Sandia LabNews

A mighty wind

A new design for gigantic blades longer than two football fields could help bring offshore 50-megawatt (MW) wind turbines to the United States and the world.

A driving force

Sandia spent roughly $983 million on goods and services in fiscal year 2015, up nearly $21 million from the previous year, and New Mexico businesses received more than $381 million, or 39 percent of the total, according to the Labs’ latest economic impact report.

ANGLEing toward success

Advancing the Next Generation of Leadership Excellence (ANGLE), a Sandia affinity group, is here to help employees — new and established — connect and excel. ANGLE began in 2007 as the Sandia chapter of North American Young Generation in Nuclear, but has grown from a nuclear engineering-focused early career group to one that serves all Sandians.