Remembering Paul Cooper
Paul Cooper, one of the world’s foremost explosives experts, passed away recently at the age of 83. Paul retired from Sandia in 2012, but his explosives research, seminal textbook and mentorship of future scientists lives on at the Labs and in other organizations internationally.
Chuck Loeber’s legacy
Chuck Loeber spent 50 years working in the nuclear weapons complex, with the last 20 as an employee and consultant at Sandia. He helped stand up neutron generator manufacturing in the 1990s and oriented a generation of new hires to Sandia and its responsibilities, teaching the popular History of the Nuclear Weapons Complex courses at the Labs and writing a well-known book on the subject. He died on May 10.
Irwin Welber, Sandia’s 9th president, passes away at 92
Irwin Welber, Sandia’s 9th president, passes away at 92