A Sandia/Lawrence Livermore team recently deployed a prototype, above-ground antineutrino detector at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station near San Diego, Calif. Earlier measurement systems had to be located underground; however, inspection regimes need devices that can be shipped to a reactor site and easily installed. This new system fits in a standard transportation container and uses innovative shielding and instrumentation to reduce the cosmic ray-induced background. Ultimately, this device could make monitoring nuclear reactors easier, less intrusive, and more cost- effective. (8100) IHNS
The Nuclear Detonation Detection System (NDS) Analysis Package (NAP) Ground System (NAPGS) completed a major step in transitioning to operational status under Air Force Space Command. NAPGS, located in Sandia Tech Area 4, was granted authority to connect to the existing Air Force operational NDS ground segment and began a period of rigorous Air Force testing. The NAPGS is a unique, autonomous earth station capable of tracking and capturing telemetry data from multiple NAP-equipped GPS satellites simultaneously. (2600, 5300, 5500, 5700) DS&A
For more than 45 years, NNSA and the US Air Force have jointly provided satellite sensor systems designed to detect atmospheric and space nuclear detonations (NUDETs). On May 27, 2010, the first next-generation optical sensor was launched on a Global Positioning System satellite. This Sandia-developed sensor is the result of a decade-long development effort funded by NNSA/NA-22. Over the next 10 years, researchers will be launching 19 more next-gen sensors. This constellation will greatly enhance the nation’s ability to monitor worldwide nuclear treaty compliance. (5700, 1500, 1700, 1800, 2600, 5300, 5500) DS&A
Each citation is followed by the center numbers of centers that contributed most directly to the effort described. An acronym after each accomplishment indicates which of Sandia’s strategic management units (SMUs) or strategic management groups (SMGs) the work most directly supported.
The SMG/SMU acronyms are:
- NW: Nuclear Weapons SMG & SMU
- DS & A: Defense Systems & Assessments SMU
- IHNS: International, Homeland, and Nuclear Security SMU
- ECIS: Energy, Climate, and Infrastructure SMU
- IES: Integrated Enabling Services SMU
- SPP: Sandia Partnership Projects