Collaboration in Research Engineering and Advanced Technology and Education (CREATE)
A multi‐program, mixed‐use facility, Collaboration in Research Engineering and Advanced Technology and Education (CREATE) will stand as a new intellectual and collaborative center for Sandia that will deliver on the core value proposition of LVOC: leveraging the broader ST&E community to enhance laboratory national security programs. CREATE will house new and expanded programs in areas—such as hydrogen science and technology for energy applications, cybersecurity, advanced engineering and manufacturing, and translational biomedicine—that allow mutually beneficial connections between national security mission Science, Technology and Engineering (ST&E) and external partners.
CREATE will feature the types of innovative work environments found in models around the nation that proactively drive interactions between researchers. This dynamic work venue, coupled with the potential to work on intriguing, high‐impact ST&E projects, promises to help retain employees and create a pipeline of new employees for the national security labs—thus helping to address the increasing challenge of attracting the best and the brightest to NNSA’s national labs.