Module 7 – File Transfer


There are a number of ways to transfer files. Let’s go over some of them

SCP and Rsync

SCP stands for secure copy.

SCP uses SSH to transfer a file across a network.

While less secure you can speed up SCP transfers by changing encryption to RC4.

You can also limit bandwidth with the -l flag to kbit/s. Some platforms will ignore this flag.

scp -c arcfour -r files/ ubuntu@ubuntu:

Rsync uses ssh to transfer files, but is a little more complex and does a better job of merging folders.

It also has a flag that more reliably limits the bandwidth in kbps, which is great if you are on a VPN and don’t want to hog the internet.

rsync -av --bwlimit=5000 --progress files/ ubuntu@ubuntu:


Winscp is a Windows port of SCP that provides a GUI. You can download it here

Image of winscp

You can also throttle the upload speed when transferring large files.


Python has an easy way of starting a http server in the local directory.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

If your distro has python twistd installed you can start a ftp server in one line too

apt-get install python-twistd
echo "a:a">pass.txt && twistd -n ftp -r . -p 2121 --password-file=pass.txt

On github you can find a small 294 line SimpleHTTPServer that allows for file upload

python 8080

Http(s) Server

Images can be referenced from http/https servers.

vm config disk

Minimega will block until the file downloaded to the local base directory