SAR Imagery
Sandia has collected and real-time processed over 400,000 synthetic aperture radar images.
The following is a selection of imagery available for your viewing, sorted by frequency band and/or program. (Note: Resolutions are for original images prior to downsampling for world wide web viewing.)
Images are available for public reproduction. Please credit Sandia using the following statement ‘Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories, Radar ISR’
Click thumbnails below to enlarge images.

Tres Hermanas Crevasses
The Tres Hermanas Crevasses in Antarctica. From Sandia’s X-band AntarcticaSAR.

Antarctica Shear Zone
Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR image of Antarctica shear zone showing movement of ice as much as 3ft per day. From Sandias X-band AntarcticaSAR.

McMurdo Station
Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR image of McMurdo Station in Antarctica. From Sandias X-band AntarcticaSAR.

South Pole Traverse
This shear zone is the road to the South Pole known as the very dangerous South Pole Traverse.

Kirtland AFB Building
Ku-band image of a building on Kirtland AFB.

Jacksonville Naval Air Station
Ku-band image of Jacksonville Naval Air Station.

Jacksonville Naval Air Station Building
Ku-band SpotDwell image of a building at Jacksonville Naval Air Station.

Radar Testing Facility
Ku-band image of a radar testing facility near Albuquerque, NM.

Rescue Aircraft Display
Kirtland AFB historic rescue aircraft and helicopter static displays.

KAFB Baseball Diamond
Ku-band image of a baseball diamond on Kirtland AFB.

Helicopter & Plane
Ka-band image of a helicopter and plane static display near Albuquerque, NM.

Kirtland AFB Gate
Ka-band image of a gate at Kirtland AFB. Note the vehicles lined up to enter from the right.

KAFB Golf Course
Ka-band image of a golf course clubhouse at Kirtland AFB. Note the radar shadows of golfers on the putting green.

KAFB C-130s
Ka-band image of C-130s on flight line at Kirtland AFB.

Military Vehicles in Desert
Ka-band image of a variety of military vehicles in the desert near Albuquerque, NM.

KAFB Dirt Road Access
Ka-band image of a dirt road access gate at Kirtland AFB.

KAFB Reapplication Yard
Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR image of a reapplication yard at Kirtland AFB.

Jacksonville Naval Air Station Building
SpotDwell image of a building at Jacksonville Naval Air Station.

Washington DC.
Stripmap Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR image of Washington DC.

Jacksonville Naval Air Station
Arbitrary Stripmap image of the Jacksonville Naval Air Station.

Solar Tower
Circle pass of a solar tower near Albuquerque NM.

Sandia's GMTI
Example image of Sandia's Ground Moving Target Indicator GMTI near Belen NM.

HRR Example
High Range Resolution HRR example.

Maritime Search Mode
Maritime Search Mode example of a ship at sea.

Coherent Change Detection
Coherent Change Detection CCD image highlighting several changes between images taken of the same scene at two different times.

Normalized Coherence Product
Normalized Coherence Product NCP image showing only the most recent changes in a scene between two CCD images referenced CCD images displayed on the left.

Greater Washington DC.
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar IFSAR mosaic of greater Washington DC area from Sandias Rapid Terrain Visualization RTV program.

KAFB Fields & Buildings
Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR of several fields and buildings at Kirtland AFB. Taken by Sandias FARAD radar.

Onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR image from Sandias Mini RF on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LRO.

SAR Identified Target
Example of an identified target in a Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR image utilizing Sandias Automatic Target Recognition ATR technology.

Stationary Truck
Image of a stationary truck with the engine running utilizing Sandias Vibrometry techniques.

KAFB Housing
Fine resolution StereoSAR image of Kirtland AFB housing next to a large field.