
RAMSeS Publications (in chronological order descending)

RAMSeS Vision Whitepaper,  “Rapid Analysis of Mission Software Systems”,
SAND2020-13784.  Approved for public release December 2020.

Denis Bueno, “Software Model Checking with Uninterpreted Functions”, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 2021.

Laura Matzen, Michelle Leger, Geoffrey Reedy, “Effects of Precise and Imprecise Value-Set Analysis (VSA) Information on Manual Code Analysis”, The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) Binary Analysis Workshop (BAR), February 2021.

Tod Amon, Tim Loffredo, “Creating Human Readable Path Constraints from Symbolic Execution”, The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) Binary Analysis Workshop (BAR), February 2020.  Presentation Slides and code available at

Michelle Leger, Karin M. Butler, Denis Bueno, Matthew Crepeau, Christopher Cuellar, Alex Godwin, Michael J. Haas, Timothy Loffredo, Ravi Mangal, Laura E. Matzen, Vivian Nguyen, Alessandro Orso, Geoffrey Reedy, John T. Stasko, Mallory Stites, Julian Tuminaro, Andrew T. Wilson, “Creating an Interprocedural Analyst-Oriented Data Flow Representation for Binary Analysts (CIAO)“, SAND Report, December 2018