Innovation at the interface of science and engineering
Committed to science with the mission in mind, Sandia creates innovative, science-based, systems-engineering solutions to our nation’s most challenging national security problems.
Recent Highlights
Liquid metal dealloying. The initial species fields (cA and cB at t=0) are contaminated with low-amplitude random white noise (left...
Positive and negative correlations of measured gas-phase methyl and formaldehyde with predicted surface coverages Scientists at...
Disconnections, such as the disconnection dipole shown here from relaxed molecular dynamics simulations, are found on...
By rotating the 𝐶3 symmetry breaking deformation ( 𝜑), the angular positions of the Dirac points...
Scientists at Sandia have created a new way to create atomic structures that show the important...
The schematic diagram for screening of solvents for lignin dissolution. Using ionic liquids (IL) to break...
Understanding how materials will interact with their environment is crucial when selecting components for engineering applications....
In a partnership just reaching two years, Sandia and Cerebras Systems have unveiled a cluster composed...
Physicists from Sandia worked with a team of researchers at Google Quantum AI and other affiliated...
Sandia’s Jennifer Gaudioso testified before Congress on how scientists at U.S. national laboratories are poised to...
Ten national laboratories, including Sandia, shared one of the largest booths at the AI Expo for...
Sandia National Laboratories has announced a new project with NVIDIA to pursue critical research and development...
Sandia National Laboratories and DataDirect Networks (DDN) have partnered over the last 3.5+ years to design...
Sandia National Laboratories, leading a tri-lab consortium with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Los Alamos...
Sandia National Laboratories has announced a partnership with AI and neuromorphic computing company, SpiNNcloud. Leveraging a next...
A multidisciplinary team has combined measurements in the Amazon forest with experimental and theoretical kinetics to...
Experimental war gaming provides insightful data for real-world cyberattacks In Greek mythology, Tantalus was the king...
The major challenge with using algae as a feedstock is growing it economically, which hinges strongly...
Brittle material failure can appear random and unpredictable at subcritical stresses. A fundamental understanding of how...
As counterfeiting methods become more sophisticated, countermeasures must be developed at the same pace. In this...
Jonathan Pegues, a researcher in Sandia’s Coatings & Additive Manufacturing department, was approved to be the...
The development of equations-of-state and transport models in areas such as shock compression and fusion energy...
Predictive design of experiments in Radiation, Electrical, and High Energy Density Science (REHEDS) requires knowledge of...
Chalcogenide thin films that undergo reversible phase changes show promise for next-generation nanophotonics, metasurfaces, and other...
Atmospheric corrosion is a critical materials degradation problem, yet the ability to predict its kinetics remains...
Gallium nitride (GaN) is a very hard, mechanically stable wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor that permits devices to...
Subcritical fracture controls deformation and permeability of rocks and degradation of manmade materials. To further understand...
Novel material and device concepts previously took years for iteration. Discoveries in this LDRD project will...
Underfilling is a widely used manufacturing process that helps stabilize and reinforce solder joints in electronic...
Data-heavy workflows such as AI require in to increase system efficiency. Work on this memory computing,...
An integrated data science and experimental approach is being taken to the challenges of direct capture...
Representation of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in Earth system models (ESM) is a key source...
While ML classifiers are widespread, output is often not part of a follow-on decision-making process because...
Multiscale materials modeling fundamental insight into microscopic mechanisms that determine materials properties in nuclear stockpile applications...
Multimaterial problems exist in mission applications such as mechanics and subsurface transport. To capture effects arising...
Accurately capturing solidification of fluids and the development of residual stress is critical for fully predictive...
Computer aided design (CAD) to simulation workflows for nuclear deterrence (ND) have shown dramatic performance improvements...
Predicting explosive performance at length scales near the minimum needed for a detonation to propagate is...
The team, led by Sandia principal investigator Jessica Rimsza, developed new modeling capabilities for evaluating multiphase...
Low density plasmas are predicted to impact Sandia’s Z machine experiments in a variety of ways....
Ryan Davis, a principal member of Sandia’s technical staff in Bioresource and Environmental Security, and his...
The Intrinsic Control for Genome and Transcriptome Editing in Communities (InCoGenTEC) project team, exploiting the CRISPR-associated...
Catherine Mageeney, a senior member of Sandia’s technical staff in bioengineering and biotechnology, has expertise in...
Electrothermal instability (ETI) is driven by Joule heating and arises from the dependence of resistivity on temperature....
Many polymer liquids flow easily when stretched gently but become viscous and solid-like when stretched rapidly....
Try this thought experiment: imagine a small measurable quantity of something—perhaps a grain of sand or...
Sandia visualization experts are working with climate scientists to visualize complex simulation results from the Energy...
Research Areas

Computing, Information Science, & Mathematics
Developing essential tools for solving the world’s most difficult problems.

Earth, Energy, & Environmental Science
Delivering world-class earth and atmospheric sciences R&D and biological solutions.

Materials & Advanced Manufacturing
Leading the nation in the knowledge of materials engineering, processing, and aging.

Nanodevices & Microsystems
Developing and delivering custom microsystems and national security hardware.

Physical Science
Discovering, predicting and controlling fundamental processes to enable success across Sandia missions.

Radiation Effects & High Energy Physics
Exploring science in extreme environments – from the earth’s center to black holes.

Laboratory Directed R&D (LDRD)
This R&D funding source encourages revolutionary explorations of science and technology to solve our nation’s greatest challenges.
Sandia’s research underpins the success of our nuclear weapons, national security, global security, and energy programs

Facilities & Centers
Gain access to Sandia’s research facilities, capabilities, and resources for either proprietary or nonproprietary work.
Awards & Recognition
Our people and their innovations have been recognized internationally among universities, private corporations, and government agencies.

Career possibilities at Sandia
Turn your passion for engineering into a career. Join our team of scientists, engineers, and innovators to solve challenging national security problems that defy easy textbook answers.
Partnering with Sandia
Sandia collaborates with external partners to bring emerging technologies to the marketplace. Our partners include industry, small businesses, universities, and government agencies.