Quantum Information Sciences


100 Years of Quantum Is Just the Beginning…

2025 is the official year of quantum! The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology is a United Nations observance that aims to highlight the contributions of quantum science and practical applications of quantum technology. Learn more.

Sandia’s Quantum Information Program targets advances in the understanding and mastery of quantum systems for enabling the manipulation of information with greater sensitivity, speed, and security than is possible with classical information processing methods. The program spans the entire breadth of Quantum Information Science (QIS) through focused research programs and by utilizing its unique technical capability areas: micro-electronics and quantum device fabrication, nanotechnology, tailored materials, and high-performance computing. Sandia has expertise and capabilities in a variety of disciplines in both established and exploratory programs, as well as state-of-the-art facilities such as the Microsystems Engineering Science and Applications (MESA) Complex, the Center for Integrated Nano Technology (CINT), and the Ion Beam Laboratory (IBL).


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Qubit design / development / fabrication / test, entanglement, noise modeling, design tools

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Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), photon source development, single photon detectors, quantum networking

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Quantum engineering

Architectures, robust controls for quantum gates, qubit and quantum processor performance characterization

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Ultra-high precision timing, acceleration sensing, magnetometry, and electric field sensing; sensing employing both atom and matter wave interferometry

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Algorithms / apps

Algorithm development, demonstration of few-qubit applications

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Dramatic size-, weight-, and power- reductions for QKD, atomic clocks, and atom interferometers – lasers, photon source, control electronics, integrated photonics, vacuum packaging and systems

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Modeling and Simulation

Quantum device modeling, design toolkits, error correction simulators

Quantum Sensing Key Capabilities

Other Key QIS Capabilities

Quantum Imaging

Quantum imaging can be used in various scientific disciplines including materials science, chemistry, and biology.

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Photonics for Quantum

Integrated photonics are a critical enabling technology for quantum communication, sensing, computing, and networking.

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Quantum Materials

Research that helps us understand materials that enable quantum systems, as well as quantum materials that can be devices themselves.

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Quantum Communication

Quantum communication applies the laws of quantum mechanics to protect and transmit data in a secure and effectively unhackable manner.

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Quantum Workforce


A free hands-on quantum camp taught by experts from across the country aimed at the high school level.

(Link opens in a new tab)Learn More about QCaMP
Quantum Fellowship

The Gil Herrera Fellowship is one of Sandia’s most prestigious postdoctoral fellowships.

(Link opens in a new tab)More about the Fellowship
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