Module 14: Building a VM with vmbetter

Use Case #1: LiveCD with Wireshark


vmbetter is a versatile tool for making customized Debian-based environments. It can generate kernel+initramfs pairs, QCOW hard disk images, and ISO CDROM images. This document focuses on the latter, specifically on how you can use vmbetter to easily make a customized LiveCD.

In this article, we’ll create a LiveCD which boots you straight into a GUI with Wireshark running–it’s just an example, but one that could be useful for someone trying to make a ready-to-deploy security toolkit ala Kali Linux.

Set up vmbetter

To get vmbetter, you’ll want to download and compile the minimega repository. First, make sure you have a Go compiler installed. Then, install some libraries needed to build minimega and the associated tools:

# fetch pre-requisites
$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev syslinux
# On ubuntu 16.04lts you need these as well
$ sudo apt-get install debootstrap genisoimage extlinux

With those installed, you can pull down the minimega repo and build:

# get the repository
$ git clone
$ cd minimega
$ ./all.bash

There should now be a binary called vmbetter in the bin subdirectory.

Making a vmbetter config

vmbetter builds images based on rules specified in a configuration file. It also inserts any additional files you may want into the filesystem of the image it creates.

Write the config file

We’ll start by creating our configuration file. From the minimega repository root, open a new file called misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark.conf. This directory contains several other configurations which could be instructive, but for now just paste the following text into the file and save it:

parents = "default.conf"
packages = "traceroute dnsutils wget tcpdump telnet wireshark xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xterm xinit blackbox"
overlay = "misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark_overlay"
postbuild = `
    sed -i 's/nullok_secure/nullok/' /etc/pam.d/common-auth
    sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i 's/PermitEmptyPasswords no/PermitEmptyPasswords yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    passwd -d root

The configuration file specifies several important options: one or more parent configs, a list of packages to install, the “overlay” directory, and the “postbuild” commands. The overlay directory contains any files you want to add to the disc’s filesystem. The postbuild commands are a list of shell commands to be run as the final step of the building process; we use it here to set up passwordless root login for convenience.

Note that wireshark.conf has a parent configuration, default_amd64.conf. That file contains some very basic packages which you’ll want in almost every case, so most configurations will want to either include default_amd64.conf as a parent, or set their parent to another configuration which uses default_amd64.conf as its parent.

You’ll see that we install Wireshark, the basic packages, and some bare minimum X utilities: xterm, xinit, blackbox. If you want additional programs, you can add their package names to the list. vmbetter will automatically figure out any dependencies they may have and install them for you.

Populate the overlay filesystem

Our configuration file says we’re going to put any additional files we want into misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark_overlay. This directory contains a hierarchy of files and directories, based at /, that we want copied into the image we build. Let’s start by copying over an existing overlay to get a baseline:

$ cp -r misc/vmbetter_configs/default_overlay misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark_overlay

If you look in that directory, you’ll see a few basic files in a hierarchy:

$ du -a
4       misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark_overlay/init
8       misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark_overlay/

In order to make the LiveCD automatically launch X and Wireshark as soon as we log in as root, we can set up a few configuration files:

$ cd misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark_overlay
$ mkdir -p root
$ cat > root/.profile << EOF
xinit -- /usr/bin/Xorg &
$ cat > root/.xinitrc << EOF
wireshark &
exec blackbox
$ cd ../../..    # go back to the root of the minimega repo
# On ubuntu init may not have proper permissions
$ chmod 777 misc/vmbetter_conf/wireshark_overlay/init

Our .profile launches X automatically as soon as root logs in, and then .xinitrc starts Wireshark and the Blackbox window manager once X starts.

Build the image

Now that we’ve specified how to build the image, we can fire up vmbetter and actually build it. Here’s the command I used to build:

$ sudo ./bin/vmbetter -branch stable -iso -level debug  -mbr /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr/mbr.bin misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark.conf

It’s rather complex, so I’ll break down each part:

  • -branch stable : specifies that vmbetter should use the Debian stable branch to build
  • -iso : specifies that we want an ISO image
  • -level debug : specifies that we want lots of debug output
  • -mbr /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr/mbr.bin : On Debian Unstable, the syslinux package puts the mbr.bin file in a different place than expected by vmbetter
  • misc/vmbetter_configs/wireshark.conf : the path to the configuration file

(Depending on your system, you may not need to specify the -mbr flag, or you may find that mbr.bin is in yet a different location.)

When you run vmbetter, it will print lots of debugging information as it calculates dependencies, fetches packages (this will take a long time), installs the packages in a temporary environment, and finally creates an ISO image. If all goes well, you should end up with a file called wireshark.iso in the current directory

Test the image

If everything worked right, you should have a file called wireshark.iso in the current directory. We can test it using minimega:

$ sudo ./bin/minimega
minimega$ vm config cdrom wireshark.iso
minimega$ vm launch kvm wireshark
minimega$ vm start wireshark

Start miniweb and then point your web browser to http://localhost:9001, you should be able to see minimega’s web front-end. There should be one VM listed on the main page; click the screenshot to open a VNC session to it.

Once you’re in the VNC session, you will probably see a login prompt. Log in as root, no password necessary. As soon as you log in, it should start up X, run the window manager, and start up Wireshark.

If you want to run the image on real computers, simply burn wireshark.iso to a CD and use it to boot.

Use Case #2: VM from Install CD


Before you can use minimega, you must build disk images or RAM disks for your VMs. The minimega distribution includes vmbetter, which can build several minimal RAM disks (see the vmbetter tutorial for more information). These work well for generic experiments but sometimes, you need more than a minimal install. This article describes the process to build a VM disk from an install CD.

Install CD

First, you must obtain an install CD as an ISO image. This can be downloaded from the web or provided by a vendor.

Starting a VM

In order to perform the install, we create a new qcow and launch a VM with it and the cdrom:

disk create qcow2 ubuntu.qcow2 20G
vm config disk ubuntu.qcow2
vm config cdrom ubuntu.iso
vm config snapshot false
vm launch kvm ubuntu
vm start all

Importantly, we set snapshot=false so that any changes we make to the disk persist. Without this flag, all the changes would disappear when we killed the VM.

Network-based install

Some installers make use the Internet to pull more recent packages or software. See this article for more information.

Perform the install

The VM should now be running and the installer will be waiting for user input. Start miniweb and click through the installer using the web interface.

Post-install configuration

Once the VM is installed, you may make additional changes to the filesystem in order to make persistent changes. This could mean installing additional software or configurations.

Adding miniccc to VMs

Typically, we add miniccc to our VM images to facilitate experiment control. First, we must load the binary onto the VM. This can be done in a number of different ways including over the network (if the VM is launched with an interface) or via the hotplug API.

Once miniccc is on the VM, we must configure it to start automatically.

init Scripts (Linux)

There are several examples of integrating miniccc into vmbetter-built VMs in the repo (see misc/vmbetter_configs/).

systemd Integration (Linux)

To start miniccc automatically with systemd, add the following to /etc/systemd/system/miniccc.service:


ExecStart=/miniccc -v=false -serial /dev/virtio-ports/cc -logfile /var/log/miniccc.log


You may need to adjust the ExecStart command if you copied miniccc elsewhere. And then enable the service:

systemctl enable miniccc.service

This will start miniccc whenever the VM starts. If you are adding to a VM with snapshot=false, you should now shutdown the VM and save the disk image.

Task Scheduler (Windows)

The built-in Task Scheduler on Windows can be configured to run miniccc.exe on startup.

Final steps

Clean up

To make the image smaller, you may wish to remove any cached files (e.g. run apt clean).

Sysprep (Windows)

Before finalizing a Windows VM, it is a good idea to use Sysprep to generalize the VM. This removes computer-specific information so that when you launch multiple VMs from the same image, they each have a different identifier.


Finally, shutdown the VM from within the VM using the standard shutdown mechanism. Wait for the VM to fully shutdown to ensure that the filesystem is in a consistent state. minimega will update the VM state to quit when the VM has fully powered off. You may now call vm flush to remove the VM.

The image should now be ready to use:

vm config disk ubuntu.qcow2
vm launch kvm ubuntu[0-3]
vm start all

Note that further changes can be made by launching the VM with snapshot=false.

Optional: multi-stage builds

Occasionally builds are complex enough to require manual intervention between the initial install and the final packaging. To facilitate this, vmbetter is roughly split into two stages (build and package). You can use the -1 and -2 flags, along with chroot to perform post-install activities before having vmbetter build the final image.

To begin, use any arguments as you normally would, and add the -1 flag. After the deployment, vmbetter will create a <config>_stage1 directory, named after the config file you used. For example:

vmbetter -1 miniccc.conf
ls miniccc_stage1

From here, you can use chroot to enter the filesystem, make changes, and then finalize the build:

chroot miniccc_stage1
touch foo

When your changes are complete – you can have vmbetter finalize the build by using the -2 flag (along with the original config file):

vmbetter -2 miniccc_stage1 miniccc.conf


The minimega authors

Last updated: 11 April 2022

Published: 30 May 2017