Grid modernization
Sandia is leading the Security and Resilience area of DOE’s Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium and bringing its strong research capability in grid modernization to help the nation modernize its power grid.
New Mexico Middle School Science Bowl
More than 100 middle school students from schools across the state competed in Science Bowl on Jan. 23.
A mighty wind
A new design for gigantic blades longer than two football fields could help bring offshore 50-megawatt (MW) wind turbines to the United States and the world.
When lightning strikes
Sandia researchers break down lightning strikes into microseconds
A driving force
Sandia spent roughly $983 million on goods and services in fiscal year 2015, up nearly $21 million from the previous year, and New Mexico businesses received more than $381 million, or 39 percent of the total, according to the Labs’ latest economic impact report.
Headlights of a laboratory
Laboratory Directed Research & Development (LDRD) was established in 1990 by Congress to let scientists at national laboratories do creative, innovative, independent research.
ANGLEing toward success
Advancing the Next Generation of Leadership Excellence (ANGLE), a Sandia affinity group, is here to help employees — new and established — connect and excel. ANGLE began in 2007 as the Sandia chapter of North American Young Generation in Nuclear, but has grown from a nuclear engineering-focused early career group to one that serves all Sandians.
CSI: Dognapping
CSI: Dognapping program honored for science outreach
Postdoc showcase
Sandia's annual postdoc showcase highlights work of next-generation researchers
Jeff Brinker elected a Fellow of National Academy of Inventors
Jeff Brinker elected a Fellow of National Academy of Inventors