In the News

IEEE Spectrum, June 2014: Nanotubes Capture Terahertz Radiation, June 2014: Airport Scanners of the Future Could Be Much Smaller (And More Importantly, Faster)

Nature Nanotechnology, February 2014: Metal–Organic Feameworks: a conductive guest

New York Times, January 10, 2014: Designing the Next Wave of Computer Chips

Materials Research Society, December 23, 2013: New Conducting Metal–Organic Frameworks Get a Spark of Electricity

Wall Street Journal, December 5, 2013: “Tinker Toy” Materials Show Promise in Electronics, March 7, 2013: Chloroform eliminates metallic CNTs

GenesisNano Technology, February 27, 2013: Rice and Sandia National Labs Discover Unique NanoTube Photodetector, February 16, 2012: Researchers publish a detailed review of electrical contacts in one and two dimensional nanomaterials, July 21, 2011: GaAs nanopillars make good solar cells, July 30, 2009: Closing the terahertz gap could lead to better devices

Nature Photonics, April 2009: Nanophotonics: Nanoscale colour detector

Technology Review, Mar. 6, 2009: Nanotubes that see everything

Physics World, Feb. 19, 2009: Detecting colour on the nanoscale, Sept. 5, 2008: Physicists investigate how time moves forward

The Future of Things, July 15, 2008: Carbon nanotubes for chemical detection (The A to Z of Nanotechnology), May 27, 2008: New book on nanotechnology and nanotubes set to make the complex world of the super small easy to understand

e! Science News, May 27, 2008: Scientist examines the physics of carbon nanotubes

Science Centric, May 27, 2008: Scientist examines the physics of carbon nanotubes

Nature, May 3, 2007: Materials science: Nanotubes see the light

ScienceDaily, Feb. 18, 2007: Theory aims to describe fundamental properties of materials, Feb. 15, 2007: Theory aims to describe fundamental properties of materials

Scientific Frontline, Feb. 15, 2007: Theory aims to describe fundamental properties of materials

Nature Nanotechnology, Oct. 20, 2006: Nanowire arrays: Sensing with silicon