Sandia Cyber Omni Tracker (SCOT) is a state-of-the-art cyber security incident response system and knowledge base. Released as open source, SCOT was selected by the Department of Homeland Security Transition to Practice Program as a new technology to help the nation respond to cybersecurity challenges. Designed by cybersecurity specialists, SCOT provides an innovative approach to performing cyber analytics and correlating disparate data to enable deeper insight to cyber adversaries and threats. SCOT creates actionable intelligence from existing security applications, thus enhancing overall cyber protections. (9300) All PMUs [Cyber]

Adrian Chavez (5629) has been named by President Barack Obama as a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. The award is the highest honor the US government bestows on scientists and engineers who are beginning their careers. His research has focused on developing and integrating new cybersecurity protections into systems like the US power grid, oil and gas refineries, and water pipelines, to ensure they can survive cyber incidents while sustaining critical functions. Adrian and his team are working on dynamically defending and randomizing critical infrastructure networks, essentially turning them into moving targets, making it more difficult for an adversary to locate and exploit a specific system.