Sandia News

Fact Sheets

Image of SNL-Overview-FY24-1

Sandia Overview

Sandia grew out of America’s World War II effort to develop the first atomic bombs. Today, keeping the U.S. nuclear stockpile safe, secure, and effective is a major part of Sandia’s work as a multidisciplinary, national security, engineering laboratory. But Sandia’s role has evolved to address the additional complex threats facing our country.

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Corporate fact sheets

  • By the Numbers (PDF, 1.7 MB)
    Sandia’s people, locations and funding by the numbers.
  • Contract History (PDF, 2.63 MB)
    The government manages and operates Sandia and the other national laboratories using a government-owned, contractor-operated model.
  • Explosive Technologies Group (PDF, 476 KB)
    Responsible for essential NNSA and Department of Defense arming, fuzing and firing functions for the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent.
  • Facilities: Building on Success (PDF, 757 KB)
    Sandia facilities meet diverse needs for national security, research and partnerships.
  • High-Performance Computing (PDF, 1.5 MB)
    Sandia supercomputer research is solving real-world problems today, and reaching for exascale performance tomorrow.
  • History Highlights (PDF, 1.7 MB)
    A history of how Sandia steps up to provide exceptional service in the national interest.
  • National Security Programs (PDF, 2 MB)
    Developing innovative technological solutions to solve the toughest national security problems.
  • Neutron Generator Enterprise (PDF, 2.1 MB)
    Responsible for the entire NG lifecycle, from scientific understanding through design and development, qualification, production, surveillance, dismantlement and disposal.
  • Nonproliferation and Arms Control (PDF, 1.5 MB)
    Top priority must be given to discouraging additional countries from acquiring nuclear weapons capabilities and stopping terrorist groups from acquiring nuclear bombs or the materials to build them.
  • Nuclear Deterrence Mission (PDF, 1.8 MB)
    Ensuring that the nation’s stockpile is safe, secure and effective, and that it meets military requirements.
  • Power Sources Technology Group (PDF, 1.7 MB)
    Ensuring safe and reliable power source capabilities, safeguarding national security and stockpile sustainment and providing the heartbeat of all NNSA-directed weapon systems.
  • Science and Technology (PDF, 902 KB)
    Pushing the frontiers of knowledge to meet the nation’s needs, today and tomorrow.
  • Sustainable Transportation (PDF, 608 KB)
    Sandia and industry partners transform transportation to meet future demand.
  • Technology in Space (PDF, 1.6 MB)
    Sandia-developed satellites, engineering and materials contribute to U.S. space exploration.