X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging

XPCI is a high-sensitivity imaging system that provides a method for non-destructive 2D digital radiography and 3D tomography of low-density materials.

X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging System

Sandia’s XPCI system incorporates unparalleled grating technology. Sandia utilizes an innovative semiconductor manufacturing process to create high aspect ratio gratings with high uniformity and large surface area—delivering larger field of view and better phase sensitivity over the current state-of-the-art.

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Image of conventional

Conventional X-Ray

Image of phase-1

X-Ray Phase Contrast

This novel grating technology enables bench-scale XPCI with an x-ray tube source. XPCI enables identification of defects in low-density materials that are usually transparent or indistinct using traditional X-ray imaging. These can include the ability to detect cracks, voids, or delamination in low density materials. Sandia’s XPCI system enables non-destructive inspection throughout the assembly process—improving overall confidence in part reliability.

Sandia has also demonstrated advanced image processing techniques that enable extraction of features in low density materials in proximity to high density components such as foam microstructure in the presence of high-Z structures (e.g. wires).

Image of Absorption-2

Absorption – Contrast between dense and less-dense (low-Z) regions. No material detail.

Image of PhaseContrast-3

Phase Contrast – Highlights material interfaces.

Image of DarkField-3

Dark Field – Sharp contrast at boundaries. Reveals microstructure.

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Andrew E. Hollowell, Christian L. Arrington, Patrick Finnegan, Kate Musick, Paul Resnick, Steve Volk, and Amber L. Dagel, “Double Sided Grating Fabrication for High Energy X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging.” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 92 (2019), pp. 86-90. Invited paper. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2018.04.016.

Patrick Finnegan, Andrew E. Hollowell, Christian L. Arrington, and Amber L. Dagel, “High Aspect Ratio Anisotropic Silicon Etching for X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging Grating Fabrication.” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 92 (2019), pp. 80-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2018.06.013.

Collin J. C. Epstein, Ryan N. Goodner, R. Derek West, Kyle R. Thompson, Amber L. Dagel. ”Influence of Data Acquisition Algorithms on X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging Computed Tomography.” ASME J Nondestructive Evaluation. November 2020; 3(4): 041004. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4048517.

Paul Szypryt, Nathan Nakamura, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Amber L. Dagel, William Bertrand Doriese, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, J. Zachariah Harris, Gene C. Hilton, Jozsef Imrek, Edward S. Jimenez, Kurt W. Larson, Zachary H. Levine, John A. B. Mates, Daniel McArthur, Luis Miaja-Avila, Kelsey M. Morgan, Galen C. O’Neil, Nathan J. Ortiz, Christine G. Pappas, Daniel R. Schmidt, Kyle R. Thompson, J. N. Ullom, Leila Vale, Michael R. Vissers, Christopher Walker, Joel C. Weber, Abigail Wessels, Jason W. Wheeler, Daniel S Swetz. “A Tabletop X-Ray Tomography Instrument for Nanometer-Scale Imaging: Demonstration of the 1,000-Element Transition-Edge Sensor Subarray.” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 33 (2022): 1-5. 10.1109/TASC.2023.3256343

Zachary H. Levine, Bradley K. Alpert, Amber L. Dagel, Joseph W. Fowler, Edward S. Jimenez, Nathan Nakamura, Daniel S. Swetz, Paul Szypryt, Kyle R. Thompson, and Joel N. Ullom. “A Tabletop X-Ray Tomography Instrument for Nanometer Scale Imaging: Reconstructions.” Microsystems & nanoengineering vol. 9 47. 14 Apr. 2023, doi:10.1038/s41378-023-00510-6

Nakamura, N.; Szypryt, P.; Dagel, A.L.; Alpert, B.K.; Bennett, D.A.; Doriese, W.B.; Durkin, M.; Fowler, J.W.; Fox, D.T.; Gard, J.D.; et al. Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Imaging of Integrated Circuits Using a Scanning Electron Microscope and Transition-Edge Sensor Spectrometer. Sensors 2024, 24, 2890. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24092890

Kyle Thompson, “Progress in Building an X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging CT System.” JOWOG 39 Meeting, AWE. 19-22 June 2017. Oral presentation.

Epstein, Collin, Dagel, Amber L., Goodner, Ryan N., Thompson, Kyle R., “Volumetric Visualization of X-ray Phase Contrast Computed Tomography.” Student Intern Symposium, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. July 2017. Poster.

A. E. Hollowell, C.L. Arrington, J.J. Coleman, P. Finnegan, C. Perez, P. Resnick, and A.L. Dagel, “Precision Alignment of Multiple Analyzer Gratings for High Energy X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging.” International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings. Zurich, Switzerland. 12-15 Sept 2017. Oral presentation.

P. Finnegan, C.L. Arrington, J.J. Coleman, A. E. Hollowell, C. Perez, and A.L. Dagel, “Extending the Aspect Ratio of Etched Silicon for Precision Electro-coating with Gold to Fabricate XPCI Analyzer Gratings.” International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings. Zurich, Switzerland. 12-15 Sept 2017. Poster.

C.L. Arrington, K. Baca, A. Hollowell, P. Finnegan, C. Perez, J. Coleman, V. Singh, and A.L. Dagel, “LIGA based very HAR Gratings for XPCI Fabrication enabled by Electrochemical Techniques.” International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings. Zurich, Switzerland. 12-15 Sept 2017. Poster.

A.L. Dagel and R.D. West, “Time Domain Parameter Estimation in X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging.” International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings. Zurich, Switzerland. 12-15 Sept 2017. Poster.

Baca, Kalin, Coleman, Jonathan Joseph, Pillars, Jamin Ryan, Finnegan, Patrick Sean, Perez, Carlos, Seazzu, Micaela, Dyer, Isaac Daniel, St John, Christopher, Hollowell, Andrew E., Dagel, Amber Lynn, Arrington, Christian Lew. “Enhanced Lithography Using an Electrochemical Technique to Monitor the Endpoint.” The Rio Grande Symposium on Advanced Materials. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 9 October 2017. Oral presentation.

Collin Epstein, Daniel Boye, Ryan Goodner, Kyle Thompson, Amber Dagel, “Volumetric Visualization Of X-RAY Phase Contrast Computed Tomography.” 84th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section. Milledgeville, Georgia. 16-18 Nov 2017. Poster.

Amber L. Dagel, Collin J. C. Epstein, “The state of grating-based x-ray phase contrast imaging,” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing. Orlando, FL. 15-20 April 2018. Invited presentation and conference proceedings.

Amber L. Dagel, Christian L. Arrington, Patrick Finnegan, Ryan N. Goodner, Andrew E. Hollowell, and Kyle Thompson, “Defect detection in foams and encapsulants using grating-based x-ray phase contrast imaging.” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing. Orlando, FL. 15-20 April 2018. Rising Researcher Award for submission. Oral presentation and conference proceedings.

Kyle R. Thompson, Amber L. Dagel, Ryan N. Goodner, “Progress on building a Laboratory Based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Computed Tomography System.” 45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Burlington, VT. 16-19 July 2018. Oral presentation.

Amber L. Dagel, “Grating-based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging (XPCI) for Security Applications.” Concealed Explosives Detection. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 27-31 August 2018. Oral presentation.

A. E. Hollowell, C. L. Arrington, P. S. Finnegan, J. McClain, K. Musick, P. Resnick, S. Volk, and A.L. Dagel, “Precision Au Electrocoating of Double Sided Aligned Si Gratings for High Energy XRay Phase Contrast Imaging.” AiMES 2018 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting (ECS). Cancun, Mexico. 30 Sept – 4 Oct 2018. Oral presentation.

C. L. Arrington, A.L. Dagel, A.E. Hollowell, K. Baca, Singh, D.G. Yemane. “Electrochemical endpoint lithography techniques applied to PMMA LIGA fabrication of X-ray phase contrast gratings. AiMES 2018 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting. Cancun, Mexico. 30 Sept – 4 Oct 2018. Oral presentation.

P.S. Finnegan, A.E. Hollowell, C.L. Arrington, A.L. Dagel, “Electroformed Fabrication of Extremely High Aspect Ratio Diffraction Gratings for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging.” AiMES 2018 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting (ECS). Cancun, Mexico. 30 Sept – 4 Oct 2018. Oral presentation.

C. Epstein and R. Goodner, “Developing Software to Automate X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Acquisition”, JOWOG 39/48th Weapons Agency Nondestructive Testing Organization Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, 5-9 November 2018. Oral presentation.

A. Dagel, “Making the Invisible Visible: Non-destructive Evaluation of Low-Density Materials”, Sandia Talks, December 2018.

R. West, A. Dagel, R. Goodner, S. Grover, C. Epstein, and K. Thompson, “Optimization of Hardware and Image Processing for Improved Image Quality in X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging”, SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing 2019, April 2019, Baltimore, MD. Presentation.

K. Thompson, “Grating-based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging (XPCI)”, Copy Cat Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, 29 May 2019. Presentation.

P. Finnegan, A. Hollowell, C. Arrington, T. Young, K. Baca, L. Menk, K. Thompson, and A. Dagel, “Fabrication of Extremely High Aspect Ratio Diffraction Gratings for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging”, Copy Cat Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, 29 May 2019. Presentation.

C. Epstein, R. Goodner, K. Thompson, A. Dagel, “Influence of Data Acquisition Algorithms on X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Computed Tomography”, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation QNDE2019. Portland, OR. 14-19 July 2019. Oral presentation.

P. Finnegan, A. Hollowell, C. Arrington, T. Young, K. Baca, S. Grover, L. Menk, K. Thompson, A. Dagel, “High aspect ratio silicon template fabrication for 100 keV X-ray phase contrast imaging”, X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings, Sendai, Japan, 20-24 October 2019. Poster.

A. Hollowell, P. Finnegan, C. Arrington, D. Josell, T. Moffat, T. Young, K. Baca, S. Grover, L. Menk, K. Thompson, and A. Dagel, “Novel plating approaches for grating fabrication: conformal deposition, through mask filling, and superfilling electrodeposition”, X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings, Sendai, Japan, 20-24 October 2019. Poster.

J. Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk, D.J. Lee, K.R. Thompson, A.L. Dagel, ”Phase Retrieval using Consensus Equilibrium in X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging,” X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings, Sendai, Japan, 20-24 October 2019. Poster.

A. Dagel, R. West, C. Epstein, K. Thompson, R. Goodner, S. Grover, “The Effects of Thermal Expansion of Gratings in Talbot-Lau Lab-Based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging”, X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings, Sendai, Japan, 20-24 October 2019. Oral presentation.

Amber L. Dagel, Collin J.C. Epstein, Patrick Finnegan, Ryan Goodner, Steven Grover, Burke Kernen, John Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk, Kyle Thompson, Derek West, ”Mask Design and fabrication for higher energy speckle-based XPCI,” in Anomaly Detection and Imaging with X-Rays(ADIX), SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 12-16 April 2021. virtual event. Invited presentation.

A.L. Dagel, C.J.C. Epstein, P. Finnegan, R.N. Goodner, S.M. Grover, B.L. Kernen, J. Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk, K.R. Thompson, and R.D. West. ”Mask design and fabrication for higher energy speckle-based XPCI,” SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing. Digital forum. 12-16 April 2021. Oral presentation and conference proceedings.

Dennis J. Lee, John Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk, Edward Jimenez, DerekWest, Kyle Thompson, Amber L. Dagel, ”AirNet-v2: Generalized End-to-End Training of Iterative Reconstruction and Deep Neural Network Regularization for Sparse-Data CT” in OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, OSA Virtual Meeting, 19-23 July 2021. Presentation and conference proceedings.

Kyle Thompson, “Developing a Novel Nano-scale Hyperspectral Computed Tomography System.” ASNT Digital Imaging for NDT, Denver, CO, 27 April 2022.

Amber L. Dagel. ”Advances in X-ray imaging.” Hybrid Workshop on Combined Compact Neutron and X-Ray Experiments, San Jose, CA, 2 June 2022.

Johnathan Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk and Amber L. Dagel, “Sparse x-ray phase contrast dark field tomography” in Computational Imaging XXI Electronic Imaging 2023, San Francisco, CA 15-19 January 2023. Oral presentation.

Nathan Nakamura, Paul Szypryt, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Amber L. Dagel, W. Bertrand Doriese, Malcolm Durkin, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, J. Zachariah Harris, Jozsef Imrek, Edward S. Jimenez, Zachary H. Levine, John A.B. Mates, Daniel McArthur, Luis Miaja-Avila, Kelsey M. Morgan, Galen C. O’Neil, Nathan J. Ortiz, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Kyle R. Thompson, Joel N. Ullom, Leila Vale, Michael R Vissers, Christopher Walker, Joel C. Weber, Abigail L Wessels, Jason W. Wheeler, and Daniel S. Swetz. “Nanoscale X-ray Tomography of Integrated Circuits using Transition-Edge Sensors” in Low Temperature Detectors (LTD20), Daejeon, South Korea, 23-28 July 2023. Oral presentation.

Patrick S. Finnegan, Christian L. Arrington, Jonathon J. Coleman, R. Derek West, Jessica M. Duree, and Amber L. Dagel. ”The keys to extending anisotropic KOH silicon etching to higher aspect ratio features” in Low-Dimensional Materials and Devices 2023 at SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, 20-24 August 2023. Invited talk.

Homes, Sue, “Lighting up the study of low density materials,” Sandia National Laboratories, 17 July 2017. Press Release.



US Provisional patent application No. 63/298,438 GRATING FABRICATION WITH 3D-PRINTED MOLDS. Filed 11 January 2022. (Pending)

US Non-provisional patent application No. 18/124,092 SPECKLE-BASED IMAGING DIFFUSER AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLABLY FABRICATING SAME. Filed 21 March 2023. (Pending)

US Non-provisional patent application No. 18/226,510 MULTI-METAL PATTERNED ANODE FOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY X-RAY SYSTEMS.” Filed 26 July 2023. (Pending)


Dennis Lee, Amber L. Dagel, Ryan Goodner, Edward Jimenez, and R. Derek West. Copyright granted 2021 Aug 4. SCR#:2687.0 ”AirNet-SNL:End-to-End Training of Iterative Reconstruction and Deep Neural Network Regularization for Sparse- Data XPCI CT v.1.0”

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