Sandia teams receive DOE’s highest awards
Secretary of Energy Honor Awards announced
Small IT business wins Sandia’s largest single subcontract
Small IT business wins Sandia’s largest single subcontract
Renewed base support agreement sharpens Sandia’s emergency management focus
As part of some changes to Sandia’s emergency management program this year, a new agreement has been signed with Kirtland Air Force Base. The agreement shifts key emergency response capabilities, like incident command, hazardous materials, technical rescue and others, to Kirtland Fire Emergency Services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Women @ Energy features Brooke Marshall Garcia
Sandia civil engineer Brooke Marshall Garcia has been recognized by DOE’s Women @ Energy: STEM Rising website, which honors women in STEM fields throughout the DOE complex. During her time at Sandia, Brooke has been involved in research, including grid resiliency, neutron generator production, mechanical processes and supply chain development.
Turning up the heat on molten salt valves
Sandia is partnering with Flowserve Corp. and Kairos Power LLC on a $2.5 million, three-year DOE Advanced Valve Project grant to lower the cost and boost the efficiency of concentrating solar power in the U.S.
PNM, Sandia partner on energy tech development
Sandia and New Mexico’s largest electricity provider, PNM, have teamed up to bring energy resilience, security and stability to the state and country. They have signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement to collaborate in numerous fields, with Sandia's work funded by the DOE Office of Electricity's Energy Storage Program.
Road construction finishes early
Construction of the road project on Kirtland Air Force Base, west of the Eubank gate entrance, began Oct. 1, 2019, and was expected to take 12 months. But thanks to reduced traffic due to the pandemic, the project was finished two months early and under budget.
Confronting COVID-19 and getting back to work — together
The novel approach of Integrated Service Delivery being practiced in several centers within Sandia’s Integrated Security Solutions Division was tested to its utmost this year, as departments had to suddenly figure out how to accommodate a remote workforce and then just as suddenly overcome dozens of challenges to bring people back to work safely on site.
California site expands footprint
To accommodate Sandia's significant increase in hiring to meet mission needs coupled with the need to ensure workforce safety amid the pandemic, leaders at the Livermore site are taking a multipronged approach, including continued telecommuting, creating flexible “kiosk hubs,” constructing new facilities and temporarily leasing office space near the campus.
A year of change
Lab News sat down for a conversation with Associate Labs Director Andy McIlroy, head of the Integrated Security Solutions Division, as he starts his second year in that role following a year permanently marked by a new reality for Sandia and the nation.