Nils Hansen
Manager, R&D Science and Engineering

Nils Hansen, the Principal Investigator of the Flame Chemistry and Diagnostics Laboratory at the Combustion Research Facility has long specialized in the development of the tools to elucidate the chemistry occurring in flames. As organizer of the international Workshop on Flame Chemistry series, he has been an important part of the validation efforts of chemically accurate models, and regularly hosts international collaborators. Spanning the range from ignition chemistry to the chemistry of soot and aromatic precursors, Dr. Hansen uses a highly sensitive molecular beam mass spectrometer and a tandem mass spectrometer to reveal important chemical pathways. As a facility scientist, he adapts these tools for use in plasma systems where they would provide much-needed validation of plasma chemistry reaction sets.
Research Interests
Interrogation of chemistries in reactive environments using high-resolution mass spectroscopy.
Nils Hansen received his PhD in Physical Chemistry at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, under the guidance of Prof. F. Temps. Before joining Sandia, Nils worked with Prof. A. M. Wodtke as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and as a staff member at the BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Zachary Buras, Nils Hansen, Craig Taatjes, Leonid Sheps, (2022). Prospects and Limitations of Predicting Fuel Ignition Properties from Low-Temperature Speciation Data Energy and Fuels Publication ID: 80510
David Couch, Angie Zhang, Craig Taatjes, Nils Hansen, (2021). Experimental Observation of Hydrocarbon Growth by Resonance-Stabilized Radical–Radical Chain Reaction Angewandte Chemie – International Edition Publication ID: 76135
Bo Zhou, Erxiong Huang, Raybel Almeida, Sadi Gurses, Coleman Kronawitter, Ambarish Kulkarni, Johan Zetterberg, David Osborn, Nils Hansen, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Imaging the gas phase above a reacting surface: partial oxidation of methanol catalyzed by silver Publication ID: 77157
Xuefeng Fan, Wenyu Sun, Yi Gao, Nils Hansen, Bingjie Chen, Heinz Pitsch, Bin Yang, (2021). Chemical insights into the multi-regime low-temperature oxidation of di-n-propyl ether: Jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 79487
Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). SNL Plasma Research Facility (PRF) Publication ID: 76086
Leonid Sheps, David Osborn, Nils Hansen, (2021). A New Approach to Fundamental Mechanism Discovery in Polymer Upcycling Publication ID: 75826
Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). SNL Plasma Research Facility Publication ID: 75840
Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). Sandia National Laboratories Plasma Research Facility Publication ID: 75651
Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). SNL Plasma Research Facility (PRF) Publication ID: 75935
Nils Hansen, (2021). Isomer-Resolved Probing of Complex Systems of Reactions: Opportunities for Diagnostics Development Publication ID: 79113
David Osborn, Bo Zhou, Erxiong Huang, Raybel Almeida, Sadi Gurses, Alexander Ungar, Johan Zetterberg, Ambarish Kulkarni, Coleman Kronawitter, Nils Hansen, Jonathan Frank, Bibek Samanta, Ravin Fernando, Daniel Roesch, Hanna Reisler, (2021). Imaging the Near-Surface Gas Phase: A New Approach to Coupled Gas-Surface Chemistry Publication ID: 78717
Julien Manin, Nils Hansen, Carl Sjoberg, Tuan Nguyen, Kevin Wan, Goutham Kukkadapu, Nick Killingsworth, William Pitz, (2021). Soot Modeling and Experiments Publication ID: 78511
Nils Hansen, (2021). Ozone-initiated oxidation at extreme low-temperatures Publication ID: 78543
Nils Hansen, G. Kukkadapu, B. Chen, S. Dong, H. Curran, Craig Taatjes, A. Eskola, D. Osborn, Leonid Sheps, W. Pitz, K. Moshammer, A. Jasper, W. Chen, J. Yang, Z. Wang, (2021). The impact of the third O2addition reaction network on ignition delay times of neo-pentane Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 72319
Sean Fritz, Piyush Mishra, Julia Wullenkord, Paul Fugazzi, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Timothy Zwier, Nils Hansen, (2021). Detecting combustion intermediates via broadband chirped-pulse microwave spectroscopy Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 72322
Bo Zhou, Erxiong Huang, Raybel Almeida, Sadi Gurses, Alexander Ungar, Johan Zetterberg, Ambarish Kulkarni, Coleman Kronawitter, David Osborn, Nils Hansen, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Near-Surface Imaging of the Multicomponent Gas Phase above a Silver Catalyst during Partial Oxidation of Methanol ACS Catalysis Publication ID: 77546
Nils Hansen, (2020). Exploring Combustion Processes in Laboratory-Scale Model Flames Publication ID: 74623
Zachary Buras, Nils Hansen, Dario Lopez Pintor, Leonid Sheps, Craig Taatjes, (2020). Correlating Ignition Properties with Critical Species Concentrations Publication ID: 74473
Brian Adamson, Scott Skeen, Musahid Ahmed, Nils Hansen, (2020). Nucleation of soot: Experimental assessment of the role of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) dimers Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Publication ID: 73483
Handong Liao, Shiqing Kang, Nils Hansen, Feng Zhang, Bin Yang, (2020). Influence of ozone addition on the low-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether in a jet-stirred reactor Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 73868
Martina Baroncelli, Qian Mao, Simon Galle, Nils Hansen, Heinz Pitsch, (2020). Role of ring-enlargement reactions in the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Publication ID: 73859
Steffen Schmitt, Maximilian Wick, Christian Wouters, Lena Ruwe, Isabelle Graf, Jakob Andert, Nils Hansen, Stefan Pischinger, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, (2020). Effects of water addition on the combustion of iso-octane investigated in laminar flames, low-temperature reactors, and an HCCI engine Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 66371
Larisa León, Lena Ruwe, Kai Moshammer, Lars Seidel, Krishna Shrestha, Xiaoxiao Wang, Fabian Mauss, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Nils Hansen, (2019). Chemical insights into the larger sooting tendency of 2-methyl-2-butene compared to n-pentane Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 68479
Nils Hansen, Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, (2019). Isomer-Selective Detection of Keto-Hydroperoxides in the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Tetrahydrofuran Journal of Physical Chemistry A Publication ID: 64599
David Osborn, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Ambarish Kulkarni, Coleman Kronawitter, bruce gates, (2019). Coupled Gas-Surface Chemistry: New Tools for Discovery Science Publication ID: 70513
Lena Ruwe, Liming Cai, Kai Moshammer, Nils Hansen, Heinz Pitsch, Katharina Kohse–Höinghaus, (2019). The C5 chemistry preceding the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a premixed 1-pentene flame Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 68478
Nils Hansen, (2019). The Chemistry of Soot Formation Publication ID: 69683
Zhandong Wang, Olivier Herbinet, Nils Hansen, Frédérique Battin-Leclerc, (2019). Exploring hydroperoxides in combustion: History, recent advances and perspectives Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Publication ID: 58938
Martina Baroncelli, Daniel Felsmann, Nils Hansen, Heinz Pitsch, (2019). Investigating the effect of oxy-fuel combustion and light coal volatiles interaction: A mass spectrometric study Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 58941
Nils Hansen, (2019). The Criegee Intermediate Reaction Network in Ethylene Ozonolysis Publication ID: 69349
Nils Hansen, (2019). Isomer-Resolved Probing of Complex Systems of Reactions Publication ID: 68480
Bingjie Chen, Haoyi Wang, Zhandong Wang, Jie Han, Awad Alquaity, Heng Wang, Nils Hansen, S. Sarathy, (2019). Ion chemistry in premixed rich methane flames Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 64357
Nils Hansen, (2019). Isomer-Resolved Probing of Complex Systems of Reactions Publication ID: 64516
Aric Rousso, Nils Hansen, Ahren Jasper, Yiguang Ju, (2019). Identification of the Criegee intermediate reaction network in ethylene ozonolysis: Impact on energy conversion strategies and atmospheric chemistry Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Publication ID: 67206
Nils Hansen, (2018). Isomer-Resolved Probing of Complex Systems of Reactions Publication ID: 63289
Lena Ruwe, Kai Moshammer, Nils Hansen, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, (2018). Influences of the molecular fuel structure on combustion reactions towards soot precursors in selected alkane and alkene flames Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Publication ID: 58940
Isaac Ekoto, Benjamin Wolk, William Northrop, Nils Hansen, Kai Moshammer, (2017). Tailoring Charge Reactivity Using In-Cylinder Generated Reformate for Gasoline Compression Ignition Strategies Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Publication ID: 63965
Nils Hansen, (2017). Isomer-Resolved Proving of Oxidation and Ignition Chemistry Publication ID: 54101
Zhandong Wang, Bingjie Chen, Kai Moshammer, Denisia Popolan-Vaida, Salim Sioud, Vijai Shankar, David Vuilleumier, Tao Tao, Lena Ruwe, Eike Bräuer, Nils Hansen, Philippe Dagaut, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Misjudeen Raji, S. Sarathy, (2017). n-Heptane cool flame chemistry: Unraveling intermediate species measured in a stirred reactor and motored engine 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 Publication ID: 58937
Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, Denisia Popolan-Vaida, Zhandong Wang, Vijai Bhavani Shankar, Lena Ruwe, Craig Taatjes, Philippe Dagaut, Nils Hansen, (2016). Quantification of the Keto-Hydroperoxide (HOOCH2OCHO) and Other Elusive Intermediates during Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether Journal of Physical Chemistry A Publication ID: 58942
Kai Moshammer, Lars Seidel, Yu Wang, Hatem Selim, S. Sarathy, Fabian Mauss, Nils Hansen, (2016). Aromatic ring formation in opposed-flow diffusive 13‑butadiene flames Publication ID: 51364
Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, Nils Hansen, (2016). Advancing kinetic mechanisms for low-temperature combustion through the detection of highly elusive intermediates Publication ID: 49514
Zhandong Wang, Lidong Zhang, Kai Moshammer, Denisia Popolan-Vaida, Vijai Shankar, Arnas Lucassen, Christian Hemken, Craig Taatjes, Stephen Leone, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Nils Hansen, Philippe Dagaut, S. Sarathy, (2016). Additional chain-branching pathways in the low-temperature oxidation of branched alkanes Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 50854
Isaac Ekoto, Scott Skeen, Richard Steeper, Nils Hansen, (2015). Detailed Characterization of Negative Valve Overlap Chemistry by Photoionization Mass Spectroscopy SAE International Journal of Engines Publication ID: 43534
Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, D.M. Popolan-Vaida, A Lucassen, P Dievart, H. Selim, Arkke Eskola, Craig Taatjes, S.M. Sarathy, Y. Ju, P Dagaut, K. Kohse-Hoinghaus, Nils Hansen, (2015). Advanced insights in low-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether ? a theoretical and experimental approach Publication ID: 43703
Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, Nils Hansen, (2015). Advanced insights in low-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether ? an experimental and theoretical approach Publication ID: 43139
Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, D Popolan-Vaida, A Lucassen, P Dievart, H Selim, Arkke Eskola, Craig Taatjes, S Leone, S. Sarathy, Y Ju, P Dagaut, K Kohse-Hoinghaus, Nils Hansen, (2015). Detection and Identification of the Keto-Hydroperoxide (HOOCH 2 OCHO) and Other Intermediates during Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment, and General Theory Publication ID: 80713
Nils Hansen, M. Braun-Unkhoff, T. Kathrotia, Arnas Lucassen, B. Yang, (2015). Understanding the reaction pathways in premixed flames fueled by blends of 1,3-butadiene and n-butanol Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 31831
A. Nawdiyal, Nils Hansen, T. Zeuch, L. Seidel, F. Mauß, (2015). Experimental and modelling study of speciation and benzene formation pathways in premixed 1-hexene flames Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 31833
Arnas Lucassen, Sungwoo Park, Nils Hansen, S. Sarathy, (2015). Combustion chemistry of alcohols: Experimental and modeled structure of a premixed 2-methylbutanol flame Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 31842
K. Johansson, J. Lai, Scott Skeen, D. Popolan-Vaida, K. Wilson, Nils Hansen, A. Violi, Hope Michelsen, (2015). Soot precursor formation and limitations of the stabilomer grid Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 38544
Arnas Lucassen, Nils Hansen, S Park, M Sarathy, (2014). Combustion Chemistry of Next-Generation Biofuels: Publication ID: 37960
Nils Hansen, (2014). CRF Webpages Publication ID: 40411
Nils Hansen, (2013). PAH Formation and Soot Morphology in Flames of C4 Fuels Publication ID: 31813
Nils Hansen, (2013). Premixed Laminar Flames of Methyl Pentanoate and Methyl Hexanoate: An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 31817
K. Johansson, Scott Skeen, Nils Hansen, Hope Michelsen, (2013). Soot Precursor Formation and Limitations of the Stabilomer Grid Publication ID: 31855
Nils Hansen, (2013). Advances and challenges in experimental research of combustion chemistry in laminar flames Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Publication ID: 36571
Nils Hansen, (2013). Opportunities for VUV FELs in Combustion Research Publication ID: 35640
Nils Hansen, (2013). Predicting the Combustion Chemistry of Biofuels The High-Temperature Oxidation Chemistry of Butanol Isomers Publication ID: 35641
Nils Hansen, (2013). Exploring Combustion Chemistry in Laboratory-Scale Model Flames From Biofuels to Soot Formation Publication ID: 35642
Nils Hansen, (2013). Opportunities for VUV FELs in Combustion Research Publication ID: 35406
Nils Hansen, (2013). Exploring Combustion Chemistry in Laboratory-Scale Model Flames: From Biofuels to Soot Formation Publication ID: 35411
Nils Hansen, (2013). Predicting the combustion chemistry of biofuels: The high-temperature oxidation chemistry of butanol isomers Publication ID: 35412
Nils Hansen, Scott Skeen, Hope Michelsen, (2013). Flame Experiments at the Advanced Light Source: New Insights into Soot Formation Processes Journal of Visualized Experiments Publication ID: 34316
Nils Hansen, (2013). Experimental Study of Dimethoxymethane and Dimethyl Carbonate Addition to Premixed Ethane/Oxygen/Argon Flame Publication ID: 32535
Nils Hansen, (2013). Chemical Structures of Premixed iso-Butanol Flames Publication ID: 32537
Scott Skeen, Nils Hansen, (2013). Chemical kinetic modeling of low pressure methylcyclohexane flames Publication ID: 32538
Nils Hansen, (2013). Exploring Combustion Chemistry in Laboratory-Scale Model Flames: From Biofuels to Soot Formation Publication ID: 32060
Arnas Lucassen, Julia Warkentin, Nils Hansen, Sungwoo Park, S. Sarathy, (2013). Detailed analysis of iso-Pentanol combustion chemistry in flames 8th US National Combustion Meeting 2013 Publication ID: 32536
Scott Skeen, B. Yang, Hope Michelsen, J. Miller, A. Violi, Nils Hansen, (2013). Studies of laminar opposed-flow diffusion flames of acetylene at low-pressures with photoionization mass spectrometry Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 25685
Scott Skeen, Paul Schrader, Kevin Wilson, Nils Hansen, Hope Michelsen, (2012). A combined laser induced incandescence, aerosol mass spectrometry, and scanning mobility particle sizing study of non-premixed ethylene flames CEUR Workshop Proceedings Publication ID: 27947
Nils Hansen, (2012). Exploring Combustion Chemistry in Laboratory-Based Model Flames Publication ID: 30617
Scott Skeen, Hope Michelsen, Nils Hansen, (2012). Near-Threshold Photoionization Mass Spectra of Combustion-Generated High-Molecular-Weight Soot Precursors The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Publication ID: 26903
Nils Hansen, (2012). Flame Chemistry of tetrahydropyran as a model heteroatomic biofuel Publication ID: 25786
Ahren Jasper, Nils Hansen, Nils Hansen, (2012). Hydrogen-assisted isomerizations of fulvene to benzene and of larger cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 25788
Nils Hansen, (2012). Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Modeling Study of Premixed Flames and Three Unsaturated C5H802 Esters Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 25804
Nils Hansen, Hope Michelsen, Scott Skeen, (2011). Fragment-Free Mass Spectra of Combustion-Generated Soot-Particles J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Publication ID: 25641
Nils Hansen, (2011). Exploring Formation Pathways of Aromatic Compounds in Laboratory-Based Model Flames of Aliphatic Fuels %22Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves%22 Publication ID: 23983
Nils Hansen, (2011). The Effect of Carbon-Carbon Double Bonds on the Combustion Chemistry of Small Fatty Acid Esters %22Zeitschrift f&%23252r Physikalische Chemie%22 – ZPC Publication ID: 23985
Ahren Jasper, Nils Hansen, (2011). Identification of tetrahydrofuran reaction pathways in premixed flames ZPC Publication ID: 23986
Nils Hansen, David Osborn, Scott Skeen, (2011). Absolute photoionization cross-sections of some combustion intermediates %22International Journal of Mass Spectrometry%22 Publication ID: 23987
Nils Hansen, (2011). High-Temperature Oxidation Chemistry of n-Butanol – Experiments in Low-Pressure Premixed Flames and Detailed Kinetic Modeling Physical chemistry chemical physics Publication ID: 22938
Nils Hansen, (2011). Requirements for High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer Publication ID: 21450
Nils Hansen, (2010). Copy of Copy of Multiple Benzene-Formation Paths in a Fuel-Rich Cyclohexane Flame Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 20982
Nils Hansen, (2010). Fuel-Structure Dependence of Benzene Formation Processes in Premixed Flames Fueled by C6H12 Isomers Publication ID: 17126
Nils Hansen, (2008). Recent Contributions Of Flame-Sampling Molecular-Beam Mass Spectrometry To A Fundamental Understanding Of Combustion Chemistry Publication ID: 13970
Nils Hansen, (2008). MBMS investigation of a laminar THF flame Publication ID: 13732
Nils Hansen, S. Klippenstein, P. Westmoreland, Tina Kasper, K. Kohse-Höinghaus, J. Wang, T. Cool, (2008). A combined ab initio and photoionization mass spectrometric study of polyynes in fuel-rich flames Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Publication ID: 11397
Nils Hansen, Tina Kasper, (2007). Opportunities and Issues in Chemical Analysis of Premixed Fuel-Rich Low-Pressure Flames of Hydrocarbon and Oxygenate Fuels using in situ Mass Spectrometry Publication ID: 11314
Craig Taatjes, Nils Hansen, David Osborn, (2007). Imaging Combustion Chemistry via Multiplexed Synchrotron-Photoionization Mass Spectrometry Physical Chemistry Chemical Physica Publication ID: 11153
Nils Hansen, (2007). A Combined ab initio and Photoionization Mass Spectrometric Study of Polyynes in Fuel-Rich Flames %22Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.%22 Publication ID: 10705
Nils Hansen, (2007). Identification of Isomeric Flame Components by Rydberg Ionization Spectroscopy Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 9423
Nils Hansen, (2007). Progress In The Understanding Of The Near-IR Sepectrum of 2E and 2II CCBr Publication ID: 9075
Nils Hansen, Craig Taatjes, (2007). Fuel Consumption and Initial Steps of Aromatic Ring Formation in a Laminar Premixed Fuel-Rich Cyclopenene Flame Publication ID: 8856
T. Kasper, Nils Hansen, J. Wang, B. Yang, T. Cool, P. Westmoreland, (2007). MBMS investigation of a laminar tetrahydrofuran flame Western States Section/Combustion Institute Fall Meeting 2007 Publication ID: 11444
Nils Hansen, James Miller, Craig Taatjes, Juan Wang, Terrill Cool, Matthew Law, Phillip Westmoreland, (2007). Photoionization mass spectrometric studies and modeling of fuel-rich allene and propyne flames Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 6353
Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Patrick Oßwald, Ulf Struckmeier, Tina Kasper, Nils Hansen, Craig Taatjes, Juan Wang, Terrill Cool, Saugata Gon, Phillip Westmoreland, (2007). The influence of ethanol addition on premixed fuel-rich propene-oxygen-argon flames Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 6383
Nils Hansen, Larry Rahn, (2006). A WEB-BASED LIBRARY OF LOW PRESSURE FLAME DATA Publication ID: 7714
Larry Rahn, Nils Hansen, R. Barlow, Michael Chen, (2006). Combustion Data Published from CMCS Repository Publication ID: 7569
Nils Hansen, Craig Taatjes, (2006). Synchrotron photoionization molecular-beam mass spectrometric characterization of hydrocarbon radicals in fuel-rich flames Publication ID: 6632
Nils Hansen, (2005). Photoionization Mass Spectrometric Study and Modeling of Fuel-Rich Dimethyl Ether Flames Publication ID: 6402
Nils Hansen, James Miller, (2005). Identification of C5Hx isomers in fuel-rich flames by photoionization mass spectrometry and electronic structure calculations Proposed for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Publication ID: 6354
Andrew McIlroy, Nils Hansen, James Miller, Stephen Klippenstein, Juan Senosiain, (2005). Ethenol is a common combustion intermediate in hydrocarbon flames Proposed for publication in Nature. Publication ID: 4478
Stephen Klippenstein, James Miller, Nils Hansen, (2004). Synchrotron photoionization measurements of combustion intermediates : photoionization efficiency of C3H2 isomers Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Publication ID: 4011
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