PEGASIS is the overarching program at Sandia National Laboratories that studies complex, strategic interaction scenarios through analytical and experimental wargaming techniques.

For more information please contact:


Our team spans Sandia National Laboratories, University of California-Berkeley, and other institutions.

Sandia National Laboratories (lead)

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis
Picture of Mika

Mika Armenta

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis
Picture of Ruby

Ruby Booth, Ph.D.

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis
Picture of Kiran

Kiran Lakkaraju Ph.D.

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis

R&D S&E, Computer Science
Picture of Joshua

Joshua Letchford, Ph.D.

R&D S&E, Computer Science

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis
Picture of Jason

Jason Reinhardt, Ph.D.

R&D S&E, Systems Research and Analysis

R&D S&E, Cybersecurity
Picture of Jonathan

Jonathan Whetzel

R&D S&E, Cybersecurity

Program Management
Picture of Lynn

Lynn Yang

Program Management

University of California – Berkeley

Bethany Goldblum, Ph.D.
Bethany Goldblum, Ph.D.
Andrew Reddie, Ph.D.


Tracing House is a Laboratory Funded Research and Development (LDRD) project to study communication, conflict and deterrence in cyberspace. Tantalus is an experimental wargame designed within the Tracing House project. You can join the study, and play Tantalus, here:

GRAND is a NATO-ACT funded effort to develop wargames to help practice consensus building in times of crisis.

Previous Projects

Project on Nuclear Gaming

The Project on Nuclear Gaming (2017-2019) was a Carnegie Corporation of New York funded effort, led by the University of California-Berkeley in collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, to study the strategic impact of tailored effect nuclear weapons on conflict escalation. More information on PoNG.

SIGNAL is the first experimental wargame developed by our team and was developed as part of the PoNG project. You can play SIGNAL.

For More Information

Please contact us at if you have any questions or wish to know more!