Lisa Bigler

Applied Systems Analysis & Research

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Applied Systems Analysis & Research


Lisa Bigler, Ph.D. is an applied mathematician working on problems related to computational geoscience. She works with open-source, high performance frameworks for simulating and providing sensitivity analysis for subsurface multiphase, multicomponent and multiscale reactive flow and transport processes.


Ph.D.MathematicsOregon State University2022
M.S.MathematicsOregon State University2019
B.S. (Double)Natural Science (Physics emphasis) & MathematicsUniversity of Puget Sound2011

Organizations & Leadership Roles

  • Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES) Planning Team Member
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
  • President: Oregon State University Student Chapter SIAM
  • Vice President: Oregon State University Student Chapter SIAM
  • Student volunteer committee: SIAM Pacific Northwest Regional Conference


William F. Burger Graduate Teaching AwardOregon State University Department of Mathematics2021
SIAM Student Travel AwardSIAM Annual 2021 Conference, NSF2021
SIAM Student Travel Award
SIAM Annual 2020 Conference, NSF2020
College of Science Student Travel Award
Oregon State University College of Science2020

Research Interests

  • Applied & computational mathematics
  • Modeling of real world applications, including phase transitions and porous media


  • Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., & Fukuyama, D. (2023, June). Development and Verification of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochecmiacl Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Oral presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
  • Bigler, L., LaForce, T. & Basurto, E. (2023, June). Incorporating Geologic Structure into Sensitivity Analysis of Contaminant Transport Modeling. Poster presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
  • Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., Smallwood, C., Fukuyama, D., Kolker, S., Stein, J., Farquharson, L., Nicolsky, D., Flemings, P., & Mills, T. (2023, April). A Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Poster presentation, Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES), Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Bigler, L., Peszynska, M., & Vohra, N. (2022, June). Multiscale Modeling of Thermal Properties of Permafrost With Outlook Towards Comprehensive Multiphysics Models. Oral presentation, 8th Inter- national Congress of Computational Engineering and Sciences ESCO 2022, Pilsen, Czech Republic
  • Bigler, L., Peszynska, M., & Vohra, N. (2022, May). A Multiscale Approach to Modeling of Thermal Properties of Permafrost. Oral presentation, 2022 SIAM PNW Conference, Vancouver, WA
  • Bigler, L., Vohra, N., & Peszynska, M. (2022, March). Mixed Finite Elements for the heterogeneous Stefan problem and application to multiscale multiphysics models of permafrost. Oral presentation, Oregon State University Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar, Corvallis, OR


  1. Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., & Fukuyama, D. (2023, June). Development and Verification of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochemical Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Oral presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
  2. Bigler, L., LaForce, T. & Basurto, E. (2023, June). Incorporating Geologic Structure into Sensitivity Analysis of Contaminant Transport Modeling. Poster presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Bergen, Norway
  3. Bigler, L., Nole, M., Frederick, J., Smallwood, C., Fukuyama, D., Kolker, S., Stein, J., Farquharson, L., Nicolsky, D., Flemings, P., & Mills, T. (2023, April). A Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Modeling of Arctic Permafrost. Poster presentation, Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES), Albuquerque, New Mexico