015
High data-rate atom interferometers through high recapture efficiency 8,941,053 01/27/2015
Computing an operating parameter of a unified power flow controller 8,930,034 01/06/2015
Computing an operating parameter of a unified power flow controller 8,930,034 01/06/2015
Methods for making a porous nuclear fuel element 8,920,871 12/30/2014
Ion chamber based neutron detectors 8,912,502 12/16/2014
Ion chamber based neutron detectors 8,912,502 12/16/2014
Fast electron microscopy via compressive sensing 8,907,280 12/09/2014
Fast electron microscopy via compressive sensing 8,907,280 12/09/2014
Method of forming through substrate vias (TSVs) and singulating and releasing die having the TSVs from a mechanical support substrate 8,906,803 12/09/2014
Solid-state lithium battery 8,877,388 11/04/2014
Solid-state lithium battery 8,877,388 11/04/2014
Reducing current reversal time in electric motor control 8,878,473 11/04/2014
Multi-step contrast sensitivity gauge 8,858,076 10/14/2014
Multi-step contrast sensitivity gauge 8,858,076 10/14/2014
Ultra-wideband short-pulse radar with range accuracy for short range detection 8,854,254 10/07/2014
Ultra-wideband short-pulse radar with range accuracy for short range detection 8,854,254 10/07/2014
Solar glare hazard analysis tool on account of determined points of time 8,841,592 09/23/2014
Solar glare hazard analysis tool on account of determined points of time 8,841,592 09/23/2014
Waterflooding injectate design systems and methods 8,812,271 08/19/2014
Detection of electrophilic and nucleophilic chemical agents 8,802,444 08/12/2014
Detection of electrophilic and nucleophilic chemical agents 8,802,444 08/12/2014
Seal assembly with anti-rotation pin for high pressure supercritical fluids 8,794,634 08/05/2014
Seal assembly with anti-rotation pin for high pressure supercritical fluids 8,794,634 08/05/2014
Asphaltene based photovoltaic devices 8,748,740 06/10/2014
Photovoltaic system 8,736,108 05/27/2014
Capacitive chemical sensor 8,736,000 05/27/2014
Capacitive chemical sensor 8,736,000 05/27/2014
Photovoltaic system 8,736,108 05/27/2014
Photovoltaic solar cell 8,728,857 05/20/2014
Screening system and method of using same 8,695,443 04/15/2014
Biological detector and method 8,698,494 04/15/2014
Screening system and method of using same 8,695,443 04/15/2014
Method for operating homogeneous charge compression ignition engines using conventional gasoline 8,689,767 04/08/2014
Method for operating homogeneous charge compression ignition engines using conventional gasoline 8,689,767 04/08/2014
SAW correlator spread spectrum receiver 8,687,674 04/01/2014
SAW correlator spread spectrum receiver 8,687,674 04/01/2014
Methods for automatic trigger threshold adjustment 8,676,540 03/18/2014
Optically transduced MEMS magnetometer 8,674,689 03/18/2014
Optically transduced MEMS magnetometer 8,674,689 03/18/2014
Concentration solar power optimization system and method of using same 8,674,280 03/18/2014
Concentration solar power optimization system and method of using same 8,674,280 03/18/2014
Methods for automatic trigger threshold adjustment 8,676,540 03/18/2014
Long range heliostat target using array of normal incidence pyranometers to evaluate a beam of solar radiation 8,664,577 03/04/2014
Solar cell with back side contacts 8,614,395 12/24/2013
Wireless passive radiation sensor 8,596,862 12/03/2013
Wireless passive radiation sensor 8,596,862 12/03/2013
Photovoltaic solar cell 8,592,249 11/26/2013
Capillary interconnect device 8,585,986 11/19/2013
Rotary electrical contact device and method for providing current to and/or from a rotating member 8,585,413 11/19/2013
Alignment and focus of mirrored facets of a heliostat 8,582,092 11/12/2013
Alignment and focus of mirrored facets of a heliostat 8,582,092 11/12/2013
Preconcentrator with high volume chiller for high vapor pressure particle detection 8,561,483 10/22/2013
Preconcentrator with high volume chiller for high vapor pressure particle detection 8,561,483 10/22/2013
Micro Gas-Puff Based Source 8,530,854 09/10/2013
Nonlinear power flow feedback control for improved stability and performance of airfoil sections 8,527,247 09/03/2013
Nanoengineered membrane electrode assembly interface 8,501,366 08/06/2013
Nanoengineered membrane electrode assembly interface 8,501,366 08/06/2013
Heterodyne photomixer spectrometer with receiver photomixer driven at different frequency than source photomixer 8,482,739 07/09/2013
Heterodyne photomixer spectrometer with receiver photomixer driven at different frequency than source photomixer 8,482,739 07/09/2013
Method for synthesizing metal bis(borano) hypophosphite complexes 8,465,715 06/18/2013
Tracking heat flux sensors for concentrating solar applications 8,459,865 06/11/2013
Tracking heat flux sensors for concentrating solar applications 8,459,865 06/11/2013
Tracking heat flux sensors for concentrating solar applications 8,459,865 06/11/2013
Tracking heat flux sensors for concentrating solar applications 8,459,865 06/11/2013
Frequency selective infrared sensors 8,452,134 05/28/2013
Imaging doppler velocimeter with downward heterodyning in the optical domain 8,446,575 05/21/2013
Mitigating illumination gradients in a SAR image based on the image data and antenna beam pattern 8,427,358 04/23/2013
Mitigating illumination gradients in a SAR image based on the image data and antenna beam pattern 8,427,358 04/23/2013
Tracking moving radar targets with parallel, velocity-tuned filters 8,427,359 04/23/2013
Tracking moving radar targets with parallel, velocity-tuned filters 8,427,359 04/23/2013
Moving bed reactor for solar thermochemical fuel production 8,420,032 04/16/2013
Turbo-alternator-compressor design for supercritical high density working fluids 8,397,506 03/19/2013
Turbo-alternator-compressor design for supercritical high density working fluids 8,397,506 03/19/2013
Asphaltene based photovoltaic devices 8,389,853 03/05/2013
Biological detector and method 8,384,381 02/26/2013
Ultrasonic probe deployment device for increased wave transmission and rapid area scan inspections 8,371,173 02/12/2013
Ultrasonic probe deployment device for increased wave transmission and rapid area scan inspections 8,371,173 02/12/2013
Passive hybrid sensing tag with flexible substrate saw device 8,339,219 12/25/2012
Energy efficiency management system and method 8,340,832 12/25/2012
Passive hybrid sensing tag with flexible substrate saw device 8,339,219 12/25/2012
Method for improving the angular resolution of a neutron scatter camera 8,338,795 12/25/2012
Method for improving the angular resolution of a neutron scatter camera 8,338,795 12/25/2012
Biological detector and method 8,339,135 12/25/2012
Photovoltaic solar concentrator 8,329,503 12/11/2012
Microfabricated thermionic detector 8,298,488 10/30/2012
Microfabricated thermionic detector 8,298,488 10/30/2012
Portable dual field gradient force multichannel flow cytometer device with a dual wavelength low noise detection scheme 8,293,089 10/23/2012
Portable dual field gradient force multichannel flow cytometer device with a dual wavelength low noise detection scheme 8,293,089 10/23/2012
Alignment method for solar collector arrays 8,294,886 10/23/2012
Method of multi-dimensional moment analysis for the characterization of signal peaks 8,296,078 10/23/2012
Strained layer superlattice focal plane array having a planar structure 8,293,566 10/23/2012
Strained layer superlattice focal plane array having a planar structure 8,293,566 10/23/2012
Alignment method for solar collector arrays 8,294,886 10/23/2012
Real-time method for establishing a detection map for a network of sensors 8,265,870 09/11/2012
Real-time method for establishing a detection map for a network of sensors 8,265,870 09/11/2012
Technique for identifying, tracing, or tracking objects in image data 8,253,802 08/28/2012
Technique for identifying, tracing, or tracking objects in image data 8,253,802 08/28/2012
Detection of electrophilic and nucleophilic chemical agents 8,247,554 08/21/2012
Detection of electrophilic and nucleophilic chemical agents 8,247,554 08/21/2012
Wireless passive temperature sensor 8,240,911 08/14/2012
Wireless passive temperature sensor 8,240,911 08/14/2012
Neutron scatter camera for improved neutron detection 8,237,130 08/07/2012
Neutron scatter camera for improved neutron detection 8,237,130 08/07/2012
Residual Gas Analysis Device 8,230,722 07/31/2012
Residual Gas Analysis Device 8,230,722 07/31/2012
Heat exchanger device and method for heat removal or transfer 8,228,675 07/24/2012
Heat exchanger device and method for heat removal or transfer 8,228,675 07/24/2012
Atomic magnetometer 8,212,556 07/03/2012
Atomic magnetometer 8,212,556 07/03/2012
Microelectromechanical Inertial Sensor 8,205,497 06/26/2012
Microelectromechanical Inertial Sensor 8,205,497 06/26/2012
Reduced-impact sliding pressure control valve for pneumatic hammer drill 8,176,995 05/15/2012
Reduced-impact sliding pressure control valve for pneumatic hammer drill 8,176,995 05/15/2012
Technique for ship/wake detection 8,170,282 05/01/2012
Technique for ship/wake detection 8,170,282 05/01/2012
Apparatus for inspecting a group of containers and method of using same 8,126,596 02/28/2012
Apparatus for inspecting a group of containers and method of using same 8,126,596 02/28/2012
Control system design method 8,121,708 02/21/2012
Control system design method 8,121,708 02/21/2012
Suction-recirculation device for stabilizing particle flows within a solar powered solid particle receiver 8,109,265 02/07/2012
Suction-recirculation device for stabilizing particle flows within a solar powered solid particle receiver 8,109,265 02/07/2012
Estimating pixel variances in the scenes of staring sensors 8,103,116 01/24/2012
Thermal wake/vessel detection technique 8,094,886 01/10/2012
Thermal wake/vessel detection technique 8,094,886 01/10/2012
Ultrasonic probe deployment device for increased wave transmission and rapid area scan inspections 8,087,298 01/03/2012
Ultrasonic probe deployment device for increased wave transmission and rapid area scan inspections 8,087,298 01/03/2012
Lateral conduction infrared photodetector 8,022,390 09/20/2011
Lateral conduction infrared photodetector 8,022,390 09/20/2011
Sliding pressure control valve for pneumatic hammer drill 8,006,776 08/30/2011
Hybrid metal organic scintillator materials system and particle detector 7,985,868 07/26/2011
Hybrid metal organic scintillator materials system and particle detector 7,985,868 07/26/2011
Battery components employing a silicate binder 7,947,397 05/24/2011
Battery components employing a silicate binder 7,947,397 05/24/2011
Low-melting point heat transfer fluid 7,922,931 04/12/2011
Microfabricated field calibration assembly for analytical instruments 7,913,534 03/29/2011
Microfabricated field calibration assembly for analytical instruments 7,913,534 03/29/2011
Generating nonlinear FM chirp radar signals by multiple integrations 7,880,672 02/01/2011
Generating nonlinear FM chirp radar signals by multiple integrations 7,880,672 02/01/2011
Methods for spectral image analysis by exploiting spatial simplicity 7,840,626 11/23/2010
Ion mobility spectrometer with virtual aperture grid 7,838,823 11/23/2010
Ion mobility spectrometer with virtual aperture grid 7,838,823 11/23/2010
Methods for spectral image analysis by exploiting spatial simplicity 7,840,626 11/23/2010
Low-melting point heat transfer fluid 7,828,990 11/09/2010
Comparing range data across the slow-time dimension to correct motion measurement errors beyond the range resolution of a synthetic aperture radar 7,777,665 08/17/2010
Comparing range data across the slow-time dimension to correct motion measurement errors beyond the range resolution of a synthetic aperture radar 7,777,665 08/17/2010
Decreasing range resolution of a SAR image to permit correction of motion measurement errors beyond the SAR range resolution 7,760,128 07/20/2010
Decreasing range resolution of a SAR image to permit correction of motion measurement errors beyond the SAR range resolution 7,760,128 07/20/2010
Strained-layer superlattice focal plane array having a planar structure 7,755,079 07/13/2010
Strained-layer superlattice focal plane array having a planar structure 7,755,079 07/13/2010
Neutron scatter camera 7,741,613 06/22/2010
Neutron scatter camera 7,741,613 06/22/2010
Methods for spectral image analysis by exploiting spatial simplicity 7,725,517 05/25/2010
Methods for spectral image analysis by exploiting spatial simplicity 7,725,517 05/25/2010
Microfabricated fuel heating value monitoring device 7,708,943 05/04/2010
Microfabricated fuel heating value monitoring device 7,708,943 05/04/2010
Correlation spectrometer 7,697,134 04/13/2010
Correlation spectrometer 7,697,134 04/13/2010
Alignment method for parabolic trough solar concentrators 7,667,833 02/23/2010
Alignment method for parabolic trough solar concentrators 7,667,833 02/23/2010
Integrated boiler, superheater, and decomposer for sulfuric acid decomposition 7,645,437 01/12/2010
Nanoelectrode array for electrochemical analysis 7,625,469 12/01/2009
Nanoelectrode array for electrochemical analysis 7,625,469 12/01/2009
Edge-based correlation image registration for multispectral imaging 7,620,269 11/17/2009
Reactor for removing ammonia 7,618,600 11/17/2009
Edge-based correlation image registration for multispectral imaging 7,620,269 11/17/2009
Portable modular detection system 7,602,307 10/13/2009
Portable modular detection system 7,602,307 10/13/2009
System and method for advanced power management 7,567,060 07/28/2009
System and method for advanced power management 7,567,060 07/28/2009
Electrochemical assembly of organic molecules by the reduction of iodonium salts 7,550,071 06/23/2009
Flight path-driven mitigation of wavefront curvature effects in SAR images 7,551,119 06/23/2009
Flight path-driven mitigation of wavefront curvature effects in SAR images 7,551,119 06/23/2009
Window-based method for approximating the Hausdorff in three-dimensional range imagery 7,542,624 06/02/2009
Window-based method for approximating the Hausdorff in three-dimensional range imagery 7,542,624 06/02/2009
Synthetic aperture design for increased SAR image rate 7,498,968 03/03/2009
Synthetic aperture design for increased SAR image rate 7,498,968 03/03/2009
Method for absorbing hydrogen using an oxidation resisant organic hydrogen getter 7,485,277 02/03/2009
Method for mapping a natural gas leak 7,486,399 02/03/2009
Method for mapping a natural gas leak 7,486,399 02/03/2009
Detection of electrophilic and nucleophilic chemical agents 7,449,579 11/11/2008
Detection of electrophilic and nucleophilic chemical agents 7,449,579 11/11/2008
Controlling data collection to support SAR image rotation 7,436,349 10/14/2008
Controlling data collection to support SAR image rotation 7,436,349 10/14/2008
Micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS) pressure sensor for footwear 7,426,873 09/23/2008
Micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS) pressure sensor for footwear 7,426,873 09/23/2008
Oxidation resistant organic hydrogen getters 7,422,701 09/09/2008
Direct detector for terahertz radiation 7,420,225 09/02/2008
Direct detector for terahertz radiation 7,420,225 09/02/2008
Direct detector for terahertz radiation 7,420,225 09/02/2008
Correlation ion mobility spectroscopy 7,417,222 08/26/2008
Correlation ion mobility spectroscopy 7,417,222 08/26/2008
SAR image formation with azimuth interpolation after azimuth transform 7,397,418 07/08/2008
Pyroelectric demodulating detector 7,397,301 07/08/2008
Pyroelectric demodulating detector 7,397,301 07/08/2008
SAR image formation with azimuth interpolation after azimuth transform 7,397,418 07/08/2008
Fault location in optical networks 7,393,145 07/01/2008
Correction of motion measurement errors beyond the range resolution of a synthetic aperture radar 7,391,357 06/24/2008
Correction of motion measurement errors beyond the range resolution of a synthetic aperture radar 7,391,357 06/24/2008
Modular sensor network node 7,386,352 06/10/2008
Modular sensor network node 7,386,352 06/10/2008
Natural gas leak mapper 7,375,814 05/20/2008
Natural gas leak mapper 7,375,814 05/20/2008
Impedance-matched drilling telemetry system 7,362,235 04/22/2008
Impedance-matched drilling telemetry system 7,362,235 04/22/2008
Low power, scalable multichannel high voltage controller 7,348,688 03/25/2008
MIS-based sensors with hydrogen selectivity 7,340,938 03/11/2008
Water-splitting using photocatalytic porphyrin-nanotube composite devices 7,338,590 03/04/2008
Water-splitting using photocatalytic porphyrin-nanotube composite devices 7,338,590 03/04/2008
Nanomechanical near-field grating apparatus and acceleration sensor formed therefrom 7,339,738 03/04/2008
Laser remote sensing of backscattered light from a target sample 7,336,351 02/26/2008
Laser remote sensing of backscattered light from a target sample 7,336,351 02/26/2008
Side-emitting fiber optic position sensor 7,329,857 02/12/2008
Apparatus and method for selectively channeling a fluid 7,314,208 01/01/2008
Stationary phase deposition based on onium salts 7,314,505 01/01/2008
Stationary phase deposition based on onium salts 7,314,505 01/01/2008
Apparatus and method for selectively channeling a fluid 7,314,208 01/01/2008
Method of generating hydrogen gas from sodium borohydride 7,306,780 12/11/2007
Analyte separation utilizing temperature programmed desorption of a preconcentrator mesh 7,299,711 11/27/2007
Non-planar microfabricated gas chromatography column 7,273,517 09/25/2007
Non-planar microfabricated gas chromatography column 7,273,517 09/25/2007
Enhanced distributed energy resource system 7,239,044 07/03/2007
Enhanced distributed energy resource system 7,239,044 07/03/2007
Portable vapor diffusion coefficient meter 7,229,593 06/12/2007
Portable vapor diffusion coefficient meter 7,229,593 06/12/2007
Load cell having strain gauges of arbitrary location 7,188,535 03/13/2007
Organic materials and devices for detecting ionizing radiation 7,186,987 03/06/2007
Organic materials and devices for detecting ionizing radiation 7,186,987 03/06/2007
Mass-sensitive chemical preconcentrator 7,168,298 01/30/2007
Method for control of NOx emission from combustors using fuel dilution 7,162,864 01/16/2007
Method for control of NOx emission from combustors using fuel dilution 7,162,864 01/16/2007
Backscatter absorption gas imaging systems and light sources therefore 7,151,787 12/19/2006
Low energy high pressure miniature screw valve 7,147,205 12/12/2006
Fuel mixture stratification as a method for improving homogeneous charge compression ignition engine operation 7,128,046 10/31/2006
Method of manufacturing a heat pipe wick with structural enhancement 7,124,507 10/24/2006
Non-planar chemical preconcentrator 7,118,712 10/10/2006
Non-planar chemical preconcentrator 7,118,712 10/10/2006
Integrated resonant micro-optical gyroscope and method of fabrication 7,106,448 09/12/2006
Integrated resonant micro-optical gyroscope and method of fabrication 7,106,448 09/12/2006
Micropyrolyzer for chemical analysis of liquid and solid samples 7,078,237 07/18/2006
Inertial measurement unit using rotatable MEMS sensors 7,066,004 06/27/2006
Inertial measurement unit using rotatable MEMS sensors 7,066,004 06/27/2006
Resistivity analysis 7,062,399 06/13/2006
Optical position sensor for determining the interface between a clear and an opaque fluid 7,049,622 05/23/2006
Optical position sensor for determining the interface between a clear and an opaque fluid 7,049,622 05/23/2006
High efficiency Brayton cycles using LNG 7,028,481 04/18/2006
High efficiency Brayton cycles using LNG 7,028,481 04/18/2006
Apparatus for measuring the concentration of a species at a distance 7,027,150 04/11/2006
Proton exchange membrane materials for the advancement of direct methanol fuel-cell technology 7,022,810 04/04/2006
Low power, scalable multichannel high voltage controller 7,012,342 03/14/2006
Micro-fluidic interconnect 7,004,198 02/28/2006
Polymer formulation for removing hydrogen and liquid water from an enclosed space 7,001,535 02/21/2006
Methods for characterizing subsurface volatile contaminants using in-situ sensors 7,003,405 02/21/2006
Tangential velocity measurement using interferometric MTI radar 6,982,668 01/03/2006
Tangential velocity measurement using interferometric MTI radar 6,982,668 01/03/2006
Active optical zoom system 6,977,777 12/20/2005
Fluorescent optical position sensor 6,965,709 11/15/2005
Non-invasive energy meter for fixed and variable flow systems 6,960,017 11/01/2005
Axially tapered and bilayer microchannels for evaporative coolling devices 6,951,243 10/04/2005
Apparatus for sensing volatile organic chemicals in fluids 6,902,701 06/07/2005
Tamper-indicating barcode and method 6,869,015 03/22/2005
Method and apparatus for injecting particulate media into the ground 6,834,720 12/28/2004
Passive injection control for microfluidic systems 6,833,068 12/21/2004
Zirconium-modified materials for selective adsorption and removal of aqueous arsenic 6,824,690 11/30/2004
Method for chemical sensing using a microfabricated teeter-totter resonator 6,823,720 11/30/2004
Method of packaging and assembling micro-fluidic device 6,821,819 11/23/2004
Protective shield for an instrument probe 6,809,811 10/26/2004
Surface-micromachined microfluidic devices 6,797,187 09/28/2004
Reducing injection loss in drill strings 6,791,470 09/14/2004
Microcombustor 6,786,716 09/07/2004
Latent effects decision analysis 6,782,372 08/24/2004
Universal EUV in-band intensity detector 6,781,135 08/24/2004
Method for making electro-fluidic connections in microfluidic devices 6,772,513 08/10/2004
Poole-frenkel piezoconductive element and sensor 6,771,083 08/03/2004
Electrokinetic pump 6,770,183 08/03/2004
Aternating current photovoltaic building block 6,750,391 06/15/2004
Micromechanical apparatus for measurement of forces 6,739,201 05/25/2004
Optical microspectrometer 6,741,349 05/25/2004
Portable outgas detection apparatus 6,734,422 05/11/2004
Boron nitride solid state neutron detector 6,727,504 04/27/2004
Long working distance interference microscope 6,721,094 04/13/2004
Sensor assembly 6,720,550 04/13/2004
Sub-to super-ambient temperature programmable microfabricated gas chromatography column 6,706,091 03/16/2004
Self regulating formulations for safe hydrogen gettering 6,706,247 03/16/2004
Method to fabricate silicon chromatographic column comprising fluid ports 6,699,392 03/02/2004
Fluorescent fluid interface position sensor 6,693,285 02/17/2004
Pulsed laser linescanner for a backscatter absorption gas imaging system 6,690,472 02/10/2004
Actuator device utilizing a conductive polymer gel 6,685,442 02/03/2004
Airborne agent concentration analysis 6,687,640 02/03/2004
Oscillatory erosion and transport flume with superimposed unidirectional flow 6,679,105 01/20/2004
Composition pulse time-of-flight mass flow sensor 6,675,660 01/13/2004
Temperature programmable microfabricated gas chromatography column 6,666,907 12/23/2003
Microfabricated packed gas chromatographic column 6,663,697 12/16/2003
Method for detecting moisture in soils using secondary cosmic radiation 6,663,012 12/16/2003
Active shunt capacitance cancelling oscillator circuit 6,624,708 09/23/2003
Formation of interconnections to microfluidic devices 6,599,436 07/29/2003
Distributed fiber optic moisture intrusion sensing system 6,581,445 06/24/2003
Capillary test specimen, system, and methods for in-situ visualization of capillary flow and fillet formation 6,581,438 06/24/2003
Thermophotovoltaic energy conversion using photonic bandgap selective emitters 6,583,350 06/24/2003
Apparatus for controlling fluid flow in a conduit wall 6,561,275 05/13/2003
Apparatus and method for analyzing functional failures in integrated circuits 6,549,022 04/15/2003
Batteries using molten salt electrolyte 6,544,691 04/08/2003
Systems and Methods for Blocking, Detecting, and Responding to Cyber Attacks on Distributed Energy Resources Pending Pending
Systems and Methods for Blocking, Detecting, and Responding to Cyber Attacks on Distributed Energy Resources Pending Pending
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