Lisa Bigler
Applied Systems Analysis & Research

Applied Systems Analysis & Research
Organizations & Leadership Roles
- Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES) Planning Team Member
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- President: Oregon State University Student Chapter SIAM
- Vice President: Oregon State University Student Chapter SIAM
- Student volunteer committee: SIAM Pacific Northwest Regional Conference
Research Interests
- Applied & computational mathematics
- Modeling of real world applications, including phase transitions and porous media
- Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., & Fukuyama, D. (2023, June). Development and Verification of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochecmiacl Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Oral presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
- Bigler, L., LaForce, T. & Basurto, E. (2023, June). Incorporating Geologic Structure into Sensitivity Analysis of Contaminant Transport Modeling. Poster presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
- Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., Smallwood, C., Fukuyama, D., Kolker, S., Stein, J., Farquharson, L., Nicolsky, D., Flemings, P., & Mills, T. (2023, April). A Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Poster presentation, Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES), Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Bigler, L., Peszynska, M., & Vohra, N. (2022, June). Multiscale Modeling of Thermal Properties of Permafrost With Outlook Towards Comprehensive Multiphysics Models. Oral presentation, 8th Inter- national Congress of Computational Engineering and Sciences ESCO 2022, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- Bigler, L., Peszynska, M., & Vohra, N. (2022, May). A Multiscale Approach to Modeling of Thermal Properties of Permafrost. Oral presentation, 2022 SIAM PNW Conference, Vancouver, WA
- Bigler, L., Vohra, N., & Peszynska, M. (2022, March). Mixed Finite Elements for the heterogeneous Stefan problem and application to multiscale multiphysics models of permafrost. Oral presentation, Oregon State University Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar, Corvallis, OR
- Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., & Fukuyama, D. (2023, June). Development and Verification of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochemical Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Oral presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
- Bigler, L., LaForce, T. & Basurto, E. (2023, June). Incorporating Geologic Structure into Sensitivity Analysis of Contaminant Transport Modeling. Poster presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
- Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., Smallwood, C., Fukuyama, D., Kolker, S., Stein, J., Farquharson, L., Nicolsky, D., Flemings, P., & Mills, T. (2023, April). A Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Poster presentation, Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES), Albuquerque, New Mexico