Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz saw a need for an event to spotlight the extraordinary work conducted by DOE’s system of 17 national laboratories. The result was Lab Day on Capitol Hill, in which Sandia played a key role. The successful event was very well received by congressional attendees and provided a better understanding of the innovations that advance US technical and economic competitiveness. In coordination with DOE, Sandia’s social media provided heavy promotional support before, during, and after the event. (7000, 3600, 100, 01) IMS [LF]
Division 8000 initiated a focus on boosting managers’ skills in talent development. As a result, several strategic initiatives were created and executed, including a leadership development workshop focused on Herzberg’s motivation theory, a succession planning pilot, difficult conversations training, and a comprehensive talent development model. The model has four focus areas: coaching and feedback, mentoring, career development, and succession development. The model’s foundation is based on ongoing one-to-one dialogues with employees. The model was introduced at the December management offsite meeting, and will be followed by continued education in 2015. (8000) IMS [LF]
Executive leaders facilitated six formal mentoring sessions to share knowledge and discuss leadership competencies through the Executive Roundtable Mentoring program. One hundred level-one managers participated, addressing topics such as enhancing customer relationships, developing political savvy, and leading change. The third-year program was launched for FY15 with 50 senior managers, with each participant partnered with a mentor. (3000) IMS [LF]
Sandia continues to make progress in building a diverse and inclusive environment. As part of that ongoing initiative, Sandia leadership has championed the Effective Leadership of Inclusive Teams (ELOIT) awareness sessions. ELOIT is designed to create an environment where all individuals can honestly explore their real questions, challenges, and aspirations about diversity issues in their organizations and lives. To date, almost half of Sandia’s management has participated in one of these sessions. Sandia will continue to offer ELOIT sessions with the intent to expand across the Laboratories. (3000) IMS [LF]
In partnership with Div. 9000, Human Resources automated the New Hire Buddy Program, which resulted in the hiring manager participation rate rising from 49 percent to 86 percent in FY14 and resulted in more than 900 new hires being assigned mentorship buddies in FY14. (3000, 9000) IMS [LF]
Human Resources completed an evaluation of the Sandia Required Training and reduced those training requirements, yielding more than $300,000 of potential savings over a 12-month period from implementation. (3000) IMS [LF]
Sandia assumed leadership of the Contractor Financial Management Alliance (CFMA) effort in the DOE complex, with Sandians serving in chair and executive director roles. The Sandia-managed CFMA website and clearinghouse are cross-complex financial information resources. Over the past several months, the website has received some 2,700 webpage views and the clearinghouse received 18 requests for information and 140 responses. CFMA created a working group to explore opportunities for better pricing. Additionally, CFMA initiated a benchmarking effort to establish baselines, define best practices, and identify improvement opportunities. (10500) IMS [LF]
To amplify our national security impact, Sandia successfully leverages social media as an essential component of the Labs’ external communications practices. In FY14, Sandia became the first US national lab verified on Twitter. Sandia’s social media was recognized with an Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts award, selected from among more than 6,000 companies and agencies of all sizes. Sandia social media was highlighted multiple times by analytics services, media, and social networks as among the most engaged government content. During FY14, Sandia’s presences saw a total average 38 percent growth in audience. (3600) IMS [LF]

HBE launched Energy Hubs to boost productivity and energy. The Bldg. 810 café opened, a Guest Chef series was launched, and nutrition tracking barcodes were introduced to increase onsite options and healthy food choices. Tracks were added to the Health Action Plan program to address Sandia-specific health risks. A pension calculator was introduced to estimate benefits, “line of sight” was added to the ePMF to better align objectives, and a consumerism campaign helped keep premiums low and assist employees with getting the most out of their benefits. (3300) IMS [LF]
Dynamic discounting was implemented, Sandia’s suppliers to voluntarily opt for discounted payment terms using available Oracle features. In addition to discounts already realized in negotiated contracts, the Accounts Payable Department has realized a cost savings of some $46,000 since its implementation in June 2014. Dynamic discounting is projected to result in cost savings of $135,000 in the next year as suppliers become better acquainted with the early payment option. (10500) IMS [LF]
The Controller organization reacted swiftly to new congressional language limiting LDRD tax on individual projects. Sandia worked diligently to implement a new burden model for FY15 to minimize impacts to the LDRD program, while complying with proposed limits. The Controller organization incorporated the changes into the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) disclosure statement and promptly provided the cost impact analysis to NNSA, meeting NNSA’s deadline. (10500) IMS [LF]