Media are welcome to download and use these 300-dpi images and their related year 2001 news releases (please credit photographer or Sandia National Laboratories). To view and download a full-sized image, click on the thumbnail. To view the complete news release, photo, and caption and then download the image, click on the text below the thumbnail. New photos are added to this page every few weeks as new Sandia news releases are issued. If you need assistance, contact Randy Montoya at (505) 844-5605; or Kay Rivers, at (505) 845-9878.
2001 |
Sandia-developed Sandia modelers 2D nanopatterns imaged help micromachine designerssucceed in economic jungle. 10.17.01
2000 Sandia Science photo gallery
Footage of 1988 rocket-sled test.
The purpose of the test was to determine the impact force, versus time, due to the impact, of a complete F-4 Phantom -- including both engines -- onto a massive, essentially rigid reinforced concrete target (3.66 meters thick). Previous tests used F-4 engines at similar speeds. The test was not intended to demonstrate the performance (survivability) of any particular type of concrete structure to aircraft impact. The impact occurred at the nominal velocity of 215 meters per second (about 480 mph). The mass of the jet fuel was simulated by water; the effects of fire following such a collision was not a part of the test. The test established that the major impact force was from the engines. The test was performed by Sandia National Laboratories under terms of a contract with the Muto Institute of Structural Mechanics, Inc., of Tokyo. To view and download footage or still photos, click on the links or the images below.
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require 5 minutes or more to download via modem. If you need assistance, contact
Candis Hoffman-Bomse
at (505) 845-8604.
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major research and development responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.
Media contact:
Larry Perrine, (505) 845-8511