Establishment of the Counterfeit Detection Center (CDC) at Sandia optimizes R&D capabilities to support the national security community. Multiple Sandia organizations involved in programs, research, finance, facilities, and security developed a strategy to repurpose an existing building. Sandia partnered with a consortium of government sponsors to optimize the location of R&D capabilities residing in various “shoebox” locations throughout Tech Area 1. Joint customer investments in infrastructure resulted in co-location of six capabilities into one physical location. The success was realized through community vision, commitment, and collaboration. (4200, 4800, 5600, 5900, 10500) [Cyber]
Sandia is automating the revenue projection process for all of its programs. The Long Range Planning Automation Initiative will work to improve Sandia’s ability to ensure the appropriate workforce mix to carry out its missions. Currently two of the four Program Management Units have used an automated projection tool, which is now being developed for Labs-wide use. (10600) IMS [LF]
The development of a project management framework that enables a graded approach for implementing project management was completed. Several projects in their planning or early execution stages have been identified for pilot testing using the framework over the next year. A key attribute of the framework includes a review to determine the appropriate project management “level-of-rigor.” This effort was discussed with the Sandia Corporation Board of Directors’ Governance subcommittee. (10600) IMS [LF]
After receiving notice in March 2014 that the prime contract between Lockheed Martin and DOE/NNSA would not be put out for competitive bid but would be extended, a team consisting of members from Organization 3, Divisions 3000, 10000, and 11000 and Lockheed Martin was formed. The team worked with a short deadline preparing information and negotiating complex and important issues between Lockheed Martin, DOE/NNSA, and Sandia. On April 30, 2014, a contract extension was signed extending the contract to April 30, 2016, with an optional oneyear extension. (11000) IMS [LF]

The Facilities Management and Operations Center’s Julie Cordero (4879)
was named Sandia’s official nominee for the 2014 HENAAC Community Service Award. As Sandia’s first female fire marshal, Julie frequently forges her own path and serves as an inspiration to others. Whether as a coach, mentor, public speaker, or friend, Julie is actively involved in the community. Her current support includes work with the New Mexico Professional Chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Petroglyph Elementary Science Fair, and Sandia’s Hispanic Leadership Outreach Committee (including Manos, HENAAC College Bowl, and the Hispanic Heritage Month Committee).