Visiting Sandia/New Mexico

Visitors to Sandia’s Albuquerque, New Mexico, site must have a valid business purpose, and must make arrangements with a sponsoring Sandia employee, prior to the visit. Your Sandia host will work with you to obtain the proper badging, and will inform you of the requirements for your visit.

Sandia is a smoke-free and drug-free workplace. Smoking is prohibited on all Sandia-managed property, inside and outside of buildings.


Sandia/New Mexico is primarily located on Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) in southeastern Albuquerque. The Sandia Badge Office is located just east of the KAFB Eubank Gate at the Innovation Parkway Office Center (IPOC), 1611 Innovation Parkway SE.

The Badge Office customer service hours are now Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. MT. However, the office sometimes closes for meetings or special events. Visitors are advised to call the Security hotline at 505-845-1321 to verify that the office is open before planning a visit.


Go to Sandia/New Mexico Map

Mail and delivery addresses

Postal deliveries
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-(mail stop)*

Non-mail deliveries
1515 Eubank SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123

  • Access to Sandia-controlled premises and Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) are separate concerns. Your Sandia host is primarily responsible for ensuring that your visit is requested and approved in accordance with Sandia policy and that unescorted access to KAFB, if also required, is properly coordinated prior to your visit.

  • With the exception of a few public areas, a DOE security badge (i.e., DOE HSPD-12 credential or Sandia-issued Local Site Specific Only badge) is required for access to all Sandia-controlled premises. Your host will initiate a visit request, and your Sandia visitor badge will be authorized upon approval of the visit.

    You will be required to provide proof of identity when you pick up your badge. Driver’s licenses or state-issued ID cards used for this purpose must be from a state or territory compliant with the Real ID Act of 2005. If your state-issued ID is not compliant, you must submit an alternate REAL ID-compliant photo ID, or submit your non-compliant state-issued ID and one of the following:

    1. U.S. Social Security Card (must not be laminated)
    2. Original or certified copy of birth certificate bearing an official seal issued by a state, county, municipal authority, possession, or outlying possession of the U.S.
    3. Certification of birth abroad or Certification of Report of Birth issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545 or Form DS-1350)
    4. Voter registration card
    5. U.S. Citizen ID Card (Form I-197)
    6. Native American Tribal document

    Your visitor badge must be returned to your host or to the Badge Office at the end of your visit.

  • Access to KAFB requires compliance with specific DoD requirements. You must present one of the following identification documents for unescorted* access:

    • Federal Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card (e.g., DOE HSPD-12 credential)
    • Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) card/pass**
    • DoD Common Access Card (CAC) – all versions
    • DoD Military Identification Card
    • DoD Guard and Reserve Dependent Identification Card
    • DoD Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card
    • Department of the Army Civilian Identification Card
    • Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC)

    *If your host or other authorized party escorts you onto KAFB, no special ID is required for base access; however, you must have a valid photo ID (e.g., driver’s license) with you at all times while on base.

    **A DBIDS pass is the most common option for unescorted visitors not otherwise in possession of another acceptable ID. Your Sandia host will sponsor you for access and directions to a DBIDS office to obtain the pass.

    Prospective visitors or Sandia hosts who have questions about the Sandia visits process may contact the Badge Office at (505) 284-3626.

  • Refer to the KAFB website for current information regarding ID required for entry, and gate hours and locations.

  • Commercial delivery or pickup is defined as bringing materials, equipment, and/or supplies onto KAFB or taking them off base.

    Deliveries/pickups should be made through the Sandia Contractor Gate (south of the Eubank Gate) between 6:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Subcontractors, vendors, and delivery or commercial vehicles with either two (2) tons of gross weight (panel van/bread truck or larger) or more than two (2) rear axles, whose ultimate destination is Sandia National Laboratories /New Mexico are required to use this gate during the operational hours.

    For Sandia/NM deliveries outside of the operational hours, drivers should use the KAFB Truman gate.

    All delivery drivers must provide federal- or state-issued photo identification, proof of registration and insurance, and a bill of lading. If you are making a delivery, a Sandia host must schedule gate access in advance and escort you the entire time you are on base.

  • Portable electronic devices (PEDs) and their features are subject to various controls at Sandia. This applies to both personally-owned and government-owned PEDs, although the controls differ for each type.

    Below is a list of commonly used PEDS. It is not intended to be comprehensive:

    • Cellular telephones
    • Computers or associated media/peripherals
    • Electronics equipped with data exchange ports used to connect to automated information system equipment
    • Radio-frequency-transmitting or receiving equipment such as two-way pagers or two-way vehicle remotes
    • Wi-Fi- and Bluetooth-enabled devices (AirTags, Tile trackers, tools, shoes, water bottles, augmented reality glasses, etc.)
    • Recording devices (audio, video, optical and data)
    • Heart rate monitors, activity trackers, smart watches
    • Laptops, tablets
    • eReaders, gaming systems
    • Flash memory devices, portable hard drives, thumb drives, etc.

    Medically necessary devices are treated differently from other PEDs. Check with your Sandia host or escort if you have any questions, and before bringing any controlled articles onto Sandia-managed property.

  • The following prohibited articles are not permitted into any Sandia-controlled premises or parking lot without prior authorization:

    • Explosives
    • Firearms
    • Weapon/hunting/fixed blade type knives, or any folding knife with a blade length longer than 2.49 inches
    • Dangerous weapons, personal chemical protection spray (pepper spray)
    • Instruments or material likely to produce substantial injury to persons or damage to persons or property
    • Hazardous radiological, chemical, or biological materials
      • Radiological substances or chemicals in a form or quantity that would create an event or release a footprint greater than 30m (Note: This does not include radiological sources monitored or controlled under the Material Control and Accountability Program)
      • Safety Level 3 and 4 biological materials (Note: BioSafety [BSL] 3 and 4 materials are not approved on the Sandia Authorization Basis)
    • Any other item prohibited by law (e.g., illegal drugs and paraphernalia)
  • For information on nearby hotels and other information about visiting Albuquerque, visit the Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau. Lodging is also available on base to eligible travelers, including retired military personnel. See the Kirtland Inn Lodging Information website for more information.