B61-12 system production ends, sustainment begins
Sandia and the nuclear security enterprise completed the last production unit of the B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb, a significant milestone for the nation’s nuclear deterrence program.
Sandia and the nuclear security enterprise completed the last production unit of the B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb, a significant milestone for the nation’s nuclear deterrence program.
Sandia made its biggest financial impact ever in 2024, contributing billions to the economy in salaries, contracts with small businesses and more.
The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies teaming up with other DOE centers to make computer chips more energy efficient.
Vanishing atoms can ruin quantum calculations. Scientists have a new plan to locate leaks.
Sandia hosts Air Force Capt. Joshua Widick for Education with Industry fellowship.
In 2020, when Rahni Kellum noticed a gap within Sandia’s Academic Alliance Program, she did a lot more than speak up.
Not since the early 1990s, when the World Wide Web was introduced, has Sandia seen as many new Cooperative Research and Development Agreements as it did in fiscal year 2024.
The Weapons Evaluation Test Laboratory celebrates completion of a new centrifuge. The addition will enable the lab to perform more nonnuclear testing of weapons systems in the U.S. nuclear arsenal in a shorter timeframe.
Experimental navigation technology, developed in partnership between Sandia and Ohio State, could keep an airplane on course when GPS is unreliable.
In support of two NASA missions, Sandia’s solar tower harnessed the power of the sun to expose aerospace materials to intense heat, replicating the harsh conditions of faster-than-sound flight and atmospheric reentry.