NNSA leader Jill Hruby visits Sandia
Jill Hruby met with Labs Director James Peery and other leadership during her visit to Sandia on Oct. 7.
With redesigned ‘brains,’ W88 nuclear warhead reaches milestone
Sandia and its nuclear security enterprise partners redesigned the W88 Alt 370 arming, fuzing and firing assembly to improve radar, communication, guidance and other key safety and security components.
New weapons testing produces richer data, saves cost
New weapons testing produces richer data, saves cost
Sandia names new leader of nuclear deterrence program
Sandia has named a new deputy labs director to lead its nuclear deterrence programs as part of a reorganization that supports the Labs’ continued excellence in assuring the safety, security and reliability of the nation’s nuclear arsenal.
A lifetime of service
Weaponeer Dan Summers has retired after 36 years at Sandia and more than 53 years in the nuclear weapons complex. His career has spanned much of the R&D and stockpile modernization and surveillance activities of the nation’s NW programs.
State of the Labs 2020
Labs Director James Peery looks back at the accomplishments of Sandia’s workforce over the past year in the annual State of the Labs address.
Nuclear waste storage canisters put to the test
Sandia is outfitting three stainless-steel storage canisters with heaters and instrumentation to simulate nuclear waste so researchers can study their durability. Researchers plan to study how much salt gathers on the canisters over time.
Sandia hosts Education With Industry officer
With the resiliency and determination that earned her the U.S. Air Force call sign “Fenix,” Capt. Justine Wolff is using her position as an Education With Industry student at Sandia to better herself and the Air Force.
Flight tests to show B61-12 compatibility with new USAF fighter jet
A mock B61-12’s strike in the dusty Nevada desert successfully completed the first in a series of flight tests with the U.S. Air Force’s newest fighter jet, demonstrating the bomb’s first release from an internal bomb bay at greater than the speed of sound.
Advancing nuclear security education
Sandia and the University of New Mexico are teaming up to create a new approach to teaching nuclear security. Their goal: create a one-of-a-kind, graduate-level program that focuses on technical skills in education, research and professional development.