Sandia News

Media B-Roll

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Sandia Overview

Sandia Overview B-Roll

Download Sandia Overview B-roll

(1920×1080 MP4, 374 MB)

Sign on Sandia NM’s main campus, Aerial of east side of Sandia NM’s main campus, Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR), MESA (Microsystems & Engineering Sciences Applications), CINT (Center for Integrated Nanotechnology) transmission electron microscope, Hi-TEAMS (High-Tech Inks to Assure Materials Safety), ONYX robot pants, an exoskeleton system, liquid cooled system for server computers, cooling system for High Performance Computing, Laser Applications (LAZAP) Facility, Ion Trap, B61-11 drop test.

Sandia California

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(1920×1080 MP4, 388 MB)

Sign and campus aerials, Plating in the Micro and Nano Technologies Laboratory (MANTL), Laser and Plasma lab, Combustion Research Facility (CRF), Detection Capabilities, Applied Biosciences Laboratory (ABL), Microfluidic Devices, Applied Biosciences Laboratory (ABL), Sandia Organic Glass Scintillator, Targeted Antibody Therapeutics, Applied Biosciences Laboratory (ABL), H-Gear Team with a W-80.


2019 History B-Roll

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(1920×1080 MP4, 277 MB)

Sandia Corporation sign on the side of Livermore WAVES barracks that housed Sandia activities (ca. 1956), Early Sandia logo (1948-49), Sandia building under construction (ca. 1951), Women assembling electronics (1950s), IBM 705 Electronic Data Processing Machine (April 17, 1959), Cold chamber, checking equipment at 20 degrees below zero (1951), Slow motion of weapon shape moving, Underground centrifuge, Vela satellite shape, U.S. Navy launch, Testing spend nuclear fuel shipping cask in simulated rail accident (1977), Sled track test.

Environmental Test Facilities

Environmental Test Facilities B-Roll

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(1920×1080 MP4, 355 MB)

29-foot centrifuge, 35-foot outdoor centrifuge with model of B61, Multi-axis centrifuge, Thermal Test Complex at sunset, Two meter pool fire, Tornadic fire test, Small fire test, Pool fire test at the Burn Site, Test at the 120-foot shock tube, Aerial Cable Facility, Pull down test at the Aerial Cable Facility, Rocket sled test of B61 model.

Z Pulsed Power Facility

Z-Pulsed Power Facilities B-Roll

Download Z Pulsed Power B-roll 

(1920×1080 MP4, 313 MB)

Building Exteriors, Cleaning the Z Machine, Removing a MARX generator for routine maintenance, Moving one of the center pieces into place, Loading a target, Installing the lid.