You can playback keyboard and mouse recordings on any VM running in minimega regardless of where it was made.
Framebuffers can be played back in a browser or converted.
Keyboard and Mouse
You can play back keyboard and mouse actions. They will be played back with the same delays used in creating them.
$ vnc play lin1 /home/ubuntu/lin1.vnc
You can view running playbacks
$ vnc host | name | type | time | filename m2 | lin1 | playback kb | 35.991687464s remaining | /home/ubuntu/lin1.kb
Note: You can also view the actions live by connecting to the novnc session and you can add input while it is running.
While it is running you can pause the kb/mouse playback with pause
$ vnc pause lin1
You can continue execution with continue
$ vnc continue lin1
You can inject new steps (wait 100s at mouse position 0,0)
$ vnc inject lin1 100000000000:PointerEvent,0,0,0
You can view the current step with getstep
$ vnc getstep lin1
You can skip over running steps with continue
$ vnc step lin1
You can stop the playback with stop
$ vnc stop lin1
Playback of framebuffer data uses a separate tool, available in the minimega distribution, rfbplay.
rfbplay can serve a directory of framebuffer files, and can playback in a MJPEG supported web browser (Firefox currently supports MJPEG, Chrome no longer does).
Additionally, rfbplay can transcode framebuffer data, using ffmpeg, to any format supported by ffmpeg, such as mp4.
Using a browser
To playback a framebuffer recording in a web browser that supports MJPEG (not Chrome), start rfbplay and supply a directory to serve:
rfbplay <directory> Then simply browse to the rfbplay service, port 9004 by default, and select the framebuffer recording you want to play.
Transcoding to Video
To transcode a framebuffer recording, you must have ffmpeg in your path. Simply invoke rfbplay with a source framebuffer file and output video. ffmpeg will infer the video type based on the filename extension. For example, to transcode a file foo.fb to an mp4 file named bar.mp4, make sure you suffix the output filename with .mp4:
rfbplay foo.fb bar.mp4
Files are transcoded in real time, so a one hour framebuffer recording will take at least one hour to transcode. You can see ffmpeg transcoding details by running rfbplay with debug logging.
Transcoding is not very cpu intensive and multiple conversions can be done at once.
Bulk Transcoding
In a multithreaded manner convert frame buffers to mp4 for all .fb files in the fb/ folder.
#!/usr/bin/python import cv2, glob, os, fnmatch, commands fblist = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('fb/'): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.fb'): fblist.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) fblist.sort() lines = "" count2 = 10 for x in fblist: infilefb = x foldername = x.split("/")[1]+"/" infilemp4 = x.split("/") infilemp4 = infilemp4[len(infilemp4)-1] infilemp4 = infilemp4.split(".fb")[0]+".mp4" infilemp4 = foldername + infilemp4 os.system("mkdir -p out/"+foldername) count2 = count2 +1 lines = lines + "/home/ubuntu/minimega/bin/rfbplay -port=100" lines = lines + str(count2)+" "+infilefb+" "+"out/"+infilemp4+"\n" print lines def cmd(thecmd): print "[+] "+thecmd commands.getstatusoutput(thecmd) count = 1 cmd("tmux kill-session -t convert") cmd("tmux new -s convert -d") for line in lines.split("\n"): cmd("tmux neww -t convert -n rfb"+str(count)) cmd("tmux send-keys -t convert:rfb"+str(count)+ " '" +line +"' Enter") count = count +1
Shrinking Recordings
Often times a virtual machine will go unused for long portions of time.
I created a python script that takes a folder of mp4’s and creates smaller videos with only the sections that contain movement and overlays a timestamp.
A snapshot is taken from the mp4 every 10s with ffmpeg, opencv is then used to detect motion, ffmpeg overlays a timestamp on video clips that have motion, and ffmpeg finally stitches it all together.
#!/usr/bin/python #apt-get install python-opencv import cv2, glob, os, fnmatch, random, commands fblist = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('fb/'): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.fb'): fblist.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) fblist.sort() #alist = [] #alist.append(fblist[len(fblist)-1]) #fblist = alist for x in fblist: infilefb = x foldername = x.split("/")[1]+"/" infilemp4 = x.split("/") infilemp4 = infilemp4[len(infilemp4)-1] infilemp4 = infilemp4.split(".fb")[0]+".mp4" infilemp4 = foldername + infilemp4 print "[+] Expecting conversion of "+infilefb+" to out/"+infilemp4 #os.system("mkdir -p out/"+foldername) #os.system("/home/ubuntu/minimega/bin/rfbplay "+infilefb+" "+"out/"+infilemp4) print "[+] Generating random number" rand = str(random.randint(1,10000000000)) print "[+] "+rand print "[+] Creating random folder img/"+rand os.system("mkdir -p img/"+rand) print "[+] Creating snapshots every 10s" print "ffmpeg -i "+"out/"+infilemp4+" -vf fps=1/10 img/"+rand+"/%05d.jpg" os.system("ffmpeg -i "+"out/"+infilemp4+" -vf fps=1/10 img/"+rand+"/%05d.jpg") print "[+] Creating random folder vid/"+rand os.system("mkdir -p vid/"+rand) print "[+] Detecting motion in snapshots and creating 10s videos, this will take a while" filelist = glob.glob("/home/ubuntu/shrinker/img/"+rand+"/*.jpg") filelist.sort() i = 0 while i < len(filelist): if (i+1) < len(filelist): smallimgpath=filelist[i] largeimgpath=filelist[i+1] small = cv2.imread(smallimgpath) large = cv2.imread(largeimgpath) method = cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED res = cv2.matchTemplate(large,small,method) min_val,max_val,min_loc,max_loc=cv2.minMaxLoc(res) threshold=0.99 if(max_val < threshold): print "different: "+smallimgpath +" != "+largeimgpath a = smallimgpath.split("/") a = a[len(a)-1] a = a.split(".") a = a[0] b = largeimgpath.split("/") b = b[len(b)-1] b = b.split(".") b = b[0] parta = a parta = int(parta)*10 m, s = divmod(parta, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) parta = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) partb = b partb = int(partb)*10 m, s = divmod(partb, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) partb = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) print a +" - " +b print parta+ " " + partb cmd = "ffmpeg -i out/"+infilemp4+" -ss "+parta +" -to "+ partb +" -flags +global_header vid/"+rand+"/" +a+"-"+b+".mp4" print cmd print "" os.system(cmd) #else: #print "match found: "+smallimgpath +" == "+largeimgpath i = i +1 print "[+] Creating random folder vidtext/"+rand os.system("mkdir -p vidtext/"+rand) print "[+] Adding timestamps to 10s video clips" filelist = glob.glob("/home/ubuntu/shrinker/vid/"+rand+"/*.mp4") filelist.sort() for x in filelist: y = x.replace("/vid/","/vidtext/") a = "ffmpeg -i !!infile -vf drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf:\"text='!!text':fontsize=20:fontcolor=red:x=10:y=0\" !!outfile" name = y.split(".")[0] a = a.replace("!!infile",x) a = a.replace("!!outfile",name.split("-")[0]+".mp4") parta = name.split("/") parta = parta[len(parta)-1] parta = parta.split("-")[0] partb = name.split("/") partb = partb[len(partb)-1] partb = partb.split("-")[1].split(".")[0] parta = int(parta)*10 partb = int(partb)*10 m, s = divmod(parta, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) parta = "%dh%02dm%02ds" % (h, m, s) m, s = divmod(partb, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) partb = "%dh%02dm%02ds" % (h, m, s) name = parta + " to " +partb a = a.replace("!!text",name) print a os.system(a) shrinkname = infilemp4.split(".mp4")[0]+"-shrunk.mp4" print "[+] Merging video clips to out/"+shrinkname cmd = "ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(find vidtext/"+rand+"/ -name '*.mp4' -printf \"file '$PWD/%p'\\n\" | sort) -c copy out/"+shrinkname with open("", "w") as f: f.write(cmd) os.system("chmod +x") os.system("bash /home/ubuntu/shrinker/") os.system("rm") print "[+] Done\n" print "[+] All fb processed"