Working at the LVOC
Uniquely situated at the intersection of the two laboratories, the campus expands the technology footprint in the Bay Area and further establishes the Livermore Valley as the high-tech anchor in the East Bay.
Collaborative R&D space
The LVOC is a dynamic, modern, and exciting place to work for scientists and engineers. The campus is modeled after research parks at other major industrial centers and laboratories. As it continues to grow, the LVOC will follow a master development plan created with help from the renowned architecture firm, Flad Architects.
New and planned facilities at the LVOC build upon the world-leading successes of laboratory facilities such as the Combustion Research Facility (CRF), the National Ignition Facility (NIF), and long-standing leadership in state-of-the art computing systems.
Transportation Energy Center
The Transportation Energy Center, anchored in new and existing facilities at Sandia's CRF, leverages California's political climate and the state's leadership in energy issues and technologies, as well as the rich, multicultural environment offered by local universities, national laboratories, high-tech industries, and connections with Pacific Rim countries.
The CRF is the Department of Energy's premier center for combustion sciences and technology, with over three decades of collaborative successes. The outstanding success of past CRF partnerships forms the basis for LVOC partnerships in all research areas; this success lends itself especially well to the Transportation Energy Center, which offers joint laboratory, office, and computational facilities to support collaboration.
High Performance Computing Innovation Center
Anchored by a history of leadership in computing, Lawrence Livermore has led development of the new High Performance Computing Innovation Center. In an unclassified, highly accessible setting, LVOC partners have access to some of the world's most powerful supercomputers, parallel file systems, and visualization resources. As it expands, this collaboration facility will also include space to host computing-focused conferences and workshops.
International High Energy Density Science and Inertial Fusion Energy Center
A planned facility at the LVOC, the International High Energy Density Science and Inertial Fusion Energy Center, is anchored in Lawrence Livermore's premier facility, NIF. The Center will house a mix of world-class national laboratory employees, students, postdoctoral researchers, industrial R&D staff, and visiting scientists in offices and laboratories.
The Center will also sponsor workshops and conferences to foster connections between the national security, energy, and fundamental science communities.
Partner with us
DOE national labs constitute the most comprehensive R&D system in the world. Contact us to discuss more opportunities at the LVOC.